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Everything posted by diomedea

  1. Version 0.9.14 seem to be working really fine. Good job! However, I may have found a minor issue with the GUI: the skin for the various panels can be configured only while the HUD is open; when the HUD is closed, any skin for open panels gets reverted to "MainMenuskin". As if the skin was a property associated to the HUD, instead of global to VOID. Waiting for a next version with the fully-configurable window...
  2. White Mosquito (II). Scaricato e provato. Eccellente velivolo, decolla con minimo sforzo e sale "a razzo". Ha talmente tanta spinta da poter salire in verticale, ma ovviamente non è il profilo corretto; è robusto e resiste a forti sollecitazioni aerodinamiche (fatta qualche acrobazia a bassa quota). Forse anche troppo sensibile ai comandi, le superfici di controllo sono molto sviluppate e la risposta è pronta e repentina. Eppure assolutamente stabile in volo rettilineo in qualunque assetto, segno di un perfetto bilanciamento peso/spinta/portanza. Il carburante disponibile permette agevolmente l'immissione in orbita e ce n'è d'avanzo. Forse anche troppo: si raggiunge la quota limite per l'impiego del turbo-jet con ancora circa il 75% del serbatoio pieno (ed a quel punto è tutto peso il più). Io uso il mod FAR, quindi la mia aerodinamica è un pò diversa da quella di base di KSP, ma il White Mosquito mi ha fatto tranquillamente 120 Km al perikerb, salendo quindi fino a 170 all'apokerb. Date le ali di grandi dimensioni mi aspettavo qualche difficoltànel rientro. L'impatto con l'atmosfera ha reso difficoltoso il mantenimento dell'assetto, tuttavia il velivolo è rimasto integro nonostante il forte attrito (uso il mod Deadly ReEntry settato per la massima difficoltà), segno di indubbia solidità. Una volta ridotta la velocitàriprende facilmente il controllo, e può scendere anche senza motore in profilo di planata rallentando naturalmente a 60-70 m/s, potendo quindi facilmente atterrare. Va posta attenzione durante il volo atmosferico a mantenere basso l'angolo di attacco, in particolare a velocitàsostenute: l'elevata portanza diventerebbe un fattore di instabilità, potendo facilmente far ribaltare il velivolo.
  3. @ TaranisElsu: thanks. Could not find duplicates as in (1) or (2). Below is my "output_log.txt": https://www.dropbox.com/s/frjhth6959n545r/output_log.txt The double description appears in all manned command pods, but the PPD-12 cupola (just one as should be). No manned command pod from other mods. About the list of mods (in no particular order): - Mechjeb - VOID - KER - FAR - Kethane - L Tech - Editor Extensions - Achievements - KSPX - Boat Parts (R3-R4) - Texture Compressor - TC systems - Actions on the fly 1.1.1. - Deadly Reentry v4 - MultipleSaves - SteamGauges - PreciseNode - Kerbal Alarm Clock - Procedural Fairings - Procedural Wings - Radial Experiment Storage Container - Science Defs - Kerbal Dust Experiment - Hull Camera VDS - Haystack - ISA MapSat - SCANSAT - TAC Life Support (of course) - KSP Interstellar - KSP Story Missions - RT2 - Protractor - Enhanced Navball - Docking Navball - Mk2 cockpit internals - KAS - LaunchCountDown - Kerbin Town - Kerbin City - Chatterer
  4. At last someone who took the task for this absolutely needed plugin. Hope it will be a resounding success and set a standard for every mod. If I may add some to your list of mods using buttons or tabs: - VOID (VAB/SPH and Flight, button) - ISA MapSat (Flight, button) - SCANSAT (Flight, large button) - Haystack (Flight, tab) - Chatterer (Flight, button) - MultipleSaves (Flight, rectangular button) Please, allow the user to decide where to place the stack of buttons, to configure the relative position of each button/tab, to close or put the stack out of view.
  5. diomedea


    Hi, welcome. My pleasure to see another with some Orbiter experience. If you like the demo, you absolutely can't miss the whole game: it is 100 times better, and here is full of interesting mods that add even a lot more. And we are only at version 0.22 (incomplete), we don't really know how much more we will get with future releases that continue to come. Good community of developers and users, too. Career mode is only at the beginning, but is a whole different way to play, I like that a lot.
  6. Pardon, but having two such structures within the same system is impossible according to the theories by Kerman Hawking. Their energy would simply annihilate them both, as the gravitational fields from two gates active at the same time would be tangled together and oscillate in an uncontrollable way. On a more mundane level, why should I have fun doing things in KSP without the very reason to play KSP, or to astronavigate realistically within a star system? But to each his way to like it.
  7. For some reason, in VAB/SPH the description text associated with every manned command module includes twice this text: "Equipped with the Thunder Aerospace Corporation (TAC) Life Support System". No apparent duplication of LS goods values. Would like to know where/how to amend the above text.
  8. IMHO, the concept is neither related to FTL nor to teleportation. Both those modes of travel break the laws within the Kerbol system, Keinstein general relativity and so... therefore is clear that those are forbidden. And probably the above would imbalance KSP as a game, and even make it crash if some values go out of bounds. But stargating is actually a way to move "out" of the Kerbol system; the same would happen if Kermen discovered a stable wormhole close enough to be used. Certainly something related to the existence of other star systems in KSP universe, so to make possible to arrive there. Would be a more interesting way to use those different star systems being developed, than to simply load them in KSP to replace Kerbol data.
  9. Ciao Ste, benvenuto. Io sto ancora imparando con KSP, ma l'astronautica è anche la mia passione: se può servirti un aiuto...
  10. Excellent concept your EVA pack. I hope you will be able to include some communications capability. It is not even imaginable for me that an astronaut goes outside without reliable comms established with his mothership, IRL. I see from this thread somebody was bothered about comms being OP, I believe this is absolutely needed. I use RT2 mod, therefore realistic comms: my kerbonauts are isolated just as they start EVA, can't be less realistic that that (with RT2 each antenna has a specific range: I believe 5 Km would be just good with a portable radio set). Heck, I can do better with a couple of walkie-talkies: how can it be nothing so simple is available for a critical part of a space mission?
  11. Thanks, understood. @ Cilph: may I propose to consider adding some comms capability to Kerbals? Just some 5 Km in range, omni. No part and no tech required, just an added capability: should be basic stuff with any space suit. That way Jeb will be able to send his report while outside.
  12. Anybody knows how to establish comms between mothership and single kerbonauts on EVA or walking on a planet? The moment they leave the command module, they can't talk.
  13. Please note all the above is perfectly valid with the assumption that no gravitational fields from other bodies (else than the one your ship is orbiting around) exist. This is exactly what KSP does, and the formulas provided before are perfectly good to obtain orbital elements with such assumption. Generally speaking, this is the 2-body problem (the two bodies actually orbiting around their common center of mass, without perturbation from other bodies), that allows for a perfect numerical solution. However IRL that is often seen as a gross approximation. Calculation of true orbital parameters is one peculiar aspect of the n-body problem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-body_problem), and there is no simple mathematical way to solve it (this is a NP-complete complexity class problem in computational theory). There is no easy, elegant formula able to predict position of a body in a n-body system; instead, solution to the n-body problem can be obtained by integration of the polinomial equations of motion over time, as it is a convergent series. In case anybody is interested, I can provide a document describing interpolation formulas used to predict orbital movements in a n-body system, used in another space simulator.
  14. Really interesting concept, a mod that I will certainly use. Understand that it will be possible to have a queue of rockets/planes under construction at the same time. Will it be possible to store the finished ones for when a launch opportunity arises (launch window...)? Would really like if it was possible to provide build times for other mods to show. Having them displayed with Kerbal Alarm Clock (just to name one) would certainly help.
  15. Well, I had Deadly Reentry v.3 before, my current custom.cfg comes from that (temp exponent modded as per instructions). No RSS. Only did one reentry since updating, didn't notice anything wrong. Though, I had the problem of burning at launch with the first version of DRE v.4, later solved.
  16. I feel a bit confused. Going by the instructions from the first post, weren't we supposed to keep the custom.cfg from a previous install? Really we should instead delete custom.cfg altogether?
  17. No, actually your choice makes sense. I would have done the same. Analog instruments readily available at start (comparable with 1960 technology on Earth), digital instruments later, then HUD-related technology. However, I went to check here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head-up_display) and was shocked myself to read that the first HUD was used in 1958. And yes, if it was a part to be researched along the tree, it would have been more evident.
  18. Saluti a tutti! Ho KSP da meno di un mese, ma mi ha subito conquistato non appena ho provato la demo. Da quando l'ho acquistato, non ho più aperto nessun altro gioco. Provengo da anni di esperienza con altri programmi, in particolare mi sono fatto le ossa nella navigazione spaziale con Orbiter fin dal 2002. Ed anni con vari simulatori di volo. Sono appassionato di astronomia ed astrofisica, sconfinando un pò nella fisica quantistica, cosmologia ed altre discipline affini. Tutto quanto riguarda navigazione ed esplorazione nello spazio mi ha sempre appassionato, reale o fantascientifico. La mia passione nasce da quando ho imparato tutto quanto era necessario sapere per poter fare il "punto" con le stelle. KSP, sebbene abbia evidenti limiti, lo trovo molto piacevole, sia per il tono semiserio che per la sfida nel cercare di risolvere i problemi (si tratti di costruire un razzo che non esploda subito, di pianificare una missione in mezzo a mille difficoltà, di realizzare una successione di manovre che ti porti esattamente sull'orbita o sulla posizione voluta). Infine, scusate per il ritardo. Sono giàsul forum da diversi giorni, ma ancora non avevo notato la presenza di questa sezione. Io in genere seguo lo sviluppo degli add-on, ed in minor misura la sezione "sviluppo e supporto". Ho qualche dimestichezza con la programmazione e non mi dispiacerebbe capire il funzionamento di certi aspetti di KSP, poi magari potrebbe venirmi voglia di realizzare qualcosa. Cercherò di venirvi a trovare di tanto in tanto!
  19. Well, thanks for your time and availability. I hope to see your new "alternate resource panel" soon, if that comes out as good as KAC is, it will definitely become a "must have". Can understand your choice over some other mods. Feelings sometime make things for the worse.
  20. Agreed. My interest for now is in making missions for myself, with the mods I like. Will of course test myself each mission and see to have them balanced in playability, required techs and budget. If I ever get good enough at scripting missions, I may prepare some mission packs to publish with your mod's page.
  21. On ISA and POLAR MAPS not working. To anybody who may find this useful: as another user who has experienced this problem (where ISA and POLAR maps are changed into a low definition blob, never getting updated anymore), I have tried what could be the cause of the issue starting with a clean install and a single MAP Satellite in orbit. A number of tests were conducted to find possible interference with other mods (I use to play with 40 mods installed), but none was found to have any effect. Instead, the problem immediately arises when the game is changed, it seems something gets corrupted with a different save (e.g. other than persistent.sfs or quicksave.sfs) not being recognized. To revert the situation, the best way out is to delete the files "*_ISA_topo.png" and "*_Polar_topo.png" (those files will have shrunk to less than 1 KB when the problem occurred) and let the ISA MapSat plugin regenerate them from scratch at the next restart (takes some time with the game unresponsive). I observe that ISA Mapsat is (probably) the only mod to maintain data (the maps: *.png and *.csv) from a game within its own folder, instead of in the game folder (under GameData/saves), however there is no link with the save that originated the maps, and therefore it is susceptible to issues if data don't match.
  22. I feel myself an idiot. One full day lost trying to find why my HUD wasn't showing anymore...and the answer is just before my eyes...
  23. Sorry if I get back on the above. I have no idea what "another small thing" you working on. But for all purposes related to burn time (unless I miss something), we only need to know TWR and mass, or the acceleration (from the previous two). Unless you want a finer degree of precision and also account for variable acceleration over time (due to diminishing mass, therefore need to know the rate of fuel consumption from the active tanks), all you need is actually calculated and displayed from tools like MechJeb, VOID or KER. My question here is: wouldn't be possible to interface KAC with one or more of the above tools, so to extract acceleration from them and use that value to get burn time? Of course, checking the presence of one of those tools before, so this "added" precision benefit comes with the instalment of them?
  24. Any chance to see CCP available for other OS's beyond iOS (Apple)? What about Windows 8.1, Firefox, Ubuntu (beyond Android, of course, as I get that will be covered someday). Any chance to get a sort of "special price" similar to the one advertised above for these OS's as well?
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