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Everything posted by ExEvolution

  1. from 30-50 fps down to 10 or less It is very significant. Mission Elapsed Time turns yellow because of it, returns to green when the app is open
  2. I'm also getting FPS drops when using this mod, the FPS drops go away when the Wider contract app is open, but then it begins leaking memory
  3. This is due to an incompatible mod, most likely one built on an older version of KSP. I had this problem when I installed an old version of a mod by mistake and it corrected itself when I installed the latest version
  4. Yeah so basically the game is running slowly in just about every situation, but as soon as I open the contracts window or the engineering report in the VAB, it jumps up to around 30-50, up from around 10 Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? It is a modded install of course When I have the contracts window open, the MET is green, but when I close it, it turns back to yellow, showing that physics is lagging behind This is Windows 32 bit on Windows 8.1 x64
  5. I don't know what happened, I thought it was KW rocketry because I installed it at the same time as the DRE update, which was working fine on the previous version, but the latest DRE update completely killed my FPS. Game runs around 1-2 FPS with it installed now. I was forced to remove it
  6. Installed and my performance has just tanked. Literally getting 1fps since installing KW rocketry Granted the performance wasn't stellar because I'm using lots of mods, but it was playable. I first did the Deadly Reentry patch to make it work, but it runs too slow to play
  7. Ok so now my AV-R8 winglets aren't working at all with FAR installed. They don't activate when I pitch the vehicle, removing FAR restored them
  8. Just an FYI guys, if anyone else was using the Dynamic Deflections mod, and they started crashing after installing FAR, they're not compatible with eachother, removing Dynamic Deflections makes FAR work again. Here's the output log from a crash if interested at all https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ag7o0NLWZoV0Q3MnUxMU5tRWM/view?usp=sharing
  9. Thanks for the update, can I request a small feature in the next version? A default channel to join after connecting to the server
  10. A hydroponics growroom would be a great addition to this mod IMO. I'm thinking its a heavy, manned (1 or 2 kerbals) part similar to the hitchhiker part but much larger and fit for space stations with extended stay in space. I think it should have a period of say... 90 or 120 days of the module being manned and fully resourced before it starts producing food, so you would be required to add supplies to use during the startup period. Then it would consume CO2, waste, waste water, and electrical charge after being processed into plant nutrients, and produce Food, Purified Water, and Oxygen. A futuristic grow lab in space to add life for extended missions where just tanks won't do, and much more interesting than an air scrubbers for CO2 processing, and a use for waste rather than having to send missions with tanks to exchange supplies all the time. Entering the atmosphere could also reset production. It also makes me think about slow Kethane production, which would of course permanently consume the resources if you burn the fuel, requiring resupply
  11. Channel name should be all lower case, twitch IRC does not play nicely when you include capital letters
  12. This looks incredible and should be part of the stock game. Will download tonight
  13. An option for it would be great Also I don't know if you're going to fix it already, but the resize image for the cursor doesn't display properly.
  14. The DT Vista Inertial Fusion Engine doesn't generate heat while on the map screen, but will cool down instead
  15. Doesn't fix it, tried this about 20 times as well as completely exiting the game In fact, the only thing that allowed me to get a connection was editing the config to boost the range multiplier by 10000, but then the omni just directly connected to kerbin instead of relaying off the satellite first like it was supposed to
  16. Yeah the satellite has 2 gigantor xl solar arrays, the dishes and omnis are active (says so on the label), open, and fully powered. The omni is also open, active, and fully powered on the lander, which is powered by 4 of the smaller 2x3 panels I've also tried toggling and repointing all antenna at the intended targets This is the exact same problem I'm having except I'm using the more powerful Communotron 32. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that we deployed the satellite from the same vessel as the lander. Maybe stemming from the code that prevents a vessel from connecting to itself?
  17. My Eve lander won't connect to the satellite I left in orbit above it. The Satellite has a Communotron 32 and 2 Communotron 88-88 dishes, one pointed at Kerbin, and one pointed at the lander, and the lander has a Communotron 32. Even when the satellite is only 100km overhead, it has no connection to Kerbin, but the satellite has no problem connecting to Kerbin.
  18. Does the science lab require someone piloting the ship in order to work?
  19. I came out of a time warp to prepare for my burn, things exploded
  20. Well my mission already got screwed because the reactor shutdown and I don't have any kerbals on the ship to fix it
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