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Everything posted by Flowz0r

  1. You know what would go amazing with this? Proper multi-monitor support. So you could have the regular view on the portrait mode screen, and the map view on another, regular monitor at the same time.
  2. I'd have to do some testing, but I'm fairly sure it happens in any case. I only noticed when I accidentally trashed the wrong science report in solar orbit after my minmus flyby and ended up making two reports with both goo pods in solar orbit and got the same initial amount for both.
  3. It appears you can currently take 10 of every science generating part into solar orbit, let them all do their thing and get the initial very high science amount for every single part at once if you return to kerbin. Not sure if that's intended or not, but it seems like an easily exploited bug.
  4. I'd like to take this chance to thank everyone involved in relaying all this new information from PAX to the rest of the community. Just thinking about the amount of work that must have gone into KSP related PAX coverage makes my head spin. Thank you very much, person at Squad who was in charge of making this small miracle become reality, I mean it.
  5. Something else that should be mentioned is that Steam lets you decide where to install your games now, so you can just tell steam to install it where ever you usually put your games.
  6. Considering that the KSP website is notoriously unstable every time there's an update, and you don't actually need steam for anything other than downloading the game and getting the latest update every other blue moon, I don't see why you wouldn't get it on steam.
  7. Who doesn't love a good docking?
  8. You don't need to run the steam version of KSP through steam. If you're THAT worried about it stealing your resources, you can just turn it off and run the game from the install directly, only using steam as an updater.
  9. I'm honestly just waiting for a fleshed out career mode. I've done pretty much everything in the book at this point, and having a hard time finding anything new and interesting to do. Getting to do everything again, with restrictions and definitive goals should be interesting.
  10. That should still work, are you sure you connected the two tanks directly? Could you post a picture of the rocket in question?
  11. Very intuitive, problem is that your example has nothing to do with the oberth effect.
  12. Come on guys, competition is always good, and it looks like they're actually trying to do things differently and not just copy KSP. Can't blame them for trying. I hope they actually get something decently playable out soon.
  13. Your thread title and poll question are a little confusing. Also, pretty sure this belongs in the off-topic section.
  14. I'd take people complaining about minor things over everyone praising every little decision as the greatest thing ever to happen to video games any day. I've watched too many potentially great indie games stagnate and die because their developers thought they could do no wrong based on community feedback. Is it warranted in this case? Probably not, and I don't see why anyone would think that .21 is not going to deliver exactly what was promised and possibly more, but it's better than the entire community ****ting their pants over getting 3 recolored blocks after a month of development.
  15. I've gotten more enjoyment and playtime out of the 15 bucks I spent on the game back in the day than from pretty much any AAA title I ever bought, so I definitely wouldn't be furious about it if it happened. I'm sure the modding community would keep it interesting for a very long time aswell. I would however be very disappointed since KSP has so much untapped potential still, and I would hate to see it dropped like that. I really don't want this to be another Minecraft, but from what I've seen in my years of supporting KSP and Squad, I'm very confident that this won't be the case.
  16. It's the magic torque you get from your probe body/command pod. The easiest way around this is switching to docking mode as Galacticruler said, but you can also rebind your rover controls to something other than WASD.
  17. I simply pointed out things that put me off gaming laptops that might also be important to the OP, calm down. Sure is post purchase rationalisation in here.
  18. But you agreed with me in every single point I brought up, the only difference being that you're fine with that while I'm not.
  19. Definitely working as intended. I can't quite recall if the game considers center of lift or mass for this, but control surfaces get inverted if they're behind either one of those. Your center of lift and mass both seem to be between your main wings and the tail wings. This is exactly how it's supposed to be, and you couldn't get planes to take off properly if it wasn't. As I explained earlier, the control surfaces on your primary wings point down to lift your nose up, while the ones on your tail point up to push your tail down, causing the entire plane to point upwards which allows your wings to lift you into the air.
  20. Still sounds exactly how it's supposed to be. You could upload your picture here http://imgur.com/ and post the URL.
  21. It's supposed to be like that, imagine the air streaming over and around your plane while looking at it from the side. The control surfaces in the front push your nose up, while the ones in the back push your tail down so the whole thing starts pointing up.
  22. Anything calling itself a "gaming laptop" is basically a scam. They are way too expensive for their specs, run way too hot for their own good while doing what they were supposedly designed for and have pitiful battery life when the GPU is in use. If you actually want to use one to play games, you'll pretty much HAVE to keep them plugged in at all times, which could be a turn-off for your mobile gaming needs. A decently priced netbook with a recent CPU and an ivy bridge onboard GPU should be more than enough to run KSP well enough.
  23. You're absolutely right. I was trying to say that the change is incredibly small and negligible while you're still traveling inside the atmosphere, which you would have to with a regular plane.
  24. That's not how gravity works, orbits work because you're going sideways faster than you're falling back to earth, not because there's less gravity further up in the atmosphere.
  25. You've just heard that the update isn't even in experimental testing yet, and you still think it's coming out in 3 days? You guys are just setting yourself up for disappointment.
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