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Hotblack Desiato

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Everything posted by Hotblack Desiato

  1. honestly, do you need a reward for having a space station? I know, I go with mods and use an orbital dockyard so I can launch ships from space (the station just needs to be supplied with metal and fuel). I think, if the stock game gets additional biomes on other planets, station could be more valueable because they can be equipped with one science lab and reset the various canisters again and again (think about one station in an orbit around bop or pol, and the small ships travel to various jool-moons and do science. there would be up to 40 biomes for the crew to explore).
  2. ice as a resource for KSPI and ore for EL, and I can colonize the whole kerbin-system (I know, I don't fully need those sources but... if I get them, why not).
  3. I suggested this a few days back for the modding-community, and I guess, it fits here best: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76084-final-step-to-off-kerbin-colonies basically, it would require one or two modules for breeding and educating new kerbals. this would be the last step towards a fully autarc working colony on another planet/moon/asteroid. I have yet no idea how breeding kerbals could work, as far as I know, they seem to be androgyne, but maybe they still require at least 2 kerbals to successfully breed. (and yes, I do like the idea of having a pregnant jeb... although they may lay eggs).
  4. are hitchhikers container a proper replacement for the workshop? because frankly, that is one blueish monstrosity that just does not fit with other elements of a spaceship.
  5. looks like a great mod. I always thought: why are rovers so pointless in this game. this mod clearly solves the problem of useless rovers. does it play nice with the custom biomes mod? because although I already unlocked virtually all techtree-nodes with mün and minmus, I still want to aquire more science points with useful systems. and this mod seems to add it. and the drill is a very good idea, because jeb can pick a sample from the surface, but this thing can grab a sample from a few meters below. this could also lead to nice robotic sample return missions. (land somewhere, drive around, drill at a science spot, send the sample to the sample return stage and launch it back to kerbin). another suggestion: how about long term seismic scans on science spots? earthquakes just don't happen in that short period of time when the scan is running.
  6. ah, nice, so visual enhancements do run on the server-instance. I just wonder, if it is possible to run 2 maps at the same time. (because sometimes an angle is just bad, or at planning an encounter, I need to see the point with my ship, and the target planet at the same time... 2 maps would be just very handy). regarding maneuvernodes: maybe team up with the guy from precise maneuvernodes, as he has a direct readout of the maneuvernode-values, and syncing that could be easier.
  7. feature idea: is it possible to alter the biome map, like an animated gif? or switch between various similar biome maps. reason for that: if it is possible to do that, planets could have seasons. research could be done through various seasons, and not once per location. and if it is possible to alter the biome map depending on events, one could smash an asteroid on the moon (or other celestrial body), and do research on the impact site. just as an idea...
  8. since KSP now cares about node sizes (large node = strong joints), how about a way to change the node size. because I already made welded parts with things that have just small nodes (because it's a very short 2,5m part, or because the modder didn't pay attention (if there are mod-parts to weld)). by editing node sizes inside the VAB/SPH, there would be awesome now things possible, without changing too much on this mod.
  9. okay, I have a workaround that is... not really good, but working. 1.) I copied my savegame, and opened this copy (this copy contained a savegame) 2.) I welded a part, and again, the system killed all missions, because tons of stock parts went un-researched. 3.) I reverted to the savegame, and everything was fine. 4.) when I opened my regular game, I had the welded part, without the problems with the techtree. it just worked. so, welding parts is just a good idea if done inside a seperate careermode-savegame. this could offer a cheat-method, as the game offers all the parts in a single and quite early accessible node (advanced rocketry, where the FT-800 tank is). but honestly? if someone really wants to cheat in career, there are way easier ways to accomplish that... first of all: sandbox.
  10. now this is very interesting, thank you. I take a closer look on that. I recently read about a guy, who tries to hook up nasas mission control software (it's open source) to KSP. that would provide the player with some sort of map view aswell. are there actually interfaces for that, or does every modder need to invent the wheel (meaning the interface) on its own?
  11. I like the idea of rebalancing the stock-engines. regarding solid rocket boosters, I think we should look at the real world SRBs. they offer an insane amount of thrust, but with the drawback, that their fuel is really heavy (at least 3 times the density of liquid fuel) and that once turned on, they just burn till the fuel is gone. and there should be something else: since 0.23, they can be tweaked in order to burn faster or slower, take that away and give SRBs a setting for the fuel geometry. short boosters can be just filled, longer boosters need a hole in the middle, so it burns from inside to outside (which in case of a circular hole gives a gradient from low thrust to very high thrust, or in case of a star shaped hole, a more or less constant level of thrust). the high fuel weight basically limits SRBs to wonderful first stages, but it's a very bad idea to use them as second stages.
  12. very interesting idea. if it works, I have an follow-up idea: many mods add their own windows. and it's easily possible to have the whole screen crowded. if those could move to an additional monitor (for example I have 3 + a tv... makes 4 connected with my pc) aswell, that would be extremely neat. and I doubt that it would bring good pcs to a limit, since good PCs have nowadays at least 4 cores and KSP is lousy at using multiple cores, meaning that there are always cores sitting around doing nearly nothing.
  13. yes, there are other mods which require module manager. I had already several occasions where the techtree wanted me to unlock parts which I already have. but I never lost a ship because of that. I reverted back to a quicksave from yesterday, so it's just the big 300t spacestation-core that went missing. and for security reason, I'll install kerbal alarmclock, because it autosaves every time I switch from spaceship to spaceship.
  14. all my ships went missing, what happened? I welded 3 SLS tanks together, something quite simple in my eyes. and after leaving VAB, the game told me, how many things it couldn't load because of missing parts. okay, I went to R&D, and there I had to unlock at least 100 parts. so I expedcted that after reloading, everything would be fine again, but... no, all ships and all kerbals went missing. I'd like to know where they are and how to get them back. especially ships without welds were affected.
  15. nice models would this be possible?: have one tweakable tank, where the user can change the content inside the VAB, and later on in space. for example: one tank that can either store monopropellant, tac-lifesupport-goods or even rocketparts from extraplanetary launchpads. because I hate all those tanks clogging up my VAB-interface. later in space, I usually use up monopropellant, and then I'm sitting on an empty and fairly useless tank, that could easily accept something else.
  16. since it is so easy to land an asteroid on kerbin (hey, powered landing just means, that there is no parachute on it, and somewhere is an engine running, slowing it down below crash tolerance.... and that thing would do that already just by aerobreaking). the really difficult thing is: fly an E-class asteroid to tylo and land it there.
  17. basically, there is even a low kerbin orbit launchpad biome. but it requires extrem luck or skill to get measurements in that certain biome. because a spaceship at orbital velocity would pass that biome within 1/100s, which is far less than one frame.
  18. if you get your spaceship ripped apart by the fully deploying chutes, try to deploy just one to full. maybe it gets ripped away, maybe not. but it will slow you down. heavier ships can be landed safely by having a cascade of parachutes opening at different heights. especially spaceships that have a weak part (dockingports for example) in the middle are vulnerable of getting ripped apart. one solution that works for me: parachutes on both parts, fully opening simultanously. oh, and try to get your trajectory at the most shallow angle possible.
  19. how about 20$ for timewarp beyond 5x? of course you can get to duna without paying. it just takes a bit.
  20. how about adding a 3.75m and maybe even a 5m supply can? by the way, I played around with tac ls and part welding in 0.23. the radially connected tanks are a bit buggy (at part welding) but the stack-canisters work just fine. I fused a part that contains 2 2.5m SAS modules, a 2.5m command module, 2 4k batteries, the large RCS tank and 10 large LS-containers. having a command module that contains 6400 units of all supplies, aswell as a nice amount of RCS fuel, and a crapton of power, and together with 2 dockingports, 4 solarpanels and 8 rcs thrusters that is just 15 parts, and yet it is a fully capable supply transporter, that is a command module aswell.
  21. I did go to mün by this method aswell, back when I played the demo-version. but my rocket was big enough to succeed with this method.
  22. in ksp, I'd place a few large asteroid-objects in the main belt, on a similar orbit like Dres (these large ones should be persistent planetlike-objects). and then add a scanning module that works in conjuction with the laboratory module. this scanning module should search asteroids like the trackingstation at KSP. depending on the location of the scan, this could lead to science (different location of the asteroids, different asteroid-types... metal, silicates, rubble piles, komets and so on). regarding mod-mining, since there is a mod that can alter stock parts and asteroids are just parts, I guess that it's just a minor task to turn the asteroids in flying kethane tanks. I wonder how much science those asteroids offer, and how to get the science (take a sample, grab the asteroid, land it?).
  23. in my opinion, jebediah is a title, and kerbals get elected to be the next jebediah, if the last jebediah died. currently, my restrictions in career is: TAC-Lifesupport don't leave kerbals stranded bring kerbals back before they run out of snacks (so far, jeb died of running out of supplies, but with his last bit of oxygen, he set a maneuver to bring the ship back to kerbins surface. was quite hard to do. don't probecore-only spaceships, every space mission has to work with kerbals (except for missions to planets without chance of return, like jool). spaceships can have probecores, for example space stations or rovers, which should be able to operate automatically.
  24. I'm currently playing with the alternis mod, where the kerbol-system got rearranged. honestly, in my opinion, this would be a system for beginners (and pros). basically because it's really simple to send spacecrafts to other jool-moons (for those, who don't know alternis: basically jool sits where kerbin is supposed to be, and kerbin is a moon of jool, together with minmus, laythe, mün as inner moons and bop and pol as outer moons - a config could set one of these 2 outer moons as a moon of kerbin). after the player knows how to send spacecrafts out to other joolmoons, he can try to send a spacecraft out to other planets like eve or the tylo-system. the largest advantage is: it's easier for the player to reach something, to learn how to set maneuver nodes and even more important, how to take advantage of swing-bys (they can save so much fuel). it would be nice to have more objects to go to. apparently it's quite difficult to add planets through mods.
  25. I would like to have this feature too: situation: I have a subassemly-module: docking port, bunch of girders, command module, docking port, and on the side, there are 4 girders +docking ports in 4x and in 2x symmetry aswell for modules to attach. and I frequently attach 2 different types of ships (landers, probes, as subassemblies) to these side-ports. and I'd like to change the symmetry of that stuff if necessary. EDIT: another thing I'd like to see: exchange one object with another one. for example: a plane with a lot of stuff on one fuselage. and I'd like to exchange the fuselage with a rocket tank. or at a rocket: I'd like to exchange one tank with another without harming the radial decouplers.
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