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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. He be testing us. update: Possibly because YOU searched for songs containing "rainbow" O.O Why aren't elephants pink?
  2. Banned for having less than 58 marked posts.
  3. About 203 years ago. How many chips are in a bag?
  4. Banned for having two "O"s of different width in your username.
  5. TY very much. Maybe it got to me if i re-read it 50 more times.
  6. Hey... Does Jebediah's level still require 5 kerbals, one for each moon?
  7. No sir. That is the painted edge of your bowl ^^ Waiter, there's a huge cockroach in my soup. And it puts its elbow on the bowl's edge! >:-[
  8. Excluded for not having an O in your username.
  9. Damn it MiniGUN, i was totally gonna say that ©.©
  10. Banned for hellish characters in signature.
  11. False. There's a huge cockroach in the below user's room.
  12. Never tasted one. The user below me has been disguised as a human for a very long time, and no longer remembers his true form.
  13. friigktoiio friigkrtiuui deuufjruyyu -.- Frooglepoop, using one finger and with eyes closed
  14. True. The user below me looks like this:
  15. False :-S The user below me is having a ball.
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