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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Banned for criticizing it after viewing it for no more that 5 & a half hours.
  2. Who u calling an umbrella... RAINCRAFTER?
  3. True, I circumnavigated most planets in KSP. From orbit that is... trololololol The user below me has been to at least 3 continents.
  4. False, but i'm gonna check... edit: FOUND IT! The user below me is a samurai.
  5. True. The user below me is a spam-bot.
  6. True. The user below me is from a slavic country.
  7. O.O omg i do. The user below me is at home.
  8. Banned for slideshow avatar. (~2 frames per day?)
  9. True. The user below me is convinced that no one stares at his back.
  10. Then whoever receives that will have a few bucks ^^ What if automobiles were manufactured by women?
  11. How careless of me! Here's the "terminate flight" button. ^^ Way tore, dares a flyin mice hoop!
  12. Banned for using an uncommon word.
  13. You! The user below me is from south-east Asia.
  14. Yes i already told u i'm from Ukraine. The user below me is from North America.
  15. Granted. You will encounter people with disturbing facial features very often now. I wish i had that thing on a rooster's head growing on my head.
  16. Banned for quick response and for disapproving the use of debug menu.
  17. False. The user below me has a limb.
  18. Nah the crysis seems bad enough as it is :-) Press button to recieve an infinite bag of chips.
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