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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Granted. Compatible batteries aren't included though... You can use this laser as a stick, to hit stuff with it, or something... I wish for an egg.
  2. True. Cockroaches on the other hand... The user below me doesn't like coffee.
  3. Im sorry am i interrupting something? Not Nathan Kell.
  4. Granted. Your hearing is so good now, that you can clearly hear all the pop music from people's headphones from miles away! :-) I wish for immorality.
  5. No, i'm someone else. Abraham Lincoln?
  6. Banned for one four. ...how many should there be anyway?
  7. Banned for not counting right, there are at least 9 4s in there.
  8. Granted, but it has cost you 29.99$. I wish there was a 0.99$ coin. I got ripped off so many times!!!
  9. I take the bottle ...and donate the cap to the next user.
  10. I get a calculator... I feel extra generous today so i give the next user a button. (I don't need it because my pants have a zipper)
  11. *BOOP*. I'll just buy other stuff with cars instead of money c^: Press this button to have an alpaca in your house.
  12. Banned for posting more than twice on a single page, and for tweeting so loud.
  13. :-3 That's a x6.4 Tylo lander, on a x6.4 RSS lifter, in x6.4 RSS.
  14. My work in progress is a x6.4 Tylo mission Here's the final version of the lander: Next assignment: put together a transfer drive for that thing and a return capsule... O.O
  15. Granted: u now can speak girrafe, owl, and penguin. I wish to know all of the European human languages.
  16. False. I have some fish! hundreds of guppies to be more precise. The user below me doesn't have a shark.
  17. I don't hate him. The user below me prefers Bob!
  18. Granted: 99.8% of the world's population listen to heavy metal instead of pop music. I wish for a stinky pile of poo.
  19. Temporally exiled for posting more than twice on a single page.
  20. Granted, but during a test run of your experimental weather manipulator it malfunctioned and you got blown far-far-away by a hurricane. You've been reported as missing, and with your disappearance the project got cancelled and forgotten about. Hey u never said u wanted to finish its developement... I wish for a night-shift job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria!
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