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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Banned for not being the 1st commentator on page 1337.
  2. Kerbals have the technology to travel back in time. Right before my mission is about to fail, I click the F9 button as fast as I can. But that doesn't always save me, sometimes I accidentally click the F5 button. THEN my mission fails! x-P
  3. You bet i would... 0.O Why play KSP other than to make ships you would want to fly in? I'm also very considerate of my pilots. For interplanetary trips, a single pilot gets a whole mk1-2 capsule for himself, sometimes a whole hitchhiker can. I like to think there would be enough room for a 2~3 years worth of life-support resources if I did that. My flight paths aren't too long either: year & 10 months for a Laythe round trip, 2 years & 8 months for Eeloo round trip. I think it's reasonable! Yeah I second this. Although I'd say my safety records are... ~99%...? But even then, Kerbals can travel back in time ;-P
  4. Can't say i do as i never socialized with one, but I don't hate them either. The user below me IS a monkey!
  5. Hohohohoh no. The user below me is a registration/spam bot.
  6. False, i just lie all the time. The user below me is a cookie.
  7. Granted, but the bag is thermal-resistant and you can't open it. You didn't wish for the keys! I wish I was a multifrooglepoopillionaire.
  8. I was notorious for my habit of kicking archers in their crotch, but then i took an arrow to the knee.
  9. Do guppies qualify as one of those? The user below me once met a bear.
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