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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Granted: it's Mars 1 and the astronauts die of radiation shortly after departure. I wish we conducted a manned landing & return mission to Mars!
  2. I think it was pretty funny when I landed my Astroliner VI on Kerbin, got back to it on the next day and it was headed interstellar in this form:
  3. Posting a reply with malfunctioning 1 and/or Shift key is cheating you know.
  4. The next question is How KSP will possibly get better???
  5. 404 Wish not found I want 64 bit KSP for Windows in the next few seconds.
  6. No one is online that often, unless of course they are cheaters!
  7. False - I didn't know it existed! User below me will not write a joke to entertain us.
  8. Big time. ...edit: oops, I thought you said "it sucks"
  9. Today I have conducted a 2nd test flight to Duna, with a 40 ton dummy payload - it was successful. I have developed the VIII-C variant of Astroliner, which has more fuel then the base version, and an aerospike on it's belly. 179 tons on liftoff, more then it's certified, so ascent was slow. Managed to land safely on 1st try, just like on 1st test flight. On previous crafts it took at least 3 attempts! When returning, I've encountered an old nuisance - plane starts disintegrating when approaching the space center. All the precautions I took when building didn't work! So I traveled back in time with F9 and went to the abandoned airport island. The runway there is very short, but the heavier my planes are, the better they are at short landings: See? it's a very short runway. ---< Edit >--- Sure! Although that's only the base version - I'll publish the B & C variants when I get back to my other comp
  10. Banned because beep boop be bu bap bop blip }:-[
  11. You could store Rob inside a fridge. Can KSP possibly get any better?
  12. Neat! But shouldn't it be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, and not the other way around?
  13. Granted - You could wish to become Superman, but this wish will get horribly corrupted. I wish something good would happen to me now.
  14. Granted, by Edward scissor hands!!! I wish for a self-cleaning house that doesn't throw away stuff that's important for me.
  15. So that you would ask! Why so many people want to ruin the game's wonderful stock aerodynamics? :^3
  16. Granted: The game development was reverted back to the start, as Unity engine has been outlawed. Now there are plenty of mods that bring back the old parts, but all are badly modeled. I wish for a wife, I need someone to clean up my place, It's a dump!
  17. Ohhh so many reasons. Banned for not blinking, and making me hungry - I would like some baked cziken right about now... :^p
  18. For space-squid fishing, to sell canned space-squid. Which is heavier, 1 ton of paper or 1 ton of titanium?
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