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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Can't really tell what's the limit, as that was my 1st experiment with an asteroid... I was hoping it would work, although i doubted the entire time. I put a docking port on the nose, as a secondary plan in case pulling won't work :-3
  2. A munchkin who I always assumed to be the guy in his signature, until he revealed his age.
  3. I use videopad too... I used to despise it too. After reading tons of positive reviews about it I actually bought it for 50 bucks. my 1st video came out OK. It has a very simple & understandable interface, BUT... it's unstable, unreliable, extremely BUGGY... I downloaded a bunch of other software, got much worse results! Most of them crashed when just importing the clips! So I decided to stick to what I already own and doesn't cost 500$. By now I think I learned to cope with it. It seems to run OK when nothing else runs in background, and internet is off. It may be a good idea to save project after every couple of actions, but even if i didn't, it allows to load last project's latest state, if crashed. It's text editor sucks. If i need complex texting i export video and continue editing in Movie Maker. Also I noticed, exporting is faster if you export natural size. --- After a few months of using videopad i'm not even considering different software, i feel like i can do anything in it. p.s. I heard good stuff about Adobe Premiere (i think that's what it's called), but it requires monthly payment.
  4. Listen to "Psy - Gangnam Style" and don't change station until it's over.
  5. Granted! you now exist as data in a flash drive that's been thrown into a thrash-can long time ago. ;-) I wish I could indefinitely print real proper usable money.
  6. You are so sophisticated & civilized, that it leads me to believe you used cheat codes for that.
  7. It's the size of a big-one. How to evolve proper wings during one lifetime?
  8. Then you will be executed for no reason. I looooove salami om nom nom nom... >:^b
  9. Dang. How long does it take for the Snickers to be fully digested?
  10. Sh¡t would happen if Kerbal Space Program was sold to EA.
  11. Try getting out of your car and then get back inside. Always does the trick. When will real world's aerodynamics be upgraded to be like in KSP?
  12. Encilhamento. ...Uhmmm... Is there a rule against using Google?
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