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Everything posted by RedAV8R

  1. I'll make sure NK see's this:) FWIW...why can't you just bookmark the right one:P
  2. krenshala: UM...No you quite specifically made an accusation that DRE causes the issue. Only upon further investigation AFTER you started slinging mud did you yourself realize...oh NathanKell was right and I was wrong. Maybe instead of adding in your edit to your post you should have simply removed everything else and said just that. "I'm sorry, you were right, I was wrong".
  3. @Frisch: Absolutely, I plan on working on the OP and Readme and creating a good FAQ and/or Wiki with the project. Good words my friend. @Rakird: Take note of Frisch's response, THIS is a properly worded and appropriate question/comment.
  4. You entered a thread specifically dedicated to RO by the developers and asked your question. If you wanted to ask the community in general for another chute mod then you very well could have created your very own thread to ask the question. Now, you've gotten your answer not once, not twice, not three, but four times. Two have been implied, the other two quite explicit. Just so there is no confusion...here it is again...REMOVE RealismOverhaul from 0.24 of KSP. Once you do, RealChutes will work JUST FINE. Now go play, and wait for the new release of RO that is built for 0.24 and it's updated dependencies.
  5. Guess you still don't get it...Remove RO, and wait. RealChutes works fine when you don't bugger it all up with stuff THAT IS NOT COMPATIBLE.
  7. At this time, no there is not. For the most part we have focused more upon Sandbox play. Just getting things to run at all, realistically. At some time, career mode can be worked on, but it is not the priority. To me, for realistic play, worthy of being incorporated there would have to be some sort of dynamic factoring in play when it comes to cost, as inflation and time progresses, technology becomes more advanced, cost for technology is high as cutting edge then decreases only to increase as time goes on, etc. Sure you've got prices in the 80's but doesn't do any good, when it was completely different in the 50's and 60's than it is now in 2014.
  8. There were some errors in the RCS pods that either had wrong fuels, or weren't using ModuleRCSFX, etc. Here soon, actual command pods will have integrated RCS in them for control.
  9. TeeGee, I've got ETC.dll or whatever it's called in a folder called ETCv2 (name doesn't matter). So far it's only really used on solids, with functionality of RealFuels not required for liquids. At this point, .23.5 is no longer a concern of mine. I've got enough on my plate making sure it works with 0.24 I'm not going to support both at the same time, or I'd never get anything done. What I can tell you about negative numbers is that somewhere either RF isn't updated (that was a nasty bug) or there is too much volume being called for. Without more data I can't help you, and honestly while I'd love to, I need to focus on the task at hand. Stuff falling apart, I don't know what to tell you. I've never experienced that with RSS/RO under .23.5, which their joint strengthening really helped in that respect. FWIW, I did have KJR installed, but never changed any values, and even the Saturn V all 10 meter wide of her flew without so much as any noticeable wobbling. Had some heat issues with parts exploding, but that was easily fixed. Off center CoM on a pod at the top of your rocket isn't going to completely screw with things that much.
  10. RO at this time is NOT for 0.24 of KSP, there are a lot of dependencies that have not been updated, and there are going to be changes, due to the nature of a big update like this don't expect it any time soon, if you want RO, best if you have a copy of 0.23.5 laying around, which of course won't do you any good because things are liable to break going forward.
  11. I think we could do that. That is also on the list:)
  12. Too bad we can't force a person to answer like 3 basic questions before entering the thread and posting:)
  13. Why yes, I would LOVE to link more to the FAQ that nobody will read before they come here complaining;) Got to give some serious love to the OP and related pages for RO!!!
  14. Because this is RO of which is designed mainly around RSS, in which PEOPLE are the norm, not Kerbals. While there are such things as reaction wheels they are not present in a vast majority of objects. Mostly just MY packs are completely supported, there are parts of what I call 'generic' packs in which not everything has been touched. Escape systems should operate much like real life counter parts, as much as we can get it, that is simply aerodynamics the added weight and distance moves the CG forward to stay 'pointy' end forward, until such time it is jettisoned and pod will then fall w/ heatshield forward.
  15. In due time everything will be scaled, it's a process, be patient.
  16. I'll run through some engines today and take care of the heat issue.
  17. Logs and save with craft files would likely be best to resolve this. Let's not hypothesize what is going on, lets let the user who is having issues come back and explain what is going on in detail.
  18. 1. Yes it does. 2. We need a lot more detail than my rockets are wobbly in order to help you.
  19. Everybody has this problem, as of yet B9 is not completely supported, there will be an update for it, it's going to take time, there will be an update and it will be huge, just have to wait.
  20. The RO TAC configs (which will become part of RO and not RF) at this time are designed around the latest pre-release 0.9.
  21. Yeah, RealEngines hasn't really been touched much, just added back to RO. We will need to update it though as things are changed/added/fixed.
  22. Most engines DO NOT throttle. If the real engine can, then so does RO. Read: The throttle is NIL on most engines. Some are able to go down to 70% of rated thrust, some not to deep, some even deeper. ModuleRCSFX my friend. MMH, UDMH and Aerozine are all Hydrazine derivatives.
  23. Looks good on this end...might check some of your editing. ModuleFuelTanks's tank type should be ServiceModule, which allows darn near everything.
  24. You do realize what Aerozine, MMH, and UDMH is right...while straight Hydrazine isn't usually used, there will be the option.
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