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Everything posted by RedAV8R

  1. First, let's get this straight right now. You aren't FORCED to do squat. It's a CHOICE. Take it or leave it. You'd be best in life to learn the distinction between the two. Second, do you want some cheese? There is a 3rd option, as Roastduck pointed out. Learn how to change things yourself if you don't like it. Otherwise I ask you NOT use this mod if all you are going to do is come here and continually b-itch because you don't like the way something was set up. - - - Updated - - - TeeGee: Why don't you post the craft you are having problems with.
  2. @TeeGee: Known bug, I believe it was fixed in source, no release yet though. And... um...NOT an RO error so why post here? @Hodo: Budler isn't this project, somebody elses. It's mildly safe...still MANY bugs I'm sure, got a lot of squashing to do. That's why I'm calling it an alpha. @tmikesecrist3: Good possibility, RT2 hasn't really gotten a solid 0.24 official release yet, so any bugs need to be brought to THEIR attention.
  3. @AlmighyR. Truer words could not be spoken. I applaud you.
  4. Heatshields were adjusted for use with RSS, I've actually just updated that file, giving the user more options in sizes since they couldn't use TweakScale yet. - - - Updated - - - Good possibility, the NovaPunch pack hasn't been given the attention yet it needs. It is on the shorter end of the list to work on.
  5. If talking about the resized parts found in v5, no, they were hidden back with the start of v6 which has introduced TweakScale to allow multiple sizes while using smaller number of parts. The depreciated.zip is there for those who already had them in a save, however none of them have been nor will be updated for KSP 0.24, good possiblity why things are breaking.
  6. LostOblivion, let me get this right...you want to use your previous 0.23.5 save in 0.24.2 with old craft to boot??? Not going to reliably happen, and KW won't support that as the SPS engine is now fueled with MonoPropellant. KW is now using ModuleEnginesFX...SO MANY CHANGES all the way around...tough...gonna have to restart all over. This isn't a bug, this you have too wild imagination to believe you can simply 'upgrade' and keep playing what you have already done.
  7. Do yourself a favor...Create a brand new KSP install, install nothing else but latest PP (v0.9.16), RF (v7.1), MM (v2.2.0). Correctly...giving you ModuleManager*.dll, Squad, NASAmission, RealFuels, ProceduralParts as your only folders in GameData. Report back.
  8. Fixed the stock chutes...HERE. I will add that to the list!
  9. Well 2 massive bugs prevented the last release from even loading...Fix HERE.
  10. True statement. Also allow correct RCS in a stack mounted part...so roll control 'SHOULD' be ok now, as it should be.
  11. HERE it is!!! Realism Overhaul v6.0 ALPHA 6 - Keep in mind this is a WIP ALPHA and IT WILL BREAK SAVES. In fact there is the good possibility that each subsequent ALPHA release will break saves, or at least I'm not guaranteeing that your saves will be intact once upgrading.
  12. With RO they sure do!
  13. At this time the plugin is merely a version checker, I 'think' there has been talk when something is more 'finalized' the actual changes will be in a single .dll file, don't quote me on that. With the changes made in v24.0/1/2 we have been able to remove some dependencies, like KM_Gimbal (which hasn't been officially updated either at this point), and ModuleRCSFX. NK is also looking at adding ETCv2 like functionality into RealFuels, eliminating that dependency as well. I'm about to release ALPHA 6 of RO which is semi-built around 0.24.*. Keep in mind this is a working ALPHA and IT WILL BREAK SAVES. In fact there is the good possibility that each subsequent release will break saves, or at least I'm not guaranteeing that your saves will be intact once upgrading.
  14. When all is properly installed, I am not getting this. All is working as it should.
  15. How about a log, or A LOT more detail as to your problem. What isn't working. Is it not igniting at all? What other mods are you using?
  16. If you knew how to search on your own you would have discovered THIS. You can replace the file itself...OR be more patient than waiting 15 hours after the .24.1 update before you whine that PF hasn't been updated yet with the already updated KSPAPIExtensions.
  17. When it gets done. At some point all of the ignitors should require electricity, whether it be to open a valve or start a glow plug, both, whatever. Realistically though, any ship is going to have plenty of power and the required power for ignitors is relatively small.
  18. They don't officially... Check git this afternoon:sticktongue:
  19. Parameciumkid, out of curiosity...where is your main KSP folder located at?
  20. Again. The RCS Quads, and maybe the linear ones too, quite frankly can't remember. IE, the ones that already existed, had some typo's and other small errors. That was corrected in the last update. NOW, in the course of my new updates for v6, which hasn't happened yet, but soon, it's on the list. RCS will be built into crew pods. Permanently. An example of this is the FASA/OLDD Apollo CSM. Both the Command Module and the Service Module have the appropriate RCS units 'built in'. They are now part of the 'part'. So if one selects the Command Module, there is no need to separately add RCS units to it. They are already there.
  21. People are inherently NOT patient, and have to have things NOW! God/Allah/mother/whatever forbid they have to take a 2 week break from playing KSP how THEY want...What's worse is a percentage of them will whine and demand a fix when they use the official release because it breaks something from their non-official release and have to start all over anyway.
  22. EDIT: I've caught it! The bug is in the .mu files for both the Titan I and Wildcat XR 3-meter engines. KSP was stable (cough) when I replaced these models with some copied from other engines, but crashed when I used either of the original models, even if I replaced or removed the .mbm and other texture files. I'm going to try using Blender and PartTools to recompile the models and see if I can fix it. Edit again: nope, I couldn't fix it. Unity got all fussy about animations and despite my best efforts KSP still crashed when I used the intended model. You guys at KW must be wizards. Have not experienced one bit of this, care to actually share your logs? If the .mu was THAT bugged, then EVERYBODY would be having this problem.
  23. Per DuPont, KEVLAR doesn't melt, it decomposes (whatever the heck that means). It doesn't do that until 427+C. However, the maximum temp for long term use of Kevlar is 149-177C due to properties/characteristics of KEVLAR changing. I personally wouldn't want to trust a parachute above that ~150C point.
  24. My goal is to do the whole NearFuture Pack. The latest update likely broke what was there, (like 4 solar panels), so it'll get a much deserved look through as I progress in v6.
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