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    Curious George

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  1. I'm only using Community Category Kit, not Community Parts. Edit: I installed Community Parts and they show up under the new rover tab, although they still don't appear in search without the remove duplicate patch.
  2. For some reason the Karibou parts don't appear in search or in normal categories. I can only find them on the Umbra Space Industries tab under undefined. Are these parts deprecated?
  3. By default radially attached parts aren't passable. In the VAB in the CLS menu there is an "Enable Optional Passable Parts" option. You have to select CLS: Attachable Surface on the station part. or CLS: Surface attachable on the docking port. I don't know if you need both selected for it to work. The parts from SSPX have these selected by default, but only if "Enable Optional Passable Parts" is enabled. Stock science lab or hitchhiker don't have these selected by default. If you are using Ship Manifest there are options for crew transfers to ignore CLS, but the living spaces will still be disconnected for calculating Hab space with life support mods.
  4. I see the same issue. The science window pops up and I can click store, but no samples are created and the experiment can't be reset by a scientist. [x] science and Ship Manifest show no science in the part.
  5. Started up a server. IP: kerbal.singaming.com Port: Default Max players: 8 Location: US-West
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