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Everything posted by ZaPPPa

  1. Agree.. I have looked into this and have actually tried to add configs, but no matter what I do, I cannot get them to work. For example, the Vanguard engine has an actual config in TestFlight (I think the part is called SXTX405 or something). The Testflight numbers show up in the menu when you right click on the engine and the numbers there match the config. However, TestFlight does not recognize the engine in-flight, so the actual failures never appear. This happens for all the SXT modified engines I think.. and probably many more. I manually created a config for the LD105 (liquidEngine3) and same story, the numbers show up in the menu, but TestFlight does not work in-flight.
  2. It used to be like that, but you could min/max early rockets and "accidentally" get close to the moon and get a ten years head start on science. Honestly, I'd prefer a method where I can research a specific engine instead of getting both the Vanguard and AJ10 in one node, but that would require a rewrite of the whole tech tree mechanism.
  3. @artforz That's what I'm seeing. If you follow the calendar from 1951, it will actually match relatively well with reality. It is possible to launch the first satellite in 1953, but then it will take until at least 1955 before you are able to launch the next generation satellites (with solar panels etc).. If anything, the RP-0 science goes too fast.
  4. If you use procedural parts, you can use AutoPruner to get rid of hundreds of redundant tanks, fairings and wings. Unfortunately the standard lists also prune some of the cooler tanks, but it will save you tons of memory. And Gaarst is right, RP-0 requires RO with all required mods. Playing a RSS career without RO may not even be possible. RP-0 does not add much in the way of memory and CPU power, so if you install RO, you may as well install RP-0.
  5. @harlikwin Contracts disappear at high warp. If you slow down the time acceleration, the contract system has enough time to generate them. Just warp to next morning and wait for it to complet, or manually warp at 10000 for a couple of (warped) hours and you should be good to go.
  6. I find it hard to turn a rocket with a high initial TWR and no early stage or way to throttle. Any steering error of 5 degrees or more below 15K altitude will make the rocket very unstable. I generally nudge the rocket early on, keep it straight during MaxQ and turn once Q goes below 15. Not the most efficient, but very safe. The AJ10 is a pain.. You have to get "lucky" to get the 'Loss of Thrust' failure, so you can at least keep going. It is a shame that not all engines have correct TestFlight configs. I have tried for days to get the Vanguard to work in TestFlight, but it refuses to recognize it.
  7. 1953 part 2 is up. We learn (the hard way) that rocket science is not easy.
  8. I suspect something happened that caused the First Flight and other contracts to expect your planet to be named 'Kerbin' and not 'Earth'. I had it happen when installing RVE, but you already mentioned you don't use that. Did you install RO without Real Solar System?
  9. I'll try to walk you through the RVE install process that I went through. Please do this on a clean & separate install of KSP, because it is very easy to break everything. After going through all these steps and verifying the result, you can use CKAN to install whatever other mods you want. Do a clean KSP 1.0.5 install Install the latest Kopernicus Install KSCSwitcher Install RSS & RSS Texture pack Install the latest Scatterer Install RVE-KSP-1.0.4-master ** DO NOT INSTALL THE SHAREDASSET9 ** it crashes the game for me I remove the CityLights.dll from the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements folder I do not like the look. Overwrite the contents of the the following files with the text supplied Scatterer/Config/PlanetsList.cfg scattererCelestialBodies { Item { celestialBodyName = Earth transformName = Kerbin loadDistance =50000000 unloadDistance = 100000000 hasOcean = false } Item { celestialBodyName = Mars transformName = Mars loadDistance = 50000000 unloadDistance = 100000000 hasOcean = false } } render24bitDepthBuffer=true //renders a 24 bit depth buffer, gets rid of artifacts that appear in opengl and directx11 between the 60-160km altitudes, Scatterer/Configs/Kerbin/Settings.cfg forceOFFaniso = False displayInterpolatedVariables = True experimentalAtmoScale = 2 sunglareScale = 1 mapExtinctionMultiplier = 3 mapExtinctionTint = 0.5 mapSkyExtinctionRimFade = 1 MapViewScale = 0.998 postProcessMaxAltitude = 160000 mapExposure = 0.09 mapSkyRimExposure = 0.13 mapAlphaGlobal = 1 Rg = 6371000 Rt = 6461154 RL = 6462659 atmosphereGlobalScale = 1 AVERAGE_GROUND_REFLECTANCE = 0.1 HR = 10 HM = 1.2 BETA_MSca = 0.004,0.004,0.004 m_betaR = 0.0058,0.0135,0.0331 m_mieG = 0.78 rimBlend = 20 rimpower = 600 specR = 85 specG = 85 specB = 85 shininess = 75 configPoints { Item { altitude = 200 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.25 skyRimExposure = 0.25 postProcessAlpha = 0.95 postProcessDepth = 0.7 postProcessExposure = 0.23 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 1 skyExtinctionTint = 1 skyextinctionRimFade = 0 openglThreshold = 200 edgeThreshold = 0.1 viewdirOffset = -0.012 } Item { altitude = 1000 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.25 skyRimExposure = 0.25 postProcessAlpha = 0.95 postProcessDepth = 0.15 postProcessExposure = 0.23 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 1 skyExtinctionTint = 1 skyextinctionRimFade = 0 openglThreshold = 2000 edgeThreshold = 0.5 viewdirOffset = 0 } Item { altitude = 5000 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.25 skyRimExposure = 0.25 postProcessAlpha = 0.95 postProcessDepth = 0.2 postProcessExposure = 0.23 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 1 skyExtinctionTint = 1 skyextinctionRimFade = 0 openglThreshold = 5000 edgeThreshold = 1 viewdirOffset = 0 } Item { altitude = 55000 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.25 skyRimExposure = 0.25 postProcessAlpha = 0.95 postProcessDepth = 0.5 postProcessExposure = 0.23 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 1 skyExtinctionTint = 1 skyextinctionRimFade = 1 openglThreshold = 5000 edgeThreshold = 1 viewdirOffset = 0 } Item { altitude = 160000 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.11 skyRimExposure = 0.15 postProcessAlpha = 0.95 postProcessDepth = 2.4 postProcessExposure = 0.23 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 3 skyExtinctionTint = 0.5 skyextinctionRimFade = 1 openglThreshold = 8000 edgeThreshold = 1 viewdirOffset = 0 } } RVE/RVE.cfg @Kopernicus:FOR[RVE]:NEEDS[RealSolarSystem] { @Body[Sun] { @ScaledVersion { %SolarLightColor { %sunLensFlareColor = 33, 33, 33, 1 %sunAU = 1 !sunBrigthnessCurve {} sunBrigthnessCurve { key = 0 300000 0 0 key = 1530000000 150000 0 0 key = 80000000000 100000 0 0 } } } } @Body[Kerbin] { @Atmosphere { @AtmosphereFromGround { %waveLength = 0.65, 0.6, 0.53, 1.0 %ESun = 0 %Kr = 0.0007 %Km = 0.0006 } } } } RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/clouds.cfg EVE_ATMOSPHERE { Earth { Kerbin-cloudsHigh { altitude = 9000 speed = 120 scaledOverlay = Geometry layer2D { detailSpeed = 6 offset = 0,0,0 shadow = True shadowOffset = 0,0,0 macroCloudMaterial { _MainTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Cirrus _DetailTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/detailCirrus _DetailScale = 50 _Color = 1,1,1,1.2 _FalloffPow = 0.8 _FalloffScale = 10 _DetailDist = 0.00000001 _MinLight = 1 _FadeDist = 0.000001 _FadeScale = 0.3 _RimDist = 0.0001 _RimDistSub = 1.01 _InvFade = 0.0004 } } } Kerbin-cloudsLow { altitude = 4000 speed = 30 scaledOverlay = Geometry layer2D { detailSpeed = 6 offset = 0,0,0 shadow = True shadowOffset = 0,0,0 macroCloudMaterial { _MainTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Low _DetailTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/DetailLow _DetailScale = 8 _Color = 1,1,1,1 _FalloffPow = 2 _FalloffScale = 3 _DetailDist = 0.00000007 _MinLight = 1 _FadeDist = 0.1 _FadeScale = 0.0006 _RimDist = 0.0001 _RimDistSub = 1.01 _InvFade = 0.0004 } } } Kerbin-cloudsLowest { altitude = 1500 speed = 16 scaledOverlay = Geometry layer2D { detailSpeed = 4 offset = 0,0,0 shadow = True shadowOffset = 0,0,0 macroCloudMaterial { _MainTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin2 _DetailTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/detailLowOld _DetailScale = 14 _Color = 1,1,1,1 _FalloffPow = 0.8 _FalloffScale = 10 _DetailDist = 0.00000001 _MinLight = 1 _FadeDist = 0.000001 _FadeScale = 0.3 _RimDist = 0.0001 _RimDistSub = 1.01 _InvFade = 0.0004 } } layerVolume { texture = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin2 particleMaterial { _TopTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1 _LeftTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2 _FrontTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3 } } } Aurora { altitude = 100000 speed = -20000 layer2D { detailSpeed = 50000 offset = 0,0,0 shadow = True shadowOffset = 0,0,0 macroCloudMaterial { _Color = 10,10,10,1 _MainTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Aurora _DetailTex = RVE/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/AuroraDetail _FalloffPow = 2 _FalloffScale = 3 _DetailScale = 6 _DetailDist = 0.000000001 _MinLight = -1 _FadeDist = 8 _FadeScale = 0.00375 _RimDist = 0.0001 _RimDistSub = 1.01 _InvFade = 0.008 } } } } } RVE/EVE/CityLights/citylights.cfg EVE_CITY_LIGHTS { } RVE/EVE/Terrain/terrain.cfg EVE_TERRAIN { } I think that is all the files I changes, but like I said, I packaged everything up in an easy-to-use zip file so I can quickly make a fresh install. Due to licenses I can obviously not upload that zip file anywhere.
  10. It took quite some time to make it all work. I ended up making a basic KSP+RSS+RVE+Scatterer Zip file that I can uncompress for a 'clean' install. When I get home I'll see if I can extract the .cfg files for this and post them in this thread. The main work was done in the scatterer configs and the clouds configs of RVE. I disabled city lights (I don't like the look and my backstory calls for no surface cities), disabled water shaders in scatterer (does not work) and disabled the Sun glare as it crashes KSP. It is not perfect, there is still an issue between 130K and 150K altitude where the entire Earth's surface turns grey (including water), which I think has to do with the switch between the lo-res and high-res surface not overlapping properly.
  11. 1953 part 1 is up. This contains somewhat of a treatise on rocket design for RSS/RO/RP-0. Not saying the rocket is perfect, but I hope it shows that rocket design in this environment is more complicated than vanilla KSP. craft file from document can be found here The above craft file does not require all mods.. It will require RSS/RO/RP-0 (obviously), FASA, SXT and Procedural Parts.. I think that's all.
  12. Thanks @Geschosskopf.. fixed I added color coding to the entries so people can skip to the bits they are interested in. Coding is explained in OP.
  13. I should mention that I used Autopruner to prune out all non-procedural fairings, wings and most tanks. Even then KSP will crash once every three hours or so. Currently it is using 11GB of memory. 1952 part 2 is up.. Learn more about the mysterious guest and why she too such a risk.
  14. 1952 part I is up... Now with less log and more story!
  15. There's a couple :). I'll admit that it took me almost 8 hours to get this install up and running smoothly. I made a '.ckan' file, but it is impossible to install everything in one go through CKAN. Not sure why, but unless you install in pieces, KSP cannot start up and just aborts to the terminal window.
  16. I got it to work. It took quite some manual editing of the scatterer and RVE files, but I finally got a set up that works (decently) Now that I have a full setup going, I posted a career/storyline based on RSS/RO/RP-0 in the Mission Reports forum. I thought you guys might enjoy Wernher's mission log - a RSS/RO/RP-0 adventure
  17. Werhner's Mission Log Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, RP-0 In an effort to put more of a backstory in my career mode and to cure my restart-itis (I tend to restart careers a lot when KSP or mods get updated), I decided to create a mission log through the eyes of Wernher Von Kerman. This log tells the story of the progress of the space exploration career of Wernher and the Kerbal Space Agency. A career that got kick started by a mysterious new technology that arrived from 'the other side'. How it got here and why, that is unknown... In addition to being an entertaining story to read (I hope), this is also meant as a guide for people who want to try a realistic career using Real Solar System (RSS), Realism Overhail (RO) and Realistic Progression Zero (RP-0), but may be intimidated by the difficulty level. Although I am by no means a rocket scientist, I will attempt to document in detail the steps and design decisions I made to make a realistic career and to make successful rockets and planes. All craft files will be made available and all DeltaV stats will be posted in the Imgur Album and throughout the log. I also intend to add some basic physics explanations and explain how to calculate Hohmann transfers and other orbital maneuvers. The install of KSP used for this career is 1.0.5 running on Linux64 with the following mods installed: The install of KSP has changed to 1.2.2 and is now running on Winx64 with a similar modlist I intend to post an update to this story at least once per game year or when there is a good cliff-hanger to the story line These logs are written as an actual mission log/diary and contain a combination of regular log entries, background information and technical drawings and explanations all through the eyes of Wernher. I understand there's a lot of reading involved and this may not be for everyone, so I decided to color code the entries. If, for example, you are only interested in the story line, you can skip all the other entries and you should be able to follow the story. Color coding is as follows: Blue - Story Line and Background Information Orange - Technical details / hints&tips on building rockets Black - Mission log entries I recommend reading the Google documents in 'Print Layout' to take full advantage of the layout I created. This is not the default on most tablets Enjoy! 1951 - The adventure begins 1952 - The Kerbalverse, an emergency signal is received, and a mysterious guest. 1953 - Avionics & a Treatise on Basic Rocket Design 1954 - Mazoor the Conqueror 1955 - Calculating Hohmann Transfers 1956 - Orbits, Ullage and... a catastrophe? 1956 - An update on Burney 1957 part 1 - Wotar's return 1957 part 2 - A treatise on plane design and how to use FAR. Another milestone reached 1958 - Project Augustus 1959 - Jebediah the fearless! 1960 - Advanced Rocket Design 1961 - Unexpected turn(s) of events... 1962 - "We set sail on this new sea.." Flight Log Sheet Hohmann Transfer Calculator All craft files up until 1960 are available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5-pQfnRwty_SXhpQnJnaGRRX2M/view?usp=sharing Imgur album: Please note that this album will contain spoilers for the story. It is best to read the story first and then view the album. https://imgur.com/a/Xzqvs
  18. Still does not seem to work for me. First off I think the line '!cbNameLater = DEL ' in the RVE.cfg file seems to be conflicting with a number of other mods. If I comment this out, KSP starts throwing exceptions 'InvalidOperationException' Also, I am on Linux64 and I am unable to bring up the EVE interface, no matter what button combination I try.
  19. Can you walk me through the install process for EVE and RSS? I installed the latest version and KSP runs, but no clouds show up on Earth.
  20. EVE does not, the dev version of RVE does, kind of. I have not yet been able to clouds and scatterer working reliably without bugs. When I carefully followed the RVE instructions I encountered the Earth->Kerbin problem and contracts and science got all screwed up. Is there an configuration of EVE, RVE and/or scatterer that works for RSS, RO and RP-0?
  21. It looks like KSP Calendar is the culprit.. it was the last mod I installed and after I uninstalled it, KCT went back to normal
  22. I am wondering how KCT chooses what skin to use? I sometimes get the unity style skin and sometimes the ksp style skin. I prefer the unity skin, but am (for some reason) in my current campaign stuck with the ksp style skin and no way to change it
  23. (I may be wrong about this... cannot remember exactly) If you run the 'Action Groups Extended' mod it will lock the action group for tier 1 unless you say 'override in VAB' or something in the config file.
  24. I have pretty successfully gotten RP-0 to work with 1.0.5 1) After your first flight, either hire three kerbals and immediately fire them (losing you 30K) or edit the save game to take away that money. All the word's firsts add up to about 30-40K (on 'hard' difficulty) until you start going to the moon. (I agree it should be balanced though, to 10-20% of the stock rewards) 2) The master branch has the tree.yml file that needs to be converted. Only the releases have the tree.cfg file that you need. Take the tree.cfg from the 1.0.4 RP-0 and add it to the master branch install and you should be good to go. It's not perfect, but its playable.
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