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Everything posted by ZaPPPa

  1. [quote name='SpacedInvader']When 1.1 hits, I'm probably going to be give RO a try again, but I'm wondering if a way has been found yet to increase the pad / VAB limits to allow for the much larger / heavier rockets in career mode?[/QUOTE] Use the Custom Barn Kit mod for that.
  2. I manually updated Kopernicus to the latest version, but no change. Then I replaced RSSKopernicus.cfg in RSS 10.3 with the file from RSS 10.2 and everything went back to normal. Not sure if this will screw up the rest of the solar system, but I am currently only on Kerbol/Earth, so everything seems ok there and I can at least continue the campaign
  3. The biomes seem a little screwy with the latest update. Flying out of Vandenberg I get the south pole biome to pop up a couple of km east of the launch site. Is there something that I need to reset on my install?
  4. I started a new career with RO and RP-0 and have included TestFlight into my setup. I know TestFlight is technically not up-to-date for 1.04, but is works pretty well and I'd like to use it for the rest of my career. I have run into an issue though and I am hoping that someone knows how to fix it. The Aerobee and AJ-10 are both working fine as in TestFlight accepts them as engines, but the system does not seem to pick up the vanguard as a valid engine. The part name is SXTX405 and all the configs seem to be in order. I have checked it against the AJ-10 config and cannot figure out why the AJ-10 does get picked up, but the Vanguard does not. I hope someone can point me in the right direction so I can fix the config files and then I'll upload my results so other people can run TestFlight as well. It really adds a whole new dimension to the game.
  5. Yeah, it is definitely a botched install. All experiments are broken. I reinstalled RP-0 but that did not make a difference. I have a feeling one of the other mods I have installed conflicts with RP-0. UPDATE: Crowd sourced science was the culprit. It caused all science experiments to fail when using RSS and RP-0 (and possibly another combination of mods).. Double checked on both a fresh install and my previous (broken) install. In both cases crowd sourced science broke all the experiments.. Would probably be a good idea to tag it as incompatible in CKAN until it is resolved. I have no idea how it could interfere, because it seems to innocuous, but it does.
  6. I read the OP, but cannot find the information. In my new RP-0 career both the barometer and thermometer only have a display option, but the science reading does not work (option not available). Is this supposed to be this way or is this a bugged installation? I find it nearly impossible to gain science without these experiments.
  7. I had no idea KAC could do that.. Learn something new every day. Is Sounding Rockets in the plans for support?
  8. Quick question.. If I use RP-0 and want to basically mimic the space race with Kerbal Calendar, what is the start year supposed to be? Is it 1955?
  9. @NathanKell.. If there is something I can do to speed up the process, let me know. You're putting an awful lot of work on your plate, so if you have something specific you think someone else can do, I'm available. Professional C++/C# programmer here, so I can do coding.
  10. If it is easy and fast to build and low risk, my money is on a DeltaV display
  11. With I am experiencing problems with my AJ-10 engine. I have tested this engine for over 5000dU. but after reaching space (120-130KM for RO), the failure rate suddenly starts to go up inevitable leading to an engine malfunction. I noticed that the 'time tested' column drops as if testing time spent magically disappears
  12. I tested this some more and it seems that editing the 'persistent' file works, so I can edit my save game. The more I look at it, the more it seems to be limited to specific mods. I'm guessing the parsers for those mods are not very robust and cannot handle linux file formats. I found a happy config now, so I'm good. By the way, being able to run stable with 6.5 GB of mods on my Linux install is AWESOME!... If only Squad could fix the memory leaks, so I don't run into stutter issues when my memory reaches the limit of 8GB.
  13. The files are actually really short.. The NoMoreGrind config file only contains the following lines: VehicleAssemblyBuilding = 0.5 TrackingStation = 0.4 SpaceplaneHangar = 0.5 Runway = 0.5 ResearchAndDevelopment = 0.4 MissionControl = 1.0 LaunchPad = 1.0 AstronautComplex = 1.5 Administration = 0.5 Even replacing a single character in this files causes the file to no longer be loaded and/or parsed correctly. It worked fine in my Windows install, but not in my ubuntu install, which is why I think it has something to do with end-of-line characters.
  14. I have switched my KSP install from Windows32 to Ubuntu to be able to run 64bit and more mods. I have run into a pretty odd and annoying problem though. When trying to edit .cfg or .txt files, they exception detector shows an error trying to parse the file and all settings in the file are ignored. This is especially prevalent in the NoMoreGrid mod which I want to edit to 0.3 instead of 0.1. Any setting I change cannot be loaded by KSP. So, if I change the launchpad from 0.1 to 0.3 in the file and then start the game, the launchpad reverts back to the default 1.0 setting from the stock game (all NoMoreGrind is ignored). I figured it had to to with end-of-line characters, so I saved the file as DOS with no effect. I tried vi, vim, pico, nano, gedit... none of them work. So, now I can have 100 mods, but no way to edit any of the settings without breaking the entire mod... extremely frustrating. Anyone have had succes editing .cfg and .txt files on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?
  15. Norse mythology, starting with letter A.. up to Z Aegis Bragi etc.. http://www.godchecker.com/pantheon/norse-mythology.php
  16. Keeping fingers crossed that she's going to 'dismiss' you wearing nothing but a Kerbal T-Shirt....
  17. You'll need to use the RealChutes configuration window for that, which pops up when you apply an action group to a RealChute. This is why you'll need ActionGroupsExtended otherwise a level 1 VAB will not allow you to set actiongroups and there is no other way to reconfigure RealChutes. Here are the steps to set up a RealChute for a save landing from high altitude (works on both RSS and 10xKerbin) Add 'Action Groups Extended' to your Blizzy toolbar. In the VAB click on the 'AGX' button in the toolbar click on the Real Chute you want to modify Go to 'Calculations Mode' and set to 'Manual' For any return vehicle under 1t you can use the predeployment diameter of 6m and deployment diameter of 20m to 25m Set 'predeployment altitude' to 55000. Now, if you want to absolutely optimize the parameter and find the ideal deployment diameter, you can do the following: Weigh the craft that will be returning (using Mechjeb for example) Set 'calculations mode' to automatic. Set to 'Input craft mass' Enter the craft mass you found earlier Click 'Apply Settings' Right-click on the RealChute part you modified and read the 'deployment diameter' value Now go back to Manual Calculations mode and that value for the deployment diameter The reason for these extra steps are because the automatic calculations always generate a much too small predeployment diameter which will cause you craft to burn up at around 20K or so. For ultra-realism you should really use a drogue chute at high-altitude, then cut that chute and deploy the real one, but if you can a nose-cone chute and nowhere to put a radial, this is a good compromise.
  18. I have found a method that works fairly well for returning sounding rockets from high altitudes. This is with FAR, DR and RealChutes and ActionGroupsExtended Stick a RealChute on the rocket and set it to pre-deploy at 6m^2@55000m and to fully deploy at 25m^2@1500m (mass being below 1t). At 55K altitude the chute can pre-deploy without ripping apart and slow the rocket down enough so it does not burn up in the lower, thicker atmosphere. It is a little gamey, but I consider it a drogue chute before it fully deploys at lower altitude.
  19. Do what they do in real life, ignite the engines and then release the clamps in a second stage.. Wastes some fuel, but should solve the issue.
  20. Hey BevoLJ Very cool video, enjoyed it a lot. I never realized how much science you can get from just building rockets.. I always pumped all my upgrade points in the VAB and ended up having to grind for science. By the way, you should not need ullage engines on the launch pad.. Gravity will take care of it. It is only necessary when your ship is either at a constant velocity or decelerating. Gravity on the launch pad essentially gives you 1g of acceleration.
  21. I regenerated the tree.cfg using perl and yml2mm and I did not see any difference between the 0.25 (through fresh 0.25 RP-0 CKAN install done this morning) and the 0.90 new tree.cfg file. I checked github and all changes made to tree.yml from 8 days ago are making it into the 0.25 CKAN install.
  22. I think I figured out what goes wrong with the manual install for 0.90. The 'tree.cfg' file in the 'gamedata/RP-0 folder' does not get generated and therefore the tech tree becomes the default CTT. I did a CKAN install on a 0.25 KSP version and copied the file to the 0.90 KSP install and it seems to work. I could post the tree.cfg that was generated, but am not sure if I am allowed to.
  23. You could try one of the alternative configurations for Real Solar System in its main thread here. I suggest you start with 3.2X, then 6.4X and then 10X for a good progression.
  24. Ok, my bad... I looked at my notes and suddenly realized that I used to play the 10xKerbol config ... I am definitely not flying an optimal trajectory because I am playing the RP-0 - Realism Overhaul and I am launching a satellite with 1958 technology. My TWR for the second stage is very low, but it is the only rocket config I could find that would keep me below the 18t weight limit.
  25. Just want to check something real quick. It used to (.25 and before) take me about 9400dV to get into orbit with a final velocity of ~7300@130K. Now it takes me 10KdV with a final velocity of nearly 7800@130K.. It this a botched install or do other people see this as well?
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