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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. So I'm looking to put together computer that I can run ksp with no lag with high graphics settings and a bunch of mods (clouds have been the cause of most of my lag in the past I think). I don't tend to play with really high part counts, so I'm mostly concerned about turning the graphics all the way up. My school's engineering department is selling their old machines which I have played on and they are much better than my laptop that I have been using most of the time to play. I figure for $150 I can buy one of these and then upgrade the cpu or graphics card. Here is what's in the computer's they're selling: HP 8000 Elite Full Tower Intel core 2 duo 3GHz processor Nvidia Quadro FX 580 GPU 4GB RAM 250GB HDD I know I would definitely have to upgrade the RAM to at least 8 GB, but what would be the next most important thing? I've read mixed info between cpu and graphics card. Or is this computer just too low-powered and I would have to replace everything making the whole plan of buying it pointless?
  2. After researching recycling, do I have to do anything other than put parachutes on in order to get a spent stage to recycle? What restrictions are there in dropping a stage, I only read one bit about it doing a drag calculation, so will FAR screw that up or is it comparable? Can I drop from space as long as my periapsis is below the surface? When/how does the money get added to my budget?
  3. I'm having issues with FAR loading, that I think stems from toolbar issues, but I definitely have the toolbar folder in my GameData folder. Is there any configuration or something I need to do to get the toolbar to function? I've already done a clean install of Ferram and the toolbar and that did nothing.
  4. I'm wondering how to install this Mod, for most that I use, I just drop the Mod folder into the GameData folder, and that works; can someone help me out on how to get this to work?
  5. I don't think the landing in that video is very efficient at all. For much of it the burn is at least 45 degrees to the horizontal, so you're putting at least as much thrust into fighting gravity as into killing the horizontal velocity. It might be the best that can be done with a lander with such a low TWR, but I definitely feel like you'll use less fuel overall if you use a bigger engine and reduce total burn time and thus reduce gravity loss.
  6. I'm trying to land a probe on rescaled Duna, but neither the drag or full sized stock parachutes deploy at all before i slam into the surface. I'm not sure if it's a Ferram issue or a problem with the atmosphere/surface scaling in this mod. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
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