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Everything posted by federicoaa

  1. Yea well, I decided to get in sandbox and make some horrible (aka, lost of DV, aka MOAR orange tanks) to finally visit jool, and play with some mods in the meanwhile Gotta wait for .24 to start career again, hope they fix the NaN kracken by then.
  2. Good tip I checked with a very simple SSTO I got from one of the challenges and works nice. I found some advice there about the problem with DRE. Seems to be working now. Thank you all for the help
  3. In the context menu it says it's working on airbreathing. Also, I see the oxidizer level is not going down, so it is working on the correct mode. I checked with F3 it says it was destroyed due to high g-forces, but the meter never went more than 2G, so...
  4. @The_rocketerr: yes I have a couple of intakes @Col_Jesspe: that's what I was afraid of, gotta strut the hell out if it BTW, I've read in other post something about placing the engines near to the center of mass to keep them cool, is it like that?
  5. Hi, I'm using FAR and DRE. I've been trying to make SSTOs but the rapiers always overheat too fast and explode. Any suggestion on how to avoid this?
  6. What I do is to select the objective and land, and then use RCS to offset a couple of meters after the suicidal burn
  7. Mechjeb estimates delta V using the stage order, and considering all engines on the stage are active. When you dock ships the stages merge and so MJ gets confused.
  8. Basically, some days before arriving to Duna SOI, burn lateral (the blue vector in the node) to reduce the periapsis inside the atmosphere. The farther you are from duna, the less fuel you need to burn to change the PE, so do it a week or a month earlier to entering the SOI. Then you will use Duna's atmosphere to help you reduce the speed (it's called aerobraking). If you come in too fast it may not be enough to get trapped, so you may sill have to burn some fuel to get the AP inside Duna's SOI. Hope it helps
  9. To launch to rendezvous from KSC, wait until your target is on top of the small peninsula west from KSC. For a 80km orbit I always get the AP and encounter almost on the same point (and with less than 10km separation).
  10. Yesterday I was playing as usual, finished something and quit the game, nothing weird. Today morning I opened the game to play for a while and the game was stuck in the loading screen, restarted the game and the same, restarted the pc and the same, checked the log window and it was spammed with null reference errors. Weird because I didn't installed anything and played with the same config for more than a week. Anyway, reinstalled the game from scratch and the game started ok, but the saves were corrupted. I checked the persistent file of my carreer save and it was cut at 2kB. I'm sad I lost all my progress in career, but also I'm puzzled as how it could happened, without touching any config or installing anything. Well, I'll have to start from zero again, maybe try some new mods
  11. You mean you change the SOI and you didn't delete the old node? That seems like a bug. Try to press F5 to save and then hold F9 to reload
  12. Thanks for taking it into account BTW, could you explain what you said about breaking it into odd number?
  13. I already do that part of starting with small zoom and centering, but I never waited for the ship to stabilize after each movement, guess I was too impatient. Also, if the telescope is in low orbit, the rotation speed will make farther objects to appear moving relatively fast. By the way, when yo take a picture and get science, if you take another picture will it overwrite the science points or it store both?
  14. Yep, also wheels are better than landing struts for landing, as they have higher impact tolerance and can be repaired if broken
  15. Use Sr. clamps between stages to avoid wobbling. Also, don't make the whole ship to thin and tall or it will wobble a lot. Moho is quite hard to reach, why don't you try Duna first? I recommend having 2 stages: 1) Command pod with the science lab and lander. Ditch the lab and science parts once you lift 2) Fuel tanks with LV-N for interplanetary lander. Leave this stage in orbit before landing and dock again to leave home Now, answering your questions: 1) Figure out the launch window and burn from LKO to maximize efficiency (oberth effect) 2) The rocket equation! delta V = ISP*g*ln(total mass / dry mass)
  16. And here we are having a "cold" winter with 10 Celsius degrees (yep, not below 0) People here really don't know what cold is XD
  17. Suggestion: add and option in the node editor to split a node into two or more nodes on the same spot but one period away. It's useful for the long burnings required for interplanetary travels that are seldon done in one shot.
  18. I'm having troubles targeting the biome sensor array. Once placed in the ship, it's quite hard to click it, as I will always click what's behind the sensor and not the sensor itself. I usually require tens of clickings plus moving the camera to finally pop-up the window and activate it.
  19. I still find it very hard to focus distant planets, I even sent one "Kubble" outside Kerbin SOI to get rid of kerbin rotation but still, even with fine controls a single hit takes everything away from the screen. Any advice on how to fine tuning distant planets?
  20. I like the way scott manley did. Send the 3 satellites on the same ship, put the Ap at geostationary and the Pe so the orbit is 2/3 of kerbin day. Then, for each time you reach Ap, decouple one sat and circularize its orbit.
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