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Everything posted by federicoaa

  1. Yea, could you people explain more what is that affiliate program? Also, if the game is going to QA it means it'll probably be out soon (and I hope they don't use valve time when they say soon XD)
  2. Maybe you should consider using KAS struts to weld the legs to the body. It's hard to get all docking ports docked at the same time, and my guess is that it'll be impossible with 20, but then, you are THE Wackjob XD
  3. Probably when I landed my SSTO in Laythe. It also was my first SSTO, which made by watching Scott Manley tutorial.
  4. Maybe you are putting them in the wrong direction. It happened to me some times, both sides are similar but only one clamps. Try to see if this is your problem.
  5. I wonder what have Harv decided to name the currency.
  6. Mi favorite font is comic sans Kidding, it's Times New Roman (I'm Ph.D. student and basically everything I write is using that font) On: Thanks Felipe for the update, it seems career mode will become very interesting
  7. pancake your honeycomb truss structure to make a 1km wide flying pancake?
  8. @Deadweasel, what mod is that cockpit from?
  9. He just probably got stuck with Real Life , just give him some time and he'll be back (insert Arnold Schwarzenegger meme here)
  10. Mostly all my planes XD. I only got to build one successful spaceplane and was by copying Scot Manley tutorial.
  11. Well, THEY ARE made with junkyard parts, mostly XD
  12. Whackjob does not measure his rockets in orange tanks but in VABs XD
  13. That's a bug with module manager. Delete and reinstall all the mods you have and that should make it work again.
  14. @Francesco: It is called normal because it points to the normal vector of the plane that contains the orbit (normal is perpendicular to the orbit plane)
  15. Hi all, have somebody played the two new ARM scenarios? I tried and I think the ships are not well designed, I can;t get to move them at all. There are no torque wheels and the RCS are minimum.
  16. I guess you should post this in the gameplay questions forum, not the suggestions forum. Answering your question, you may want to take a look at the KAS mod, it has pipes that can be attached to different ships to transfer resources.
  17. Interesting expansion to the kethane mod. I will try it.
  18. For on second I thought you were talking about having ad banners in the game.
  19. I think the easiest way is to recover the money from the parts, and possible minus the used fuel (if fuel also costs money), and minus a recovery fee (that can be a function of distance to KSC).
  20. I got fond of the way MJ visualizes data, so I just use it to see orbital and surface info. I tried KER and VOID but I find hard to change. Also the only "autopilot" thing I use from MJ is the Hoffman transfer, but as in next release we can move nodes several orbits later I guess I won't need that anymore.
  21. I watched the second video and started clapping at you guys. Those maneuvers tweaks and MET/UT time were really needed in the game. I'm really looking forward to play this update
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