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Everything posted by federicoaa

  1. I start the gravity turn when the surface speed is 100m/s, turn slowly watching the time to AP is between 30s and 60s
  2. I tend to roverize my landers. First, wheels are actually better for landing, and can be repaired. Second, you don't need an accurate pin-point landing, you can use the wheels to go to destination.
  3. I would like to see Whackjob building a rover...
  4. I wonder if the toolbar Harvester is referring will replace the toolbar mod
  5. Proper name is Association Football, soccer is just an abbreviation. On: Hope tomorrow we'll get some news about the release date, I'm really waiting for 0.24 to restart the game
  6. That would be nice. But really I'd love to see Manley proposing a challenge
  7. The third challenge was Whackjob level, next one should be Manley level
  8. They are the only kerbals I feel bad if I kill them
  9. I did not like the intake clipping in your Crew Shuttle SP. You put a lot of effort in the narrative and design of your ships, but that plane is a big minus. Maybe you should rethink that design. Besides that, good work
  10. Wow, just found this. Those wheels are looking pretty good (I have hard times not reading that phrase without glados voice XD) Anyway, keep up the good work and I hope we can see a release soon
  11. I did an EVA in the border between Kerbin and Mun SOI, then the ship teleported 2.5km away @@
  12. There are many games that have x32 and x64 exe files, you just run the one you like. I don't get it why some people think they'll have to pay extra.
  13. On one redirection, I decided to put the asteroid first into equatorial orbit, and when I was planning the burn to set PE=200k, I just has a perfect gravity assist with Mun, which put my asteroid AP the same as the Mun, for free XD. When I said it was perfect I mean it, the path on Mun SOI was almost a circumference. And actually the first time I decided to play with gravity assists, I made a random burn to use Mun to leave Kerbin SOI, and I got an Eve encounter, pure coincidence.
  14. On career mode, I just make any name for the ships, but following alphabetical order (first rocket name starts with A, second with B, and so on) I usually use latin or greek names as they sound nice
  15. Is there a way to get more cards? I have one Bill to exchange, need Bob and Jeb.
  16. Why not launch without fuel in the rocket and then refuel it in orbit?
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