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Everything posted by federicoaa

  1. Whackjob, how many frames per day does your game run with those rockets?
  2. I never paid attention to that detail, but it looks ugly indeed. Hope it gets fixed.
  3. Only you could think of using a mainsail as separatron. Well done.
  4. Gaiiden has a tweeter account called Kerbal Space Agency and he keeps real time track of many ships
  5. Battlestar Galactica, make some of those ships.
  6. I use Tylo to get into Jool orbit from time to time, if I can get a good alignment. Also once I used a Mun assist to capture an asteroid. I made a perfect U shape around Mun, it was beautiful. Gravity assists are those things in KSP that give you a great feel of accomplishment.
  7. I think is lithobraking, from brake, not break
  8. I suggested the same one post before. The reason behind this is that is simple and easy to understand. You teach this way first so beginners have an easy way to fly, lets say, Duna, and not feel overwhelmed by the amount of concepts they need to learn. Then you tell them "ok, now there's a better way to do it"
  9. @Marco: Making a Duna transfer from LKO is hard because you need to take into account planetary alignment, ejection vector, and so on. I remember the first time I went to Duna I just left Kerbin SOI and then tweaked a node to have an encounter with Duna. Off course this way requires more fuel, but it's easy for the firsts times. What I suggest is this: Have a first Duna tutorial use this method to plan the encounter, make it simple for the sake of quickly arriving. Focus the tutorial in how to plan the encounter, correct alignment and check you are arriving in the intended orbit. Then have second (advanced) tutorial where you teach how to arrive to other planets from LKO. At this point, users have already been to Duna in the previous tutorial, so they will be more patient and probably eager to learn the complex stuff
  10. Good idea making this list, although I would have to disagree with the floaty boat parts. Having some water physics would be very nice, but I don't see boats in the stock game
  11. Thank you maxmaps for asking us. I think focus on what you have and try to polish as best as you can, and take your time to make 1.0 the best release, then go full into unity 5 for 1.1
  12. I think it would be nice to have a simple interface in the mission control where you can "create" missions by specifying goals attached to a ship, for example, land in a specific biome in duna. This would be helpful to track missions, and also to have a log of past and current missions, where you can tag them as accomplished, ongoing, or failed. Moreover, you can have the crew listed per mission and all kind of data, everybody loves logs!
  13. I place the decoupler near the com of the stage, also having the stage much below the core part to avoid damage. I also have 2 or more separatrons on each part so they decouple far from the rocket. Then I fly the rocket, press space and see it explode.
  14. Nice devnotes, hope to see some sneak peeks soon
  15. It is color based, but you can change the heatmap colors to your likeness in case it is hard for you to distinguish them
  16. The only thing I used mechjeb to learn is rendezvous, but once I got it i started doing it by myself.
  17. apparently, about the definition of a concept
  18. Still, the idea seems good. You create a wing by adding panels like Harvester said it'll be with for fairings, this way you only have one part for the wing instead of many.
  19. I believe those questions will be answered during the AMA this friday
  20. Seen just now: "We're partnering up with Eucl3d to bring your KSP creations to the real world." link:http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2x1ufw/were_partnering_up_with_eucl3d_to_bring_your_ksp/
  21. About different fairings, you could have a fairing base that would cover everything to its top side in a clam shell, but if you place another fairing base with opposite orientation then the fairing stops there. This way you can generate interstage fairings and fairing into fairings without extra parts.
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