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Everything posted by federicoaa

  1. Hi NathanKell, Scott Manley just explained what happened with my rockets in his last video. I have to wait until the engine reaches full throttle before staging the clamps.
  2. I have one install where I play with very few mods, like KER, KAC, and RCS build aid. Then I have an RSS-RO install which is very near the ram crash limit.
  3. In the rocket I was trying only the sounding rocket avionics. EDIT: with other avionics cores is the same.
  4. Hi, first time trying RO and RSS I have this issue: If i activate the first stage engine before the launch clamps (to give it time to spool up for example) and then stage the launch clamps, the engine automatically stops. There's a message in screen that says i don't have more igniter, but it is already on so that's strange. If I put the clamps and engine on same stage it works ok. I am doing something wrong or there's a bug involved? Thanks.
  5. I'm not sure if I'd buy a copy for ps4, but sure I gladly beta-test it
  6. I don't believe in the "no experience = not good results" argument. Squad did not have any experience in games, and their first one we can all agree is quite good Also, Hellogames first PS4 game is no man's sky and looks fantastic, so what makes us thing Flying Tiger can't make a good job? We can only wait and see the results, and trust the developers know what they are doing.
  7. I've always been intel+nvidia So far is 70% nvidia, I'm affraid you may be wrong Mr. Red Iron Crown
  8. Because I reaaaaally want to have the game in pirate english XD
  9. I seem to recall from a couple weeks ago Mu said something about localization. Will that mean we can translate the in-game texts?
  10. I recall Squad is working on something like that for future release
  11. The game is available in more platforms means more people will buy it, which means more money for squad and (hopefully) longer development of the game, which in the end is good for us.
  12. ***Waiting in queue to buy ticket for the hype train***
  13. Instead of saying that, please try give specific info, like intel i7, 8GB ram, windows 7 (operative system matters a lot) And by the way, are you running the 32 bit or 64 bit version of ksp?
  14. Ninja'd Came to the forum to post this, you won this time Mr. Bond.
  15. There's a mod to fix this. Sadly, there are some very old bugs that still haven't been fixed.
  16. I think it's H to attach, that's what I use. Tip, if you want to just detach the engine, click it while pressing G, and then click anywhere to let if float. If you want to put it into a container, then you have to press G and drag & drop the engine to the inventory (here is important the difference between click and drag & drop)
  17. Number 2 and muber 4 are being called the glue kraken IIRC
  18. As many people said, docking with unbalanced RCS is almost impossible. You can use the navball to aid your docking. First select the docking port in your ship and click "control from here", then click in the other ship docking port the option "set as target" Now your navball will aim to that docking port. Set prograde (in target mode) to the target vector and stop a few meters from it, then try to move your ship to be parallel to the docking port (here you can use the mod DPAI). Once you do this, you are going to see that the target vector is not in the center of the navball, you need to achieve this by pressing 'ijkl', at first you can just set the prograde vector to match the target vector, and use h and n to control the distance. By this way, you are going to reach the docking port with your craft aligned, then you just need to gently press h to dock. I hope it is clear, that is the way I always dock. Cheers.
  19. OH, a ranting post. Ok, here's mine: I wish the bug "can't place nodes before PE in hyperbolic orbits" is finally solved, after so many years
  20. That's the Kraken looking for you with a flashlight, you'd better hide and pray.
  21. One thought, with the new asteroid mod from the devs, you could discover and redirect asteroids in a convenient orbit and then mine them.
  22. There is no official x64 implementation since it is extremely buggy. Many mods also do not have support for x64 for the same reason. You can try to run the workaround x64 patch by just double clicking that file (should be like ksp_64 but I don't have ksp in this machine), don't use the launcher. In my opinion you should stick with x32 until the devs release the official (and stable) x64 version, which would be 1.1 or later. Hope to clarify your confusion .
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