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Everything posted by federicoaa

  1. Hi, how could I modify the greenhouse to use it with TACLS? has somebody done that?
  2. This. I've been around computers since I was worn in 1986, though the first one I remember was something like an atari 64, and the game in the image is the first one I played. Then came the PC with some DOS games like comander ken, though at that time I couldn't speak english so I was limited on games. Ah, and I'm forgetting about monkey island, that I bought in 1993.
  3. I was kidding I know these things take time. Thanks zodius and sirkut for this great mod
  4. That'll work, and it's really nice looking too. Keep up with the good work, and thanks EDIT: Actually is magnificent! It's modular, so you can pile as many of those as you want to get your desired height. Could you release that part in ehhh, 15 seconds?
  5. Watching Scot Manley videos I decided to try this mod. I hope it doesn't get far too complex.
  6. Yes, mechanically are the same as pistons, but pistons are bigger. Maybe only the smaller piston would fit in a cargo bay (like B9 bays for planes), but then I'm not sure if a small piston can handle the payload.
  7. Exactly that is what I want. Why can't it be implemented with the IR plugin?
  8. I would like to suggest some sort of elevator similar in use to pistons but with lower profile, specially for using in cargo bays to lift payloads in and out. Also, the actual pistons do not stick well to surfaces. They only surface attach from the center and clip through parts (also they always want to attach in a way they extend inside the parts). Besides this, I really like your work, keep going on
  9. Basically, put it in a mod so people who want it can have and people who don't then don't. Time-sensitive things are good for people who like it and like roleplaying, so they won't cheat. So, for mods is ok, for vanilla probably not.
  10. Sirkut, is there any reason why the numpad cannot be assigned to the servo controls?
  11. That's seems to be a bug with module manager, it happened to me a couple of times. Delete everything from the gamedata folder and reinstall again, it's the only way.
  12. For next time, click on "edit" on your first post and go to advanced, then you can change the prefix
  13. Yes, maybe use MJ to fine tune the angle you want to. But the OP is talking about editing the persistent file. That I don't know
  14. I'm seeing you have FAR. How on earth (ehmm, kerbin) did you put that on space?
  15. To change inclination is better to do it as far as possible, and better outside the SOI. To aerobrake in duna I think around 15~20km should be ok. You can save first then try the aerobrake, if it's not good reload and do it again. EDIT: To change inclination you should burn into the normal (the pink/violet arrows in the node), just make a node and play with this.
  16. Hi guys, this is something I did today for loading an SSTO without having to respawn it with the payload attached. This way, I have to fit and attach the payload to the SSTO by myself. The crane uses KW, B9, KAS, and IR mods. It has a movable telescopic arm with an attached winch with an electromagnet to lift any payload to the cargo bay. Inside the cargo bay there's another winch that's used to secure the payload to the bay. In the front there's also a KAS container box to store different parts if necessary. some pics craft link: here Suggestions on how to improve it?
  17. I cant' open your design in my game, but I made a small example for you to see how to connect the parts. You have a rotatron, a powered hinge, and a piston Here's how you should connect them. BW, are using the latest version of the mod?
  18. You have the parts attached in the wrong way First, the hinge moving part is whats near the blue dot, not where the piston. Also, the piston is attached wrong, you should attach it from the other side. I recommend you to do a simple test with the parts first. Don't do the whole ship, just put a girder and mount some IR parts and play with them until you release how to use in the way you want to.
  19. You can refuel a ship by spawning a refueler, but can you attach a payload to an SSTO and send it into space? This is what Jeb asked himself the other day and put hands to work. The vehicle has crane that works thanks to infernal robotics and KAS mods. The crane plataform is placed on top of a washer, and has a powered hinge with a telescopic arm. At the top of the arm a winch is located with an electromagnet to secure the payload. Inside the cargo bay there's another winch used to secure the payload, instead of using a docking port, as the latter needs proper orientation, whereas using the winch the payload can be secured using EVA. The SSTO used for the test also has a winch in the carg bay to secure/release the payload. Some pics: The crane and a refueler, waiting for a mission. The crane in action, grabbing a satellite that was spawned in the launch pad. The payload is secured in the SSTO cago bay. Payload being released in LKO
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