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Everything posted by TheGamingNoobster

  1. The time when you realise that Australia was the third nation to build and launch their own orbital rocket... Such a shame that after the 60's and 70's many nations tended to give up on their space programs. Another space program you probably don't know about is the Congo Space Program.
  2. One thing i can say is to create and equatorial LKO orbit. Transfer to the mun. Make a very high mun orbit. Since the delta v required to change your plane to a polar orbit is roughly equal to your orbital velocity you should make your plane change high over the mun (where your orbital velocity is low). From there you can reduce your orbital height and finish your orbit! Polar orbits always require extra ∆v but how you execute the orbit change is what changes the mission.
  3. Well, my thinking is the opposite to rocket scientists of the 70's! I am seeing that the power required to convert water to LOX and H2 is quite high. Does anyone have any numbers (Not that I am doubting you guys!)
  4. You can recycle the water through the system. Onto SargeRho's point, extra weight would be required to bring replacement salts and stuff. That or some water would have to be out aside. I am arguing for and against the idea BTW.
  5. Thanks all for the responses. In response to Reddragon's post, I have heard (but have never verified it) that it isn't healthy for people to drink pure water. That may be another fault.
  6. Please tell me all of the faults with this. Please do. This is for a manned mission to Mars. We understand that an effective chemical rocketry fuel is LOX and LH2, and an effective radiation shield is water (it halves radiation for every 7 cm. What would the flaws be in creating a water tank around the crew cabin in which they can drink from and stuff and will shield the crew from radiation and splitting the fuel prior to the MOIB (Martian Orbital Insertion Burn). Once landed, crews can use martian soil to cover up bases etc. from radiation. Some stuff to build up from: pumping the water to the water splitters, storing the LOX and LH2 once it becomes a chilled, condensed liquid (tools required and extra storage space) and reliability. I put this up because I have thought about it for a while and I have searched for similar results to no avail. I have heard some weird ideas for manned mars missions but this was one that, as aforementioned, I have never heard of. Does anyone have any alternate ideas?
  7. Rough law, every 1km/s of ∆v means approx. 1.7x the mass. Unless you are using NERVA, Orion (not the WIP ship), solar sails or ion drives. Once you have the mass required to go from LEO to LEO (Low Earth Orbit, Low Europa Orbit) figure out whether it would be cheaper/easier to do orbital assembly or a single launch. Don't forget probe mass! I have year 11 physics experience. The report I am currently writing involves projectile motion and drag. - - - Updated - - - That has some stuff already done for you. Don't forget N-body physics! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/122428-Yes%21-We-ARE-going-to-Europa%21
  8. My best solution? Go to the remote tech forum page. Chances are Peppie has your solution on the OP.
  9. Create a persistence file with crafts. From there the user can engage with certain combatants if they please. Probably mark the 'enemy' crafts.
  10. Ouch, finals... Meanwhile in high school I only have a few assignments (due at a date very close to eachother) and a week of straight exams... Good luck Komrade
  11. The GRAVMAX reports a 9.81ms^-1 at sea level not a 9.82ms^-1! A change! (Now for sarcasm) Such a change! think of the fuel savings! It totally makes up for the ISP cuts of rockets which means reduced efficiency! (Now out of sarcasm) The small changes count. The ISP's were changed due to the new aero system. Take no offence to the sarcasm, it is there for effect. If it offends you please notify me.
  12. G'day mate! I remember seeing another forum which was about lego KSP. I forgot where it was though. Maybe someone else will put it up. But, I loved me some Legos as a kid!
  13. Remember, the United States has a crippling debt that won't leave for a very long time. I support President Obama in creating budget cuts to minimise the effects of the debt but more should be done. A part of that does mean cutting the money for NASA... mental debates of a conservative space loving individual... oh SLS, please work.
  14. How my friend? go to the website! P.S. getting ready for my 100th post to be the 1.0 release post!
  15. KSP server is down right now. They are uploading KSP 1.0 right now! HYPE!!!
  16. Thanks for the information! I have moved the save over. All I had to do was 'repurchase' the unresearched items (Which was to be expected). Thankfully, my saves were fine. My American save wasn't effected and with my nearly completed Soviet save I didn't have any missions going on! Cheers mate!
  17. Danke. It will now download from KS. Is this usable with previous saves?
  18. I understand that this is a WIP mod but when installed I cannot load any saves, scenarios or even tutorials. Looks good though...
  19. Let me join the bandwagon too! The KerbalStuff website has come up with a '404 Not Found Looks like it was deleted, or maybe it was never here. Who knows.' with a nice little picture in the background Thank you for your cooperation.
  20. I have played through the Soviet side and I am halfway through the 'Murican side. Seems quite good. Usually in the middle of tech trees I tend to stall. In situations like this I tend to make a horrible rocket! I thought 'Nah, I better not do that'. Well, I did. Ever wanted to see 5 Proton rockets strapped together? No? Well I got to. Try 5 N-1's to get a base to Laythe in one launch. 'Tis fun! Thanks for the compilation and the tech tree. Well done, keep up the good work!
  21. Is this project dying? Will this mod be continued? Just wondering.
  22. Yes Mayor of London, I must agree. Very nice indeed!
  23. This is not a bug. It is simply physics. For a rocket to produce thrust it requires some matter to be ejected outwards at a high speed. What is happening here is a lot of mass with a lot of momentum is imparting its kinetic energy onto the Kerbal. A similar effect can be seen when you decouple a stage in orbit and then throttle up an engine (that is is in front of it). This will push the decoupled stage backwards and often make the spent stage rotate.
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