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Everything posted by TheGamingNoobster

  1. I use a mac laptop and I do not have the number pad on the right, or anywhere as a matter of fact! I was wondering if you could create a different way to aim the .30 cal MG. Other than that it works without a hitch. I use many many mods with this. 61 to be precise (that is just the gamedata, some are in the parts folder etc. that also does include large mods like B9 and KW rocketry). I have not found any compatibility issues yet. Thank you and bye!
  2. When in a competitive school debate you say 'My oppositions teams argument is just like a mainsail engine, packs some thrust, but has an extremely low ISP leaving it to be useless in most case meanwhile... sorry as I was saying' Oops fail! and yet we won!
  3. Wow. You have inspired me to do something very similar. I have landed 2 ships in the same location as your main base. If you try a VTOL try a 3 engine one as you can have a stable triangular base of thrust.
  4. I found that the SCARAB with the LV909's didn't fly I had to take them away for it to fly (The exhaust from the jet engines were hitting the lv909's meaning the moar powerful engine's effect was nullified NEWTON FTW). Sorry about the complaint.
  5. Call me special or whatnot but I simply cannot get either the Duna-LK1 or LK2 to Duna or even Kerbin orbit! I have tried multiple times with both with gravity turns and without. I am not new to this game (I have been playing it since its first year). May you please maybe upload a youtube video how to do it. The only duna-dunebug ships I could get there(Duna of course) was the Dunebug-1 (Lovely craft). Thank you
  6. There is also a kraken reference with BopSrfLanded = The sensors detected organic compounds for a second. Possibly a mistake. and BopSrfLanded = The sensors detect nothing out of the ordinary. Surely, nothing could live here.
  7. The science refs config file has this for the science bay jr. JoolInSpace = The computer gave an odd report no matter how many times we sent the request. Open the sample bay doors... "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't let you do that" was the only reply. The doors did open very promptly when we opened the fusebox panel. Very curious.
  8. Nice mod but I will put what I posted on the spaceport page of this mod. "Why???? I went through the flags and… WHY ARE THERE FLAGS LABELLED ‘nazi’ AND ‘naziverse’!??? WHY HAVE YOU CREATED TWO FLAGS FOR AN INNOCENT GAME WITH SWASTIKA’S IN THEM?? Other than that, a fun mod. For my rant unfortunately I will donate a ’1 star’ rating" Sorry about being so harsh but...
  9. Well, here it is then, tree edit! http://www.kspmodders.com/forum/thread-9.html
  10. Thank you Rottielover for informing me about 'scoop-O-matic' That shall help my future missions!
  11. Lovely mod! Great to see that you, ludsoe,the mod creator, are so active on the forum for this! Could the radio wave detector possibly detect radio waves that may show sign of life when near other space ships, in deep space or laythe? Could you also create a laser powered soil scanner (practically getting surface samples for probes and they can be taken while flying in non-atmosphereic planets/moons? Another suggestion is a life scanner? That would probably use a surface sample and scan chemicals in the ground and detect possibly alien life. Another thing that would be lovely if added would be a radio telescope that has to be used in non-atmospheric environment. It will probably collect radio pollution from kerbin in but it could be used to detect stars etc. Thanks for reading the ramble!
  12. I am not sure. As I said say that you want the link to tree edit I will post it but if the modders, admin, creater etc tell me not to I will not post it.
  13. Shall I release the website with tree edit? If the creator, nodders, admins etc. disapprove please tell me not to. Excellent mod!!!
  14. I get that problem too. I run mine on a Mac with quad core i5. This problem is with 0.22 though. If I remove the 'squad folder it works just without all the default parts etc.
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