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    KSP Livestreamer

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  1. Any news on how that's happening? Is it automatic in Steam?
  2. Has there been any official word on how early adopters get the DLC for free? They said they will, but I haven't seen any updates. Will it be automatic for Steam users?
  3. Belay that order! Just redownloaded the mod and reinstalled it.... somehow I managed to download an old version of the mod before! Apologies!
  4. I do. Just started a new game and it's the same. No "Telemetry Report" option
  5. Downloaded and installed the mod today. I don't seem to have an option for "Telemetry Report". I'm right clicking the Stayputnik and the Octo, and I get nothing. What am I doing wrong?
  6. Hey guys! To celebrate hitting 700 subscribers, and to keep the numbers rising, I've decided to run a charity livestream supporting the Childsplay Charity. The stream will take the form of a live REAL TIME Mun landing mission, with no time acceleration. Don't worry, we've got stuff planned to pass the time during the journey, and we'll make sure we have plenty of snacks. Check out the announcement video here: Please share the video aroun as much as possible so we can hit our 750 subscriber target and also raise a decent amount for childsplay on the day! Thanks all! See you there!
  7. Hey everyone! A while ago I posted a hardcore challenge using a mass of mods and a challenge to post a flag on some of the celestial bodies of the Kerbol system.... Now I'm going one better! With the release of 0.90 it is quite possible to create your own Ultimate Hard core mode from within the vanilla game's difficulty settings... so I've taken on the challenge and started a new series on YouTube so you guys can track my progress and see f you can do better. Here's the challenge: Vanilla game... absolutely NO mods Start a new game with HARD difficulty settings... AND Set starting funds to 0 Set all rewards to 10% Set all penalties to 1000% Survive! These settings add a HUGE challenge to the early game, such that if you pick the wrong contracts, or if you make a mistake somewhere along the line... you're out of funds and can't launch your next rocket! This challenge is for the hard core players who are looking for something new to try. For those who want an actual GOAL... here are some added goals you can aim for: Plant a flag on Kerbin's North Pole [100 points] Plant a flag in two different craters on Mun [500 points] Plant a flag on Minmus [200 points] Plant a flag on Duna [500 points] Complete the Tech Tree [1000 points] Record it for YouTube and share the vids here [5000 points] To get you started... here's my pilot episode so you can see which contracts to pick first to get you started...but I did NOT use the best possible rockets to start with... so see if you can do better! - - - Updated - - - And here's the first Official episode after the Pilot:
  8. Hey guys! I just launched the pilot episode of my new series exploring the possibilities of KSP in Ultimate Hard Core mode! What is Hard Core Mode? Start with deafult Hard settings Set starting funds, science and reputation to 0 Set all rewards to 10% Set all Penalties to 1000% Panic, sweat and try to get a rocket into orbit and beyond My previous hard core mode challenge involved mods, this one is TOTALLY vanilla. I'm carrying over some rules from the previous hard core challenge, namely: At least one orange suited Kerbal must be present on any manned mission Unmanned missions obviously don't require a kerbal Losing all three orange kerbals is game over At this stage my aim is "Don't go bankrupt" ... but eventually it will be to place a flag on as many celestial bodies as possible! I welcome any comments and suggestions for the series, and I hope you enjoy it!
  9. KSP Live! Is moving to a new time-slot effective immediately! From now on KSP Live will be broadcast EVERY SATURDAY at 8:30pm GMT (3:30pm EST). Follow now for notification when we go live at http://twitch.tv/ellbristow Our livestreams are also the platform for our milestone indie game giveawys! At set milestones we will give away free indie games to our twitch viewers. Our current milestone is 500 subscribers on our YouTube channel at http://youtube.com/ellitopiamc, and when we hit the milestone we'll be giving away FIVE free games! If you're not subscribed, subscribe now and help us get to our goal so we can give away some free games! Enjoy!
  10. Finally got around to uploading Episode 9 "Minmus Unmanned". It's time to risk an unmanned mission to Minmus usign Remote Tech!
  11. Hey Ippo. Thanks for dropping in. I'm loving Dang It! Good job! Personally I feel like the balance is just about right. personally I'd like to see classes of spares, so that if you have multiple failures of the same types (ie betteries) you could run out of spare battery parts etc... though that's obviously a fair chunk of additional coding. Re the exploit... that is unfortunate, and is the same issue the Kethane mod had. My personal opinion would be for you to "simulate" the passed time the next time the device is loaded so that any parts that Would have failed do fail "in the background", you just don't get a notification. That stops people wanting to use the exploit as thre is a risk that they won't know something has gone wrong. If you needany help with ideas/coding etc, let me know. I'm quite new to C# and Kerbal modding, but I've done PLENTY of java modding/plugins for minecraft, and Java and C# are pretty similar... so how hard can it be eh!
  12. Finally added Episode 8! This one features Dallas Kermann, our first Patreon supported kerbal! Interested in getting your own kerbal in our series? Head over to Patreon.com/ellitopia
  13. Watchign the Poll, Realism overhaul WITH RSS seems to be edging ahead, so I may be looking at a EUHkC v2.0!
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