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Everything posted by BagelRabbit

  1. The petunias' fall is cushioned by an enormous, befuddled whale, which falls directly upon the next poster.
  2. Because of the amazing befuddling power of alcoholic beverages. Why does the person above me appear to have no posts yet? (I know that this has been asked but seriously!)
  3. That's what I thought. I was just wondering. (Visual-enhancement mods are okay as long as they don't add any parts.) How do you add links on the scoreboard to individuals' posts?
  4. I've updated the scoreboard, and frankly, I'm very impressed with your plane. Congratulations! One question: What were the engines that you used that cast such a warm yellow glow? I'm not sure whether they're modded. Oh, and I'm wondering how to provide links to individual posts. I've never done it before
  5. Kerbals have spent their entire lives too busy with rockets to invent paltry things such as "music." However, Wehrner von Kerman's rocket test stand struck a chord (ha) in Jebadiah, who somehow saw the potential to use the rocket blasts to create the first music* in Kerbal history! *not really music >Nine "beautiful" tones! >Nine terrifyingly powerful rocket engines! >Creates pretty clouds! >Songs are (vaguely) recognizable! >By far the most Kerbal instrument ever constructed! So, I would be happy to play songs on the Rocket Organ if you give requests. I can't promise they'll come out well, but hey, why not? -[EDIT:]- I've now created the Green Danube, which is a more-or-less terrifying cover of the Blue Danube, by Strauss. DECOUPLER PERCUSSION! Enjoy
  6. That's fine to do. I tried to make the rules very 'open' on purpose, so that a variety of really neat designs can be made. I'm looking forwards to all of the awesome entries that are sure to come
  7. Fine with me! As long as you're the first to complete the challenge, you'll still receive the Test Pilot award.
  8. The Three Bridges Cup! After considerable progress in Kerbal Aviation, the Kerbal Space Center decided to put their newfound wings to use in an extraordinarily difficult challenge: The rules are very simple: Fly a stock craft under each of the three bridges in KSP, and return to the runway in the shortest time possible. Your craft can have as many Kerbals as you like, or none at all… it could be powered by anything, including infiniglide… you can take whatever route you want between the three… just as long as your plane is completely stock. In addition, it must not touch anything solid at any time except for when on the runway, and it must not be flown with the debug menu cheats. The plane must remain intact through the flight. Other than that, you’re free to do whatever you want. The three bridges are as shown: Two are in the R&D facility (easy and medium) and the third is the awning above the Astronaut Training Center (fiendishly difficult). Scores will be determined by whoever flies under each bridge once and lands on the runway, over the shortest period of time. At a minimum, please take a screenshot of the craft under each bridge and one immediately after you have slowed to a halt on the runway (Your navball should say 0.0m/s during this last screenshot!). Videos are preferred, and if you post screenshots showing questionable activity (such as discrepancies in timing, craft appearing to fly directly towards a wall in the screenshot, etc.) you may need to retake the challenge. --- There are other distinctions you can earn. Test Pilot, First Class: This individual completes the challenge first. Test Pilot, Second Class completes the challenge second, and so on. Kerbal Aircraft, Light Class: This individual completes the challenge with a <2-ton craft (requires a screenshot at beginning of flight) Kerbal Aircraft, Heavy Class: This individual completes the challenge with a >7.5-ton craft (requires a screenshot at beginning of flight) Kerbal Aircraft, Ion Class: This individual completes the challenge with a craft solely powered by ion engines. Kerbal Aircraft, VTOL Class: This individual completes the challenge with a VTOL craft! Kerbal Aircraft, Blimp Class: This individual completes the challenge with a craft shaped like a blimp. (Thanks, Spacepigu!) Kerbal Ace: This individual completes the challenge with one or more Kerbals on board. One Kerbal gives you ‘Second-Class’ standing, two Kerbals gives ‘First-Class’ standing, and three or more gives ‘Exceptional Merit’ standing. Pilot Precision Award: This individual completes the challenge twice, just to show the first time wasn’t a fluke (requires two videos/two different sets of screenshots) ...and whoever has the fastest craft gets the Three Bridges Cup and as much glory as they can handle! (Current Cup holder is shown in GREEN.) Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. ~~~ Leaderboard for 0.25: manni01: Fastest Time in 0.25 (1:07), Kerbal Aircraft: Light Class and Kerbal Aircraft: VTOL Class, Pilot Precision Award, Kerbal Ace: Second Class. Fastest Non-Parachute Run. Alternate Scoring Method (0.25): This method counts the number of achievements that each person gets. In addition, the first-place entry gets seven points, the second-place entry gets six, etc. Current winner(s) in this category are shown in DARK GREEN. manni01: 11 points ~~~ Leaderboard for 0.24: Aphobius: Overall Fastest Time (0:14), Pilot Precision. Current Owner of the Three Bridges Cup. GusTurbo: Second-Fastest Time (0:29), Pilot Precision. UpsilonAerospace: Third-Fastest Time (0:59), Kerbal Aircraft: Light Class, Kerbal Ace: Second Class. Fastest Manned Flight. Andrew Hansen: Fourth-Fastest Time (1:13), Kerbal Aircraft: Light Class, Kerbal Ace: Second Class Mareczex333: Fifth-Fastest Time (1:30), Kerbal Aircraft: VTOL Class and Heavy Class, Kerbal Ace: Second Class, Test Pilot: First Class, Pilot Precision. Avera9eJoe: Sixth-Fastest Time (1:57), Kerbal Aircraft: Ion Class, Kerbal Ace: Second Class, Test Pilot: Third Class. Razgriz86er: Seventh-Fastest Time (5:01), Kerbal Aircraft: Heavy Class, Kerbal Ace: Second Class. Heaviest Aircraft to complete the Cup. Spacepigu: Eighth-Fastest Time (9:39), Kerbal Aircraft: Blimp Class. It's a blimp. What else can I say? Alternate Scoring Method (0.24): This method counts the number of achievements that each person gets. In addition, the first-place entry gets seven points, the second-place entry gets six, etc. Current winner(s) in this category are shown in DARK GREEN. Aphobius: 8 points GusTurbo: 7 points UpsilonAerospace: 7 points Andrew Hansen: 6 points Mareczex333: 8 points Avera9eJoe: 5 points Razgriz86er: 3 points Spacepigu: 1 point Gatecrashers (Close but not quite!) Nobody. Well done, Law-Abiding Citizens!
  9. I think that this video is really good! I don't know why others aren't commenting, but I hadn't seen this yet. I particularly loved the poor solar panel that stayed on throughout the entire re-entry. Have some reputation. It would really be a shame if you stopped posting your videos now, I'm just getting interested in them.
  10. Granted. You're promptly eaten by Aslan, who views you an intruder. I wish that I had a ticket on SpaceShipTwo.
  11. Hm. 8/10. You seem to be on these side forums a lot, but never on the main forum, where I generally spend my time.
  12. Mesklin, I see that I actually scored pretty well according to your data! The real punishing factor was my SSTO's limited Delta-V once it was in orbit. Personally, I think that the challenge calls for a beginner's SSTO, which in my opinion means one that can fly very well and is easy to control. I keep seeing Kashua's SSTO on the top of the list. Personally, I wouldn't get the whole 'flip the craft around' thing the first time around, and I don't know whether beginners would manage to fly the plane (other than that, it's good). Congratulations to Kashua for creating a long-range SSTO, a feat which I am utterly incapable of accomplishing. This is shaping up to be an interesting competition. All ten top entries will likely be very capable craft, and, quite frankly, I'm glad I'm not judging. Cruzan, I would be more than happy to offer up the the Plover mk2 for your testing video! I want to see what you think about my Plover, and what I can improve on in the future! Thanks.
  13. That's really strange. My original Plover as its action groups set up correctly... I wonder what's going on. Anyway, you can press the spacebar instead. ...but it's good to hear that for the most part my craft is alright.
  14. Just from your preliminary look at all of the craft, how do you think mine stacks up? Is it a lovely green or a nasty red? (I know many probably haven't gotten to my craft yet. I'll have to try my best to put my next one at the top of the alphabet.) I don't think that my craft is the best one here, but it does have one undisputed title: Greatest width for its size. I'm not sure if that's enough to get it to win, though.
  15. Posting a quick note here to keep the thread alive. I'm worried that either 1) These videos are so beyond compare in their perfection that no one can look at them without turning to stone, or more realistically 2) No one really likes them. I sincerely hope that your viewing experience is somewhere in-between those two extremes.
  16. I'm slightly dreading MiniMatt's analysis of my plane... I'm pretty sure that my design will not, let's just say, be a +4. It's not terrible, but it doesn't seem to hold up well to his judging criteria, particularly his docking criteria. I made my docking abilities lower-priority, and there's still a bug or eight that I hadn't worked out. I'll just have to wait and see what he thinks.
  17. Next challenge, I'm certainly going to have my entry higher up the alphabet. I'm more than halfway down the list, and I fear that some people won't have the chance to vote for any entries that far down. Seriously, though. What a huge load of entries! It's great that so many people are interested in BSC... but... wow.
  18. Wow, MiniMatt! I was expecting your SFD Jet-Trike to be smaller than my little flying rover! On the contrary, it's gigantic [in comparison to the rover, anyway.] Would you mind offering a bit of constructive criticism on the rover? I know you're busy with flying useful, sensible SSTOs, but... Here's another post of the .craft file for added convenience! https://www.dropbox.com/s/er11ixbgpv06lpm/Dock-sun%27d.craft Enjoy
  19. Hi, Xeldrak! Just quickly pointing out that the title of this thread should say "Time to start voting." Sorry for being so tough on grammar.
  20. I know I'm posting this everywhere... but... Rovers are boring when they can't fly. New video of an... er... fantastic landing, right where the craft was supposed to go! heh I'm sure that everyone can see that this is an ...um, what was I supposed to call it again? Oh. Innovation in Technology. ...and, for those poor saps who want it-- ow! my leg! stop it! *ahem* for all of you fantastic builders who love Innovations, here's the .craft file! https://www.dropbox.com/s/er11ixbgpv06lpm/Dock-sun%27d.craft Just don't fly any Kerbals on it. I knew a guy named Landred, great guy, so sad to see him gone who rode this after he protested against the Eternal Leader and OW! Not my other leg! Please! Enjoy the Dock-Sun'd, everyone!
  21. I believe that he meant that voting will begin on Friday. After all, no one has voted yet, and entries are still streaming in. Edit: Beaten to it by the man himself!
  22. Here's a nice attempt. The video speaks for itself... What's up with the Mk1 pod and its desire to smash everything in its path? Maybe it's bitter about not being in the game anymore...? On a side note, I made one landing on the short runway kind of sideways, and then rolled off the "runway" as I attempted to stop. This attempt was otherwise successful, with no damage. Does this still count?
  23. I've been moving further and further towards using Danny2462-style editing, and I would like your opinions on my videos. Some of them are pretty decent, some most likely could have used some work. If you are a fan of my videos, or if you think they need work, please tell me what I can do to make them better! Here are a couple of pretty good ones. My latest and (maybe) greatest, a video on flying a rover. Yes, flying a rover. And performing by far the best landing I have ever made. (I call this trick the Corkscrew-360 to Mk1 Cockpit memorial.) Here's a instructional tutorial on how to fly a VTOL that I made for a BSC challenge (the VTOL came in fifth place overall): And... finally, for now at least, the terror of stacking command capsules! (This is a bona fide KSP glitch.) Let me know what you think! And, as always, enjoy watching
  24. I've landed at these "runways" before! Give me enough time and I'll make a video.
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