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Everything posted by BagelRabbit

  1. The last thing I did in KSP was This. ...Made possible with an absolutely obscene amount of hidden control surfaces, this craft (plane?) can carry 12 Kerbals! (Also, I absolutely hate flying it.)
  2. Hello everyone! Thanks so much for the flattering comments and the +Rep! Honestly, these aren't great. I'm likely going to do some better stuff over the summer, when I have more time. Regardless, here's the newest one. RCS-Mun-Lander Debris (0.23) Year 1, Day 36 This was the transfer stage of a small, unmanned Mun lander. Sadly, I put on the wrong stack decoupler and ended up with two pieces of debris in Munar orbit, not one, thus slowing down my poor computer even more. It made for a good picture, though.
  3. I could make a movie! ...but it wouldn't be Nassault-quality, I can tell you that.
  4. Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone! I try to keep debris down to a minimum in my saves, so each piece of debris generally has a story. I think that this will help with this series. Big Crew Lander Debris Year 1, Day 11 (0.21) The Big Crew Lander needed enough Delta-V to return home from the Mun. Thus, most of its braking burn was done with the transfer stage, which was jettisoned before landing. A large piece of debris remained after the transfer stage was jettisoned, including a squashed Rockomax fuel tank and a stack decoupler. The lander successfully touched down within range of this debris before safely returning to Kerbin. [edit: Sorry for the general unpolished feeling of this drawing; I'm not as good at working with pen as I am with pencil. It's good to try something new though.]
  5. w-what? it's over? ... I'll miss this series. It's the one that got me hooked on KSP fan-fiction... ...and the one that made me spray hot tea from my nose onto a freshly printed ten-page paper for literature. ... yeah, I'll miss it.
  6. According to the source that you cited, "hypergolic UDMH [was used] as the fuel and a saturated solution of dinitrogen tetroxide in nitric acid [was used] as the oxidizer." None of these chemicals actually have fluorine in them, let alone ClF3. (Unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine, or UDMH, is H2NN(CNH3)2, containing only hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen.) Sorry if I'm being harsh, I just want to clarify. Anyways. One benefit of hot-staging in model rocketry (I don't know if it applies here) is that all of the electronics and fancy gadgets used for staging can be jettisoned after the top stage is lit. (The electronics are mounted on the top part of the first stage and thus are separated when the stages are decoupled.) This probably doesn't hold as much significance once the rockets are scaled up, though.
  7. Personally, I wish that it would take Science to "analyze" asteroids and determine their orbital trajectory. Maybe only a small amount per asteroid, but I feel a little guilty about determining the exact position of fifteen asteroids before I launch my first rocket in career mode. That just doesn't seem to be realistic.
  8. Hello everyone! I'm trying artsy things for a change. This will be a series of pictures of the debris that I've left behind during my adventures in KSP. I'll try to find some debris on some of my save files, and then draw the more noticeable chunks in pencil or pen. The Debris Series is now taking requests. If you want to send in a request, please include a screenshot, and state where you want the debris to be (unless you want the screenshot copied more-or-less exactly). You can PM this information to me or post it on the page itself. If you would like, you can include some backstory, so that I know what to write. Regardless, I'm not the fastest worker and you may have to wait a little while for your suggestions to be used... sorry. Here are the drawings on the forum, arranged from oldest to newest: Big Crew Lander Debris, RCS-Mun-Lander Debris, Minmus Lander C Debris, Mun Lander Four Debris, Duna One Debris, MetSat 2 Debris, Minmus Ho! Debris, Duna Deliverer Debris, Jool Plunge Debris ...and I'll be adding more as time goes by. Unfulfilled Requests by: Joshwoo69 Kookoo_gr Sylandro tntristan12 Fulfilled Requests: Avera9eJoe's Awesome Debris SelectHalfling0's Debris ~~~ Okay, we'll start off with the original image: Laythe-1 Debris Year 3, Day 147 The unmanned Laythe-1 probe eventually landed on the moon it was named for, after dropping this debris off in an eccentric Jool orbit. The debris was entirely comprised of a stack decoupler, a fuel tank, an LV-909 engine, a battery and a single solar panel. After several orbits, it encountered Tylo, which caused it to deorbit Jool and be incinerated.
  9. I'm probably going to at least try to do a Star Trek ship. Give me time, though, as I'm not exceptionally good at building these sorts of things. I'll edit my finished ship into this post, once it's done.
  10. IVA = InterVehicular Activity SRB = Solid Rocket Booster CG (or CoM) = Center of Gravity (or Center Of Mass) CP (or CoL) = Center of Pressure (or Center of Lift) JATO = Jet Assisted Take-Off I'm surprised that "SRB" and "IVA" aren't in here yet
  11. I would have to say that my most infuriating glitch that happened was the one where I glitched through Eve when trying to deliver a fifteen-ton rover there. I was running out of time on the computer, so I time-warped to max... and the rover went cleanly through the planet. Then I quickloaded, because I thought I had quicksaved the mission. No such luck. I was taken back to a failed Jool mission that I had ended the flight of five in-game years before. I had built a space station and a Mun base since then... and I had to start all over again. ARGH!
  12. Tell that to BERTY. He wants the samples back so bad, he's willing to kill Kerbals for it. ...or Rozer.
  13. The wrinkles you see on places other than your fingertips and feet are a product of the fact that skin is not infinitely elastic. If you did not have these wrinkles, your skin simply could not stretch enough to allow you to move properly. As people age, their skin becomes less elastic, which causes more wrinkles. Hope this helped.
  14. I'm still waiting for a Science Sr. The presence of a (relatively large) "Science Jr." makes me think that there will be a larger materials bay implemented at some time or another.
  15. This is, quite possibly, the most bizarre glitch that I've ever found. It works off of the infiniglider principle, time-warp, and the odd properties of Launch Stability Enhancers! ...and now, you can build one for yourself. Enjoy and let me know what you think! [EDIT: I've heard that some people want a text tutorial on how to do stuff. Here goes.] Start off with a RC-001S small remote guidance unit. Add a small stack decoupler and a cubic octagonal strut. Then, add on a Delta-Deluxe winglet to the strut, rotating it with the "W" and the "E" key twice. "Wee!" Stick a Launch Stability Enhancer on the back and you're good to go. For better performance, use the Alt+F12 debug menu to enable part clipping and then make a horizontal line of struts. The longer, the better (as a whole). Hope this helped! Does anyone know how the Launch Stability Enhancer got ripped out of the ground on the second launch?! I'm not sure how that worked.
  16. ... My subconscious: I can't allow you to continue endangering my brain. :brain begins short-circuiting: My subconscious: Your reckless behavior is the cause of this. I enjoyed working with you, Capitan Czokletmuss. Goodbye. :falls on floor and begins twitching violently: ... What a chapter.
  17. ...wait. The rover said NASA? Given that this is czokletmuss we're talking about, regular humans have infiltrated the Kerbol system and taken control of the Duna base! They took the Kerbals and left to do Science on them! What a plot twist! ... Or, as always, I am barking up the wrong tree, and this was just an insignificant part of the rover's mod texture. We will see. (Also, czokletmuss, can you confirm or deny this statement, so I'm not on tenterhooks? ) [EDIT: Ninja'd by about a page. Serves me right for not reading all of the comments.]
  18. I do believe that I will use this LAPES plane for the first leg of the challenge... maybe after I update it a bit (it was made in 0.22). Now, time to design a good ship and a rover, and stick them on!
  19. Hello, everyone! (This thread has been dead for long enough.) Let me try to answer your questions... Thanks! I've just been thinking about my videos' low resolution. I wish it were better, but... 1) my editing program defines High-Definition as 1080p, 2) I do not have a powerful enough computer to run KSP at 1080p, and 3) the next highest setting is 480p. Sorry. I will definitely take your advice and lengthen my videos in the future... maybe when I'm on summer break and have more time. No, actually! You can try it yourself (mind you, this glitch was exploited in 0.23 and may not work with the ARM patch, I haven't checked.) As for improving the frame rate. My computer is absolutely terrible at running KSP, and it goes into full meltdown when I'm trying to create craft with high part count. I can't slow the game down and then speed it up again in post-production, either, as I seem to be incapable of piloting craft when the game is slowed down. Thus, a miserably low frame rate. I'm trying to save up money and buy a wonderful graphics card, but I'm not there yet. And with that, here's another video for you to critique! As always, comments, suggestions, etc. are welcome. Enjoy.
  20. I kinda wish that there was a distinction between manned/unmanned probes. If that eventually pans out, I have a fun li'l craft that kind of looks like the Eiffel Tower and gets an even 3500 meters in altitude. No winglets, no SAS except for capsule torque, and an obscene amount of struts. As a bonus, the craft rotates in different directions as it flies! Video: Enjoy, and let me know whether or not manned craft should have their own, separate leaderboard.
  21. Are struts allowed? Your attempt video seemed painfully under-strutted...
  22. In this thread, I post pictures, video, and information about my latest model rockets. May they be an inspiration to all who are interested in model, mid- or high-power rocketry. I'll start with a recent project I'm attempting to replicate soon. This is possibly one of the most awesomest rockets I've made. It is called the HyPr, short for either "High Power or "Hyper." Its goal was to reach a mile in altitude and to break the sound barrier on an H135 (non-rocketeers read: Really Freaking Big) motor. Sadly, on its maiden test flight, it went into the clouds... and never came out. It's currently somewhere in the vicinity of the American West. (Or maybe the American Midwest, or East. That thing flew so high!) It's a minimum diameter 29mm design, and the big thing on the back is a retainer to keep the rocket motor in. I do not want the rocket motor to come down without a parachute and bean people in the head. Any fellow rocketeers out here?
  23. Claw, Mass-relays (if I am correct) are upwards-firing rocket engines that a Kerbal may be propelled upwards by, as a result of standing in the exhaust plume. They're a bit overpowered for this challenge, as a whole, but that's the fun of it! As for "That guy who builds stuff," I'm not entirely sure that you read the objective of the challenge, namely, "Your job is, without ladders of any type, to transport a Kerbal from the ground into the top of a rocket [emphasis added] that is at least four M-Beam 200 I-beams in height." So, no capsules on the bottom. Cantab is correct, though, in that the rocket may start out horizontal and be lifted into a vertical position by some means. This has already been successfully accomplished by Capitan Sierra, on page 2 of this challenge.
  24. I was just checking on my old challenges and... this is amazing. Congrants on making an elevator with wheels. I didn't know this was possible. I'm so happy right now. By the way, sorry for the bump. I'm curious about what other methods to complete this challenge are possible, as this wonderful design has reignited my imagination. I would particularly love to see a mass-relay... any takers?
  25. Cost is now included in the post. I would recommend counting the cost as that of all parts aside from the ones that are required, such as the booster and science equipment. It simplifies things a bit, that way. Do I need to get into a sub-20x20km Minmus orbit?
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