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Everything posted by BagelRabbit

  1. I might want to make something over the next week or two. I feel qualified for both of your requests, though only barely.
  2. I'm never going to abide by any deadline again. Just warning you. They're too much of a hassle. Jool Plunge Year 3, Day 110 The Jool Plunge craft, somewhat unsurprisingly, was designed to plunge through Jool's atmosphere, taking data all the while. It was part of a larger craft that was my attempt at accomplishing the "Jool-3" challenge, landing on Laythe, Vall and Bop. However, the craft itself is now stuck on Laythe. I guess more fuel would have helped. I'm now open for submissions. I'm going to include the submission rules in the OP, so read there if you want to send anything in to me. The rules might not come up for several hours as I do maintenance on the series, and also do a scuba-diving class, so be patient. I'm looking forwards to your submissions!
  3. You're in. I'm marking you down for the light-craft division, let me know if this crazy little guy weighs more than two tons. Wonderful job, I must say.
  4. Video Analysis Time! Sorry if I'm a bit hard on all teams involved, I'm just trying to offer Constructive Criticism. Video 1: Not a bad way to start off the Forum videos: FLAMES! FIRE! The beginning doesn't promise as much as the rest of the video delivers, though. In the future, please don't repeat a 5-second-long clip of text over and over and over when the narrators are talking. The in-space gameplay was nice, but all of the action took place outside of KSC, which bent the rules. I was thinking about SpongeBob-style narrator interjections during the "GOAL" shout, too, before I made the video all unconventional and such! The lack of any real excitement during the video, combined with difficult-to-read text, made this the least favorite of the three team videos. (sorry.) Video 2: I think I have an idea of who made this one. Another very exciting intro, but this one actually followed by more exciting content. I love the way that the "Goal" shout was incorporated as part of (I think) the robot-controlling Kerbal's screams. I have to pick at this one a bit more to find the flaws. If I want to be all nit-pickey, I'll just state that many parts are illuminated from the mouse being over them, which is a bit aesthetically wrong. But I'm just splitting hairs at this point. I would rank this as likely the best video-wise, but worst in terms of imaginative qualities. Perhaps this is because I flew a ball into a goal on the roof of the VAB, as well. On the plus side, it's the only video that actually features something kicking a ball into a goal, which was one of the requirements for this challenge. Video 3: What a clever idea! Kerbal Foosball is novel, and certainly not something that I would see every day (Team 6 didn't do as good of a job with this IMO). The video is well-made and the "GOAL" shout is the best of the three videos. (Though, I'm not sure that you can walk away after such an impressive shout without immediately passing out. But I'll let that slide.) There are a few little issues that got under my skin with this one, but not a lot. The Kerbal voices were a little annoying, and the video cuts don't always sync up with the music, which also ends about two measures too soon (Couldn't you have just let the song reach that cute little climax?) Also, and I'm really picking nits here, doesn't one Kerbal or another score a goal at 0:31, and the video is cut before the ball goes in? I would say that this video is the most creative of the Forum members', and I think that it deserves a bit of applause. With all of this being said. My vote goes to Team 2 for their admirable following of the rules of the challenge, as well as the most fun-to-watch video of the three. Though, of course, I still think that my video is by far and away the best of all. (Avera9eJoe's video is pretty good too.)
  5. I absolutely adore the concept of a Kerbal flying a comically large soccer ball through a huge goal. Nice flying skills! (I'm a bit disappointed about the end, though. ) I just realized that the guy screaming "Goal!" only does so for 21 seconds! If he holds some sort of record, I'm closing in on it (0:19 isn't that far off...!)
  6. That was an incredible run! I’m amazed that your plane remained flying and under control, with all of the wings that fell off of it. That being said, I unfortunately can’t put you on the normal Leaderboard, because of this rule: I would count the (important) parts falling off of the plane as a violation of this rule. But this entry is so awesome, I can’t just disqualify it! I’m probably going to create a K-Prize-esque “Gatecrasher†division that showcases the wonderful attempts that didn’t quite make it. If you’re willing to do more runs (which is a pain, I know), I would be happy to put you on the official list.
  7. Thanks, Avera9eJoe! I've included my favorite quote from that video into my signature. (That's the benefit of not scripting anything... you get these spontaneous moments that are really nice.) Any other comments, anyone? (Mind you, this was not meant to be a Kerbin Cup entry, so I know that some aspects of the video don't fit within the challenge guidelines.)
  8. Added. While you're time wasn't great, your enormous and extremely heavy non-VTOL plane is really very neat. Congrants on your completion of the challenge! Everyone who completes the challenge is a winner in my book.
  9. I think that this belongs in the Spacecraft Exchange. That being said, here. Hooray for many, many, many hidden control surfaces!
  10. A few notes: I was originally going to add the "GO-O-O-O-O-O-O-OAL!" soundtrack where I put my own yell (at 3:25-ish), but something compelled me to do it myself. According to my computer, my shout was approximately 19 seconds long. I have reasonable breath capacity. This was my first take and my last take. I called it "Good Enough," because of the following point: I absolutely destroyed my voice making this video. I woke up this morning with a sore throat after drinking two full glasses of water last night, which is unheard of for me. I don't know if I would have been capable of doing a second take without my vocal cords shriveling up and dying. That being said, whaddaya think? Don't be too hard on me... I was having way, way, way too much fun, I know.
  11. You know what? After the whole [CENSORED] fiasco (page 53), I decided to create a video that is tangential to the guidelines, rather poorly made, and to have an obscene amount of fun with it. After all, I'm not actually competing in the competition, so why should I try to follow the guidelines precisely? I can take some liberties and have a lot of fun. (Besides, high blood pressure is not a good thing.) It's sad, though, that I'll be coming up with a video soon that actually follows more challenge guidelines than this one. ... I'm not sure that I should put my video on here before the challenge deadline is up... whaddaya say?
  12. Hello! No offense taken. You’re actually not the first person who has recommended comic-book illustration as a career. It would certainly be fun, but I’m not sure that it would be the best career for me. I’m currently looking for a more science-y job. That being said, I’m thinking of maybe making a web comic. (Or maybe not. I’m quite busy, and you have to update them a lot.) Thank you! (I’m assuming that you mean that you’ve begun work on the third “Voyager†video. I'm looking forwards to that.) I was going for a non-realistic but cool-looking approach for the last drawing, and it looks like I achieved my goals. That’s always reassuring. I know that the sea is darker than the land, but I was trying to get this drawing done rather quickly to bring the Debris Series back to life. I looked at the drawing the day after I made it and thought, “The sea’s supposed to be darker than that!†But by then, it was too late. (sigh) New drawing coming later today. After this one, I’m thinking of turning the series over to audience suggestions, but I’m not sure. I’ll let you know when I post my drawing.
  13. I'll be doing that as soon as I have a valid entry. The reason that I posted my comment here is that it is easier for the moderators to see. I'm technically in Avera9eJoe's teams list, going as a solo participant. Thanks for the heads-up though.
  14. I've censored my request. That being said: As I'm not technically in the Kerbal Cup, I think that there's no need for my entry to be indistinguishable from any other. I will likely post my entry on this page on Friday, which will make it abundantly clear that the video is mine. (I'm not sure that Rowsdower would accept displaying it with the other teams' videos if I'm really not part of any team.) So, I don't think that it's a big deal to mention the fact that my video may contain [CENSORED], as everyone will know which video is mine anyway.
  15. If this was 0.23.5 I would have said, "Ad Astra per Asteroid." I can't figure out what to say for 0.24 though... will come up with something later.
  16. Can I use images of [CENSORED]? I have a feeling that the answer will be no, but it would help my video out a tremendous deal. I have a feeling that the answer will be no, I'm just checking. (by the way, sorry for the mini-spoiler. I hope this didn't give away anything, and I didn't mean to if so.)
  17. I'm back. Did you miss me? Duna Deliverer Year 2, Day 97 The Duna Deliverer spacecraft was intended to deliver a small science probe to Duna's surface. The probe managed to make orbit after dropping a stage in a high suborbital trajectory. However, there wasn't enough fuel in the craft to make it to the Red Planet, and it ended up tracing an elliptical Kerbol orbit. I tried to do this one with a pen that I found... it's not bad but (as always) there are some things that are a little off. Still, though, it's good to bring this thread back to life again.
  18. Here are my opinions. I know you don't want to hear them, but here they are. Entry 1: Excellent blend between a rocket and a trophy. Very stylish. Looks like a low part count compared to other entries... not sure whether that's a good thing. Having a Kerbal on top is very slightly weird, but I'll roll with it. Is that another rocket in the background, by the Kerbal?! Photo isn't bad, but a little generic. Entry 2: Trophy, all the way. Looks like it's all stock, which earns it points for me. Absolutely enormous... wow. Good use of lighting, but the struts connecting all of the soccer balls aren't too great. Another good but generic shot from orbit. Entry 3: Can you call a palace a trophy? Looks like it's all stock, so that's nice. The lettering on the sides is clever but a little hard to read, and the two rockets bolted to the side are great. The photo features a Kerbin eclipse, which is cool. Still, though, I'm unsure of whether this thing can properly be considered a trophy. Entry 4: Gorgeous trophy (not many stock parts, but still really cool!) It's slightly medieval, which isn't the way I would have taken it. Soccer balls in the center are cool, and Jeb's really happy about his handiwork. The photo has a tiny sliver of Kerbin, which is very nice. So, these are my opinions. I'm not entirely sure whose entry is whose, and I don't want to offend anyone.
  19. Sorry for not replying sooner! I've been checking on other parts of the forum, mostly, so your entry slid under the radar. You did a wonderful job! I'm not going to count the clipped solar panel as your craft "losing parts" because it was so insignificant, so you receive the esteemed 'Kerbal Aircraft: Ion Class,' as well as 'Kerbal Ace, Second Class' because of your Kerbal aboard, and 'Test Pilot, Third Class' because of your entry being the third completed. I've updated the scoreboard... let me know if your craft qualifies for anything else. (It looks absolutely awesome, by the way. Nice job with the aesthetics.) The "Test Pilot" awards are now closed, as the first three entries have been completed. There are still numerous awards that haven't yet been earned... perhaps you'll be the first to earn them.
  20. Edited to include my Kerbal model. Whaddaya think?
  21. I'm thinking of making the balls into unpowered, omni-directional rover wheels. You could place one or two in "wheel wells" at the front of a rover with two normal wheels. As the rover moved, the balls would turn in whatever direction the rover was traveling. (Theoretically, at least.) This idea would aid in turning rovers. More importantly, it would be something to do. The only thing preventing me from doing this now is the fact that the soccer balls are (arguably) modded parts, and that I have gone to great lengths to make only-stock craft. But, if the mod is made by Squad, I suppose there's no problem there...
  22. I have the same problem. When I make my YouTube videos, I have to turn the game's volume down to 2/100 for the proper noise levels, and anything over 5/100 is rather loud for me. Maybe reducing the default volume to half or a third of its default levels would be appropriate.
  23. Not bad, though I think you know where you got the idea I do think that the mods that you used really helped this dragon out. I would love to use mods on some of my new designs... but I don't want to break a two-year-long no-mod streak.
  24. Ecuador vs. Honduras, 2-1 respectively... but it should have been 3-2 IMHO. Many yellow cards, and the refs weren't at their best. Also, much pushing, shoving and even tackling! Take that, American Football! Also, there was a substitution in overtime, with less than two minutes in the game, interestingly enough. What an interesting match! I'm surprised only five yellow cards were given.
  25. "Abort, abort, abort." ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (ninja'd)
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