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Everything posted by Misterspork

  1. I\'ll probably go through and do a big update to fix all these problems.
  2. Don\'t try to do burn-to-orbit launches. As SOON as your AP is at the spot you want it at cut the engines. Then wait till you\'re at AP, then burn prograde to raise the PE.
  3. Vendor of non-corporation RP content. EDIT: Oh, dang, you do have a corp. Kerbol Media. Well, I guess it should be 'Vendor of corporation RP content that I haven\'t noticed for some reason'
  4. I need the first 2 things stated in the OP to actually make the videos. I need C to make good videos 'Lag' as I call it is in-game computational lag, and I know there are tricks to reduce this, but I want to know the best ones you guys know of.
  5. I already have a YouTube account, Misterspork, but I need: A. A good, preferably free, recording software(Not CamStudio...) B. A good, preferably free, editing software C. Some YouTube tips D. Some lag reduction tips(My computer sucks...) Can anyone show me where I can find any of these?
  6. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Windows_9X_BSOD.png
  7. An error has occured. To continue: Press Enter to return to Consciousness or Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to restart your brain. If you do this, you will lose any memories in all open applications ERROR: 9001B: BRONY INFESTATION: TYPE 2 press any key to continue OOG: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Windows_9X_BSOD.png
  8. 1) No, this hasn\'t been the case for a long time 2) Part strength? Do you mean structurally? 3) No, that is not the purpose of the game. The purpose of the game is to do what YOU want to with the parts given to you, either in the vanilla game or through addons/plugins Additional: 4) Plugins add ENTIRELY new game mechanics. Think about it, cars, planes, guns, wheels, lasers. They are worth getting simply for all the new possibilities they add 5) NEVER, EVER call something cheating in a single-player game. What 'ruins the game' is up to the opinion of the SINGE-PLAYER, not the OTHER, NON-RELATED PLAYERS.
  9. Gravitsapa, forgot to mention that mod. Adding it now.
  10. Paranoid: Moderate more info | forum Schizoid: Moderate more info | forum Schizotypal: Moderate more info | forum Antisocial: Moderate more info | forum Borderline: Low more info | forum Histrionic: Moderate more info | forum Narcissistic: Low more info | forum Avoidant: High more info | forum Dependent: Moderate more info | forum Obsessive-Compulsive: High more info | forum
  11. Person who thinks the monetary system is worse than unorganized barter.
  12. Added two craft files(w/ w/o weapons) and required mods.
  13. Proposition 2A: Terms: 1. UoK takes on a permanent stance 2. All members must recruit all of their allies they feel need protection 3. The creation of an official Senate and governmental positions. Of course, with very limited power. There always must be a small amount of organization, but as seen unification is too much. Reasons: 1. The major groups have been reduced to nothing 2. Many countries are endangered, and many have fallen already 3. The new threat of nuclear war is looming 4. Almost noone is prepared.
  14. Secondary moderator of the RP forums OOG: What do you do as moderator? I don\'t see you do as much direct moderation as Ascen, what do you do behind the scenes?
  15. Roleplayer and recent creator of the 'Kerbal News Network'.
  16. The Goliath Class Battleship firing its guns from a 'Battlestations: Midway' style viewpoint.
  17. Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I don\'t have access to the craft file currently, but will in five hours. I typed that late at night.
  18. Yuuuuuup. You heard me right. A battleship. An actual ship, that looks like a ship. Attached below, BattleshipW is with weapons, Battleship is without. Required mods: C7 C7 Experimental C7 hardpoints Gravitsapa Gaby\'s Quick and Dirty Miscellania Every Jellycubes mod Particle Cannon Damned Robotics That should be it, notify me if you can\'t load it. With Weapons: Launch Sequence: Using Antigravity to get off land Coming down for the, watering? On the water: Menacing, isn\'t it? FIRING! 3... 2... 1... FIRE THE BROADSIDE! Massive range Speed: ~9 knots Without Weapons: Launch Sequence This was a better picture In the water: Doesn\'t look the same, really Speed: ~10-11 knots, no picture. Oddities FAQ: Q: What are those wings for? A: Those act as outriggers, because it turns out, boats are really top heavy, especially with a lot of guns on top. They are used to keep it straight up. Q: HOW???? A: Gaby\'s Radial Decouplers, Gaby\'s Radial Decouplers... Q: Why are you using jet engines? A: I tried using Damned Aerospace propellers, but the offset origin causes it to instantly explode.
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