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Everything posted by monstah

  1. 3/10 Kerbal avatar - but there are so many!!
  2. It doesn't! Honestly, are you reading the thread? In fact, why are you even here? It's clear that you don't want to play the game we're suggesting here. By all means, go play it the way you want it! You haven't added anything here, only subtracted. All your contributions so far have been "this and this and this isn't good". This is getting very annoying. Either tell us what kind of progression would you like to see, or just go play it and leave us to discuss how we'd like to play. Please.
  3. My most hated "new" "feature" of the game, honestly. Other than that, the "old way of playing" felt pretty dumb to me. Moar Power = Moar Height, Go Up Then Go Left, Reentry Is Straigt Down, and all that. The game has done nothing but improve ever since.
  4. Not really, what I meant was that, instead of having to do stuff all the time to keep your rep, there is a 'grace period' in which your rep doesn't drop because you've done something recently. As for it being easy to build up tons of rep, I guess only after fiddling with the levels we'll actually know You could also go the way of exponential decay: whether it's a continual drop or at discrete intervals, the rate of decay is proportional to the amount you have. Obviously the exact numbers need to be tweaked, but the gist is that if to keep a large amount of rep stable, you need to keep active, but if your rep is lower, you can do things at a slower pace.
  5. I get paid every month. If I don't do my job, I lose my professional reputation and get fired, and then I don't get more money every month. I don't think getting money every month complicates my life. I think it enables it
  6. Here's how I was seeing it. Something else that came to mind: we've discussed periodical updates here. That is, instead of your rep continually dropping, there are discrete - monthly, quarterly, yearly - events where money comes in and rep goes out. What if rep only diminished if you've achieved no goals during the period? Any goal, no matter how small, from either contracts, milestones, or strategies, just once per year - quarter, month, whathever - is enough to secure your current rep. Oh, also: I've seen some discussion on what he appropriate Kerbal month-equivalent time interval should be, and wether it should be called a 'month'. I think, given the tininess of the Kerbol system, that a quarter year is good enough. Call it a 'season': they're kinda-objectively delineated in nature, and not as arbitrary as our 12 months (altough our month almost coincide with the lunar phases, I don't think the Mun is as suitable)
  7. Pure Git: girl finishes her project using only command-line version control, no GUI.
  8. Okay, finished reading just now. Had a few wikipedia detours. So cool. I love me some neural networks. Like you said, there's something fascinating about the instinctual intelligence that is not (directly) modelling anything but just acting. Have never built my own but - hey, I'm young (ish)! I've only recently actually started putting my hands on electronics. I've been interested for quite a while, but never actually made anything until recently I got my first arduino and started my KSP simpit - which I kinda abandoned but promise to finish eventually. 78 neurons? Man. We've come a long way.
  9. @richfiles AI! Dude, way more awesome than any 8-bit videogame alien I thought that was!
  10. Not anymore! It now relies on KRASH for that functionality. Personally, I prefer USI-LS. Kerbalism adds a lot to gameplay, which I think detracts from the main goal here: funds- and time-based gameplay. USI-LS gives you just enough to have to worry about the time your Kerbonauts spend up there, but doesn't stray too far from stock gameplay.
  11. Oo, haven't seen this thread in a while. 6/10 I've seen this particular shot of Eve around
  12. I'm late to the party, I skimmed some but attempted to read most of the thread. So much this! What is the obsession with saving Kerbal-time, anyway? People feel like they missed something if they timewarp, it seems to me. Coupled with the ridiculously long deadlines stock contracts offer you, and it's simply impossible to fail a Stock mission. Um. It says there, 3 years to Jool. The post just above yours has a sketch for a couple LKO/Mun missions that warp thru a year. What's the problem here that I don't see? APPROVE! Simple, effective, well-explained. Has a loop. You can close it in any way you want.
  13. What comes to mind is KCT. You still need to pay science, in fact research time is based on it. If you give yourself a bucketload of science (by contract advancement, for example), I think it might work. Elaborating, you could set yourself up so experiments themselves give minimal - if any - science. Make plenty of contracts based on running experiments on different situations and biomes, and have the contracts give you science instead, both in advance and by milestone / completion. Setup time as resource by other means (life support, for instance), and KCT to have nodes unlock by time. Have it so you must pay to unlock parts, too.
  14. (you banned the parachuter, whose post was in a previous page, not the last one. Now a dark grey pop-up on the bottom of the screen tells me I'm being ninja'd, too. Thanks, @adsii1970 )
  15. Banned for not checking the actual last page
  16. Huh, I didn't think that A Rapid Unplanned Disassembly was what Bob needed to complete his assignment. Wernher was satisfied, but Jeb kept .
  17. I'm missing one piece of functionality from the old forum. Both in the old forum and new one, when you post just after a post by yourself, and no-one else has posted in the mean time, both posts are joined into a single one. I like that, but in the old forum there was also a grey horizontal like separating both posts and written 'Update', and I liked that even better. Was it removed on purpose, was the staff unable to reproduce the behaviour in the new forum, or was it something else (as in, it was forgotten)?
  18. Wait. This here makes it sound like the system uses the 'experimental' flag from stock, but leaves it in place even after the contract is finished? That sounds interesting. Agh, stop ninja'ing me! Anyway, thanks for the response!
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