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Everything posted by Konnor

  1. A question to the B9 team: would you guys mind if I use B9 props (MFDs) in my mod (replacing internal definition via ModuleManager with B9 present, and gradually fall back through default JSI MFDs to stock-only setup)? Also, a bug report: since recently mk2 crew tank has crew capacity of 4 (as defined here), but its internal space itself has only two seat transform definitions (guess Unity resets these things when writing the internal config).
  2. For those who don't like the idea of cramming two kerbals into 1.25m space, here is another cockpit, with only one pilot seat, largely inspired by the X20 (yes, I know there is already a mod in development for that, but that mod is of much larger scale and is aimed at replicating the DynaSoar, which will probably involve a new fuselage system, while my cockpit fits standard 1.25 node and just uses a similar shape). Features new internal space. And RCS ports too. First post updated with v0.5 download link.
  3. Doesn't FAR break it already making all but the first intake in a stack shielded?
  4. HL cockpit is earlier in the tech tree (hypersonic flight) than the Mk5 (heavy aerodynamics). Is this intentional?
  5. All right, now there are two of them: I've added that new cockpit from my previous post to the download, and reworked the original one. They both have the same rear end and windows, but different front sections. I've also tweaked their configuration (Warning for Deadly Reentry users: original cockpit is now less tough,with only 1600 degrees as a maximum temperature instead of 1700, and 20% heat deflected instead of 25. It is, after all, a business jet cockpit. The second one is supposed to be more space-worthy, it is also heavier and more expensive, and available in Advanced Flight Control tree node). Original post updated, version 0.4 download is up.
  6. Apart from B9 parts, it uses at least wings and radial intakes from SpacePlane+, and animated engines from BahamutoDynamics. Ouch, sorry then. I haven't tried an experimental version yet, and B9 pack continues to surprise.
  7. Can't promise anything at this point (that would be rather overwhelming undertaking, and I hope FractalUK returns), but I actually consider doing it. Another KSP update may very well break all compatibility...
  8. I agree, this is not that Interstellar anymore. A very good hi-tech oriented mod, but sufficiently different. Previous WaveFunctionP's release (Interstellar Experimental v0.11) works under 0.24.2.
  9. Hi again, some kind of update here. As you have probably noticed, my internal space is not 100% true to its outer shape. While it started as a copy of external model and retains its overall shape and size, it has slightly different window arrangement  four flat windows angled to approximate the general shape of that one big round window. Well, I went through this whole process in reverse  started from internals, mostly windows and surrounding area, and tried to build an external model around it. This is what I've got so far: This time, due to imminent v5 release, I tried to match B9 visual style. It looks somewhat like S3 cockpit, especially redisigned version, but without animations and with circular node end. I've also managed to make it less "irregular" then my first model  for instance, the hatch is now painted on an even cylindrical surface, without distortions. All in all, I like this new cockpit much better than the one currently released and actually consider replacing the old one with this. But, on the other hand, it is different enough to consider it a separate part; in this case I'll have not just a part, but a part pack, and my old cockpit will still need a major redesign. It is likely that I change its windows to better match the internals (both parts will have the same IVA model), but the rest of it will be more or less round, like it is now. But no new download yet, probably later this week...
  10. True for Squad cockpits, but there is actually enough room for two kerbals within standard 1.25m compartment: (which came as a surprise, I admit) Beside that it provides an aesthetic of its own, and rather pleasing one. (As for the attachment point  that thing from the previous page has round attachment node)
  11. I second that. I'm even trying to make my own, something inspired by the new S3 previews, with angular shapes and all, but it doesn't quite cut it.
  12. Not sure whether it is an issue or just a lack of understanding on my side, but there are two radial intakes, B9_Aero_Intake_DSI and B9_Aero_Intake_DSIX. The smaller one, DSI, has intake area of 0.005, while the larger one, DSIX, has smaller area, 0.00025. True for both version 4 and current repository. Is this correct/intended?
  13. I've found a (rather hacky, I must admit) way to use the stock seat in my internals. I took a part of GenericSpace2, merged together everything forming a seat and to my surprise, the resulting combination unwrapped in a way that fits its texture perfectly. So all that remained was importing two of these into Unity's game object: As a result, these two seats now become a part of model.mu baked by KSP part tools, and there is probably no way to import this seat as a prop. The texture is also duplicated, but this can be fixed, I just don't know how. Anyway, I hope it is a "fair use" of a model that is part of KSP, even though it gets duplicated. With this problem out of the way and some more work on props arrangement I now consider the internals functionally complete and ready for the new release. Original post updated, version 0.3 download link added. It is indeed way too simple, which leads to some weird in-game lighting effects; I'll try to do something about it, and I need to improve internal model too, including textures, but I need some break, this whole modeling business is rather painful.
  14. It's taking shape, I guess (but I cannot into textures). Tried to arrange main instruments "classically", somewhat like in pre-glass Cessna 173 cockpit or DynaSoar. Unfortunately we don't have analog speedometer gauge (which makes sense as orbital speeds vary drastically, but still, it could be useful for atmospheric flights), or inclinometer, or flat attitude indicator (though there is one in Firespitter), so I've used a navball instead. All in all, it looks a bit unconventional for KSP as it is now. But flyable. Yeah, it is apparently possible to spawn another internal mesh and copy something from it, but Unity freaks out when I load something or reload my internal config, my model disappears from game object. I'll keep trying. Alternatively I can just add two B9 seats to the config, but I don't want to pull B9 as a dependency. That raises a question: how "space-worthy" can this cockpit be considered? It is, after all, modeled after generic "business jet" concept, and these things are not supposed to scream through the atmosphere at reentry speeds. But, on the other hand, that's kerbals we are talking about...
  15. IVA progress. Seems not much, by the looks of it, but I have more or less figured out the most difficult part  setting this all up in unity and exporting. No props yet, but this pic demonstrates two things: visibility and seat positions (portraits were copied from another screenshot). Well, I don't know, I see that two kerbals fit side by side. True, it's cramped a bit, but they don't clip through each other or walls or ceiling. Even with 1:1 scale. Now, I'm not yet sure about crew capacity, but there is another thing I'm currently stuck with: I have placed seat transforms, so that kerbals spawn inside, but how do I add actual seat model? I honestly don't want to (and probably can't) make one myself, is there a way to reuse stock internal seat? Could not find it in any IVA-related thread, thanks in advance for any help.
  16. Version 0.2 is out, original post updated. Had to unwrap the texture again because, with window frame placed separately, normals looked even uglier than they are now; as a result, it turned out a bit brighter than in previous version. Also added monoprop, as in stock cockpits.
  17. Azimech Sure, I don't mind. I must also point out that it does not actually matter whether I do or don't mind. It is out there now, published and all, so anyone can use it, modify, reupload, make derivative stuff, whatever, just don't erase me from the "author" field in the config (GPL also requires that the source must be available, but I don't really understand what can be considered a source for the model; .mu-file is probably enough).
  18. parameciumkid Well, my cockpit is not as cute as Slinky... MaverickSawyer I want to add an IVA. It is currently beyond my skills but I'll see what I can do. Speaking about internals, should I fit two pilots inside, as usually is the case with business jets? I doubt there is actually enough room for two kerbals with their helmets on, but maybe I should ignore such inconsistencies for the sake of rule of cool. There is, after all, a two-kerbal helicopter cockpit from Firespitter. So what do you think?
  19. BigFatStupidHead Kartoffelkuchen Thanks. Yes, I will try to add a normal map. But somewhat later, I have no idea yet how to do that, and won't have much free time till next weekend.
  20. I've been looking for something like this for quite some time: a command pod resembling a small business jet. There are several 2.5m options, but (at the moment of starting this - now we have the new stock Mark1 cockpit) I could not find any 1.25m-sized ones (all I have seen are bubble/canopy cockpits). Well, here it is now. The mesh has been completely reworked In version 0.4 (windows recolored in v0.7), and I consider it an improvement over the original model (see older screenshots in the album below). During this rework I've also came up with this B9-inspired version: It is now included into the download along with original one (having RCS ports since v0.6 and altered elongated form since v0.7.4), and I've also tried to balance them a bit, nerfing heat tolerances for the older cockpit and moving this new one to the next tech tree node. Both parts use the same custom internal space, which, as in-game experiments proved, has enough room for two pilot seats arranged side by side: Note: this is an alternative version from IVA patch. IVA patch requires ASET Props pack, ASET Avionics pack and B9 Aerospace props; I don't want to treat all that as a requirement, and currently I am not aware of any way to detect them all reliably. More images: If only we could have a way to embed an album... The default stock version is much more modest (different angle is due to KSP 1.2 changes: cameras for male Kerbals are set higher than for females): Starting version 0.8 I am dropping support for RPM-only IVA configuration for two-seat cockpits as multiple configs are taking increasingly more time to set up and manage. Since version 0.5, there is now a third cockpit, looking somewhat similar to that of X20 DynaSoar: It has built-in RCS ports and uses another custom internal space, with crew capacity of one (with RPM support and stock-only fallback): Images for previous versions: http://imgur.com/a/p4Wrw Legal stuff: Credits: Changelog: Download from github
  21. KSP Interstellar does not require helium for precoolers, as far as I remember. Not even in unofficial experimental build by WaveFunctionP.
  22. There is some chance that it was only my imagination, but I remember it being impemented in pre-0.24 version of FAR. I even (ab)used it for unpowered landings.
  23. An observation: Rapier engine overheats in air-breathing mode (exploding at about Mach 4.5) even with inline air intakes adjacent to precoolers (without radial intakes whatsoever). Happens in both 0.11 and WaveFunctionP's experimental. Did not try B9 precoolers yet, only stock radial engine body, may have something to do with 0.24 changes adding liquid fuel. But right click menu does display precooler status as active.
  24. I've just slapped together a quick and dirty Beechcraft Starship-inspired thing, and... exceeded Mach 1. Jeb approves of course, but is this even possible with turboprops? It may be a firespitter issue though, since only library has been updated but not the parts.
  25. @Master Tao: I know it is a wing, but for some reason I thought of it as of a wing with integrated control surface, much like B9 winglets but procedural. Seems not the case though, it actually has a togglable slot for some other control surface.
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