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Everything posted by Deredere

  1. Yeah, and the KSPI reactors measure their stuff in grams it seems. So filling a small fusion reactor full of He-3 will run them maybe a hundred grand. Filling a large one would be mildly problematic - financially, not logistically. Maybe 12 million dollars for a top-off, which would still be like a 1/100 the budget of a significant mission. And the Tokamaks choke on He-3 anyway. Radiators are the worst for me, but the generators/fusion reactors do it too. Haven't tested placing bunches of anything else.EDIT: Wait wat Oh, is that in tons? I guess that would make it awkward then.
  2. Also, while I'm here being a jerkoff, it is just me or are the KSPI parts take a lot longer to load than other parts suddenly? My framerate is fine, but trying to place multiple radiators in the VAB or waiting for something with 6 generators to load is terrible.
  3. Yes, and how many grams do you think are in a liter of Helium? Also, what do you think a space program budget is?
  4. B... but it is. It's like 500 dollars a liter or something absurdly cheap like that.
  5. Aha! I've been having this problem and replacing the B9 reaction wheels (specifically, the largest one) solved it. I'm not even using KJR yet in 23.5 by the way. Search function helps. Sometimes. I wish this sort of thing wouldn't happen. It's not the kind of engineering challenge I tend to appreciate.
  6. Ah, I was wondering about that. Appreciate it. I mean. Timed builds would have been/will be a cool idea. But it needs to work, however slowly, as long as all conditions are satisfied.
  7. Well, practically speaking, I've been waiting like 4 months for EPL to... achieve a more refined state before attempting some cool things with a Jool space colony. Now it seems Kerbin's chief export to Jool this coming quarter will be high school graduates who can successfully weld a beam. Speaking from a "realistic" point of view, why are Kerbals too stupid to read an instruction manual allowed outside the janitorial staff room at KSC? I can understand varying rates of progress, but this is a space program, not a Miss America pageant. Monkeys ceased to be useful when the rockets mostly stopped exploding. Speaking from a game design point of view, being stuck at 0% forever with no explanation is... I mean... Ugh
  8. You have got to be ****ting me with this "dumb kerbals can't build things" nonsense.
  9. So here's my question relating to this. I've got methane going into RF-enabled tanks fine, but I'm wondering where resource unit size is defined, as opposed to density? Because the KSP Interstellar Rockomax 64 holds more way methane (plus LoX) units than the stock Rockomax, 7538 units versus 6400 units - I suppose because it has its own capacity definition - and that's bugging me. Can I alter Methane's unit size downwards, like Xenon, without affecting its unit value? To the ends of matching the performance of the KSPI methane tanks without having to manually define methane capacity for every other tank in the game? Sorry if this is unclear, why and how Xenon has its own unit size is a little unclear to me in the first place.
  10. It's not impossible to get the EL parts into place. It's just annoying, dumb, and unfun. Having ridiculous parts strapped to rockets like a bathtub ghetto rigged to an automobile breaks immersion and having your moon base look like someone's demented modern art project is annoying, too. I'm not saying the parts need to be smaller. But it would not hurt if some enterprising Kerbal engineer actually designed versions made to be launched into space, i.e with a lower, more stable profile. And they badly, BADLY, BADLY need to receive better models.
  11. I have to admit that's a more elegant solution by far than my suggestion of buffing base thermal radiation to prevent confusion.
  12. Does it come with a village to crash into? Haha, just kidding. Beautiful work. Well SpaceX also has the benefit of being able to hire all the staff NASA laid off. China is basically reinventing the space program because nobody wants to help them. I think it's cute.
  13. I think it would be nice if the baseline heat that radiators dissipate were buffed considerably to avoid confusing every new player wondering why their 87 huge radiators aren't enough to keep their thing cool. You would still have to over-engineer to keep heat at zero, but not to a ridiculous degree that leads to hours tacking on more radiators and a final desperate thread post about it.
  14. It's actually really easy. Just go into a part .cfg that's already enabled in KAS, like... lights, or the KAS parts themselves. This is done by using just about any word editing program, like notepad. In there is the KAS module, which is a block of text delineated by {} brackets and preceded by MODULE. Copy paste that, MODULE and the brackets plus their contents, into the .cfg for the part you want to enable in KAS, editing the space required and any other factors you deem fit. Restart KSP, boom, done. That is awesome.
  15. I am very interested in those configs. Modules. Whatever. I was also about to ask if there was a simple way to change the kethane drill particle effect from green to grey or brown. I'll have to decline. It is always a shame when projects don't live up to their potential because of someone's infantile need to maintain a circlejerk atmosphere. If you don't agree with what I have to say, you should contradict me and give reasons. But you should be encouraging people to express their opinions, not discouraging them.
  16. If we're getting something from the Venture Star, I want nuclear pulse propulsion. 800000 Isp? Yes sir where do I sign. It's also relatively low-tech. Also having propellant magazines instead of propellant tanks is about the biggest one-word upgrade you can give to a part name in KSP.
  17. What's this? What's this? It's magic in midair! What's this? Rockets stay stable, they stay square! What's this? I can't believe my eyes I must be dreaming Wake up, Jack, this isn't fair What's this?!
  18. Just constructive criticism, bro. We all have our roles to play. You can question a professional without becoming one. If that wasn't true, presidential elections would be crowded affairs indeed. I'm not so presumptuous to demand that my opinions be heeded, but I'm not the only one here with them.
  19. I have to say you have some nerve saying this while using HOME's hab modules to replace parts in your own build With respect, a mod should not require other mods to function. Using Kethane's code is one thing, but making base building impossible without KAS and contemplating making powering it impossible without KSPI is quite another. Kethane doesn't require anything to work, which is why it's so popular.
  20. The 1.25 meter thermal reciever may not look great on a 62cm craft, but it only weighs a ton (literally!) so it's perfectly practical to use.
  21. Well, I get where you're coming from, but I don't entirely agree. The S2 (hexagonal) B9 parts work especially well with stock parts because the adapter is small and flushes well with both parts. I always find myself using them a lot in my designs. Especially that incredible overpowered reaction wheel. It's not cheating if someone else designed the part! On the other hand, the HL parts - the biggest ones - are easily the coolest, but their adapter is a freaking huge un-modular-fuelable piece of crap. They do still flush acceptably with 3.25 meter parts, however, even without an adapter. And the HL cargo bay is easily the most badass part ever.
  22. Assuming that's your container at the back of the collector stack, you shouldn't be having fuel crossfeed problems - I'm pretty sure that B9 part is enabled - so I'd assume that the reactor is eating it way faster than it's being collected. I'd disable the reactor and timewarp a bit to see if the container starts to accrue any. Is that Kerbin you're over?
  23. Ah, thanks. That's what I was tripping over. I assumed the drills would cause unplanned disassemblies clipping the ground. Last I heard it was still collision with Mars-sized object that presumably was absorbed into Earth, but I'm not a geologist, exo- or otherwise, so.
  24. How do I into augurs? Do the things have to intersect the ground? That's because Earth's iron core makes up a much larger percentage of the total mass of the body. Lunar regolith and the Earth's crust ought to be around the same density controlling for organic materials. Regolith is mostly basalt and plagioclase and the Earth's crust is mostly quartzite which are all in the 2.6-3.0 t/m3 range. I think that's awesome
  25. Bro, stop trying to shut down the party. (This is my dissenting opinion) I don't agree that microwaves need a nerf. The system as it is is both incredibly powerful and incredibly limited, which is great. Yeah, launching becomes trivial, but first - when is it not trivial? The only difference is you're upgrading from 200 tons of fuel to 5 tons. You say "it kills progression" but first - if you're getting launch thrusts, you're just about at the end of the tech tree, so you don't have much further to progress. Second, after launching the 25 moon/minmus missions and/or spending the better part of a day navigating the whole solar system you need to max out the vanilla tech tree, you should be just about over putting together huge asparagus monstrosities. Third, late game goals like returning from the surface of Eve and getting to Eeloo are still challenging with microwaves going around. Fourth, microwave power is very ill-suited for some applications. Landing, for instance. With your power fluctuating wildly and even potentially shutting off completely, landing with a plasma thruster is a nightmare. I still use chemical rockets for landers. If you're playing sandbox I can understand the sentiment, because it totally makes all those rockets worthless, but this mod isn't intended for sandbox. About labs - well, I don't disagree, but getting the Alcubierre drive without them - well, I'm not even sure it's possible. Definitely do agree about ISRU, it needs a massive bump.
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