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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. This video is awesome, should be moved to the title scree, or linked to.
  2. I downloaded the rf.cfg file to try and use with RO but the install hangs on the YF75 model during loading **nevermind, I wasn't giving it enough time to load*** all is well
  3. Took some tinkering but finally got Xichang Satellite Launch Center configured (although I am pretty sure the altitude is wrong) still amazing work Nathan. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/DiSz7/embed"></iframe> can't seem to figure out how to post a imgur film strip (help ) Xichang Config File PQSCity { KEYname = KSC //repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0 latitude = 28.246017 longitude = 102.026556 repositionRadiusOffset = -10 //42.7000007629395 lodvisibleRangeMult = 6 } PQSMod_MapDecalTangent { //radius = 79637.5 radius = 10000 // KSP: 7500 heightMapDeformity = 0 // was 75 absoluteOffset = 0 absolute = true latitude = 28.246017 longitude = 102.026556
  4. Has anyone had an issue where osx won't load the texture for kerbin?
  5. Is there a way to minimize the user interface on the Map view?
  6. Yep I think that was this issue, engines are working, THANK YOU now lol......is there something that I need to do about the alignment of the fuel tanks (stretchy tanks) there seems to be a small gap?
  7. did you find out what was causing your loading issues, everytime I try realengines, I get a lock up, I tried deleting other engine configs, that might be conflicting, but still no-go.
  8. I have an issue where only the ki-500 and ki-626 are stretchable and can have their fuel loads modified. The KI-7000, 9000, 9000s, 9100, and 9100C can't be stretched. **in sandbox mode they work fine. but in career mode is where the problem above happens.
  9. Any word on the time table for RSS to be .23 compatible? Don't take this the wrong way, I just really enjoy your mod.
  10. I did search the forums, but anyone have a listing of the altitudes for the different experiments? ie InSpaceLow=x altitude. Sorry if its obvious, but I am a newb, and I finally have got two spacecraft in LKO with RSS and all other realism mods, and shewww what a task.
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