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Posts posted by ThorBeorn

  1. I've been playing around with adding extra launch sites to 10x kerbin using regex KSC switcher. Just for fun. I can post them here when I'm finished if anyone is interested, jsimmons?

    Also if you have any particular wishes regarding locations let me know. This far I've been trying to add a few more equatorial launch sites, but also some on high latitudes and some where I hoped the surrounding landscape would look cool (though so far no luck with that).

  2. Does anyone have a smart way of adding KSC locations that requires minimal amount of height adjusting the PQSCity and PQSMod_MapDecalTangent?

    I choose a location first (long, lat + arbitrary repositionRadiusOffset), KSC then appeared in a 800 m deep pit. From there I estimated how much extra height was needed. The second time I landed a kerbal right next to the pit to measure height difference. I figure there must be a more clever approach no?

    This is in 10x Kerbol system btw.

  3. ...EDIT: Whelp I need help! This is what I keep on seeing when loading/starting new career :/ Using 0.25 version of RVE - http://i.imgur.com/NvaPly8.jpg...

    I got the very same thing. Also on what I believe to be a correct install. Did you find a solution yet?

    Edit: Nevermind. I see now that I've failed to follow some of the instructions. Will report back here if I get it working.

  4. The fairing activates when the node it is configured for is attached to something (typically the _bottom node, which is why it says 'bottom'

    You'll need to create a dummy node named something like node_stack_dummy and set it so that its above the bottom node (so parts don't snap to it easily.

    Then change modulejettison to point to "dummy" instead of bottom.

    If the node you specify doesn't exist, the module freaks out and the whole part breaks; if you just remove the module then the fairing is always visible.

    Thanks. The solution I posted seems to work atm though. But maybe it causes some errors after all you say?

    Your solution of adding one more node will increase drag in FAR if I'm not mistaken. Maybe I'll just move node_stack_bottom inside the model - my cfg for this engine makes it a first stage engine anyway. :)

  5. ferram4: I had some massive lag/bugs where FAR threw lots of null reference exceptions and other errors. Could not decouple launch stabilisers, the FAR GUI showed zeroes on all derivatives while giving null reference exeptions etc. This was with the latest dev build from GitHub, downloaded yesterday. I would be grateful if you or someone knowledgeble could take a look at my logs.

    KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5qtyxq48z66xs54/KSP.log?dl=0

    Output.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eogir10q15gz8ly/output_log.txt?dl=0

  6. How do I delete the fairings in the SLS-250 Bearcat Series Two Liquid Engine (NP_lfe_25m_BroncoSingle)? Prefereably via a MM-patch. Simply putting !MODULE[ModuleJettison]{} in a patch doesn't help.

    I don't understand how that module works. Is it about just hiding them, but keeping the module itself?

    Edit: Figured it out.

    @isFairing = false

  7. Been following this thread for a couple of days now. I have few questions regarding gameplay.

    1.Will you add any science experiments at all like RPL did, or are you going to use stock experiments?

    2. Great to see propellers, early jets and p-wings in the start node! But will you promote experimental aircraft building (Bell X1+X2, Douglas Skyrocket, X-15 etc) somehow? After all these span over three decades.

    The latter is something I think career always has left out along with space stations, both by squad and by other mods/tech trees. Perhaps X-planes could be promoted via contracts later on?

  8. Just watched the pilot episode, well made as always. While you're very talented at modding/welding and the idea of sharing files is very generous, I'm in favour of the RSS+historical alternative. It would be really interesting to see your building skills in a RSS/RO context imo (and I bet you're gonna make some parts/cfgs for RO also) . I also thought it was cool that you showed some images and facts of the V2 and the chinese rocket chair.

  9. Many of the non stock air inlets are giving me problems. THey are chooking the trust of my jet engines making it impossible to take off. How to fix it?

    Are you getting any thrust at all? Which intakes are you talking about?

    Could be two reasons:

    First the intake area could be too small to match the engine requirement for intake air, giving some thrust but not enough.

    Second and most probable due to your description; the intake lacks the module "AJEInlet" in the part cfg resulting in no intake air at all.

    The fix is simple: Add AJEInlet via a MM patch. Decide of you want the intake to be optimized for subsonic, transsonic or supersonic speed. Or even make it an adjustable ram inlet. Then match the intake area to another similairly sized intake to keep it balanced. Maybe adjust weight and add tweakscale while you are at it too :)

    If you post the part cfg for an intake, I can provide an example of how to do it. (Or if you're familiar with MM patches, just take a look at one of the cfgs in GameData/AJE/Inlets and figure it out yourself)

  10. Are there any heat-shielded RCS thruster blocks that are compatible with R.O.? I'm trying to re-enter a space plane, but the RCS thrusters keep burning up long before anything else does. Needless to say, it causes some problems. B9 had some great ones, but those aren't compatible yet...

    I threw together a RO/Real Fuels cfg for a couple of the B9 rcs thrusters. I think I just raised maxTemp to make them survive reentry. I can p.m. you the cfg if you want to.

  11. I'm seeing a inaccurate CoL during construction. As seen below, the CoL is shown more rearward during construction of the wings than after loading. The CoL as shown in the second image (after loading) is the same CoL used during flight...

    ...So I'm having to constantly save and then load my craft every time I add, remove, or move wings, just so I can see where the real CoL is.

    This is with the latest FAR of 14.3.2.

    This bug also affects me, as I posted earlier, but Ferram said he can't reproduce it.

    I also want to report this bug. But in my case the CoL moves backward when loading, causing planes to dart into the ground if they mangage to take off at all. This is with P-wings if that matters.

  12. So I've just discovered that the KSC only exists at the current set launching point, so my little plan to fly from one runway to another was foiled by the destination runway not existing.

    Is there any way to get all the launch stations to persist even when they're not the active space center?

    I'm also a big fan of this idea. But right now with regex KSC switcher - no it's probably not. Perhaps KerbTown could be used for this, better ask in that thread.

    Edit: Apparently Kerbal Konstructs is the new kid in town: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93699-0-25-WIP-Kerbal-Konstructs-v0-4-PRE4-%28Nov-1%29-Static-Objects-and-Launch-Sites!

  13. Nope updating to .25 apparently set detail level to default. I only got the bug when landing airplanes. Never with capsules/parachutes.

    Will do some more testing tomorrow.

    Ok I've done some more test landings (with airplanes) in the vicinity of different launch sites, both on high and default texture settings.

    I slip through the ground and explode every time, just like I used to do earlier. I have no idea why it worked that one time though.

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