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Posts posted by ThorBeorn

  1. Nathan,

    There's something interesting you may wanna know. The plane-crash-into-terrain bug I reported also exists in stock kerbin. When I set 'terrain detail' to high it seems to happen, while if it's set to low everything seems fine. But with RSS the bug is persistent no matter what.

    Hm. That's interesting. I landed ~600 km south of the northernmost russian launchsite yesterday and it worked fine. Only tried it once and it was the first time it worked for me since RSS 6.x.

  2. An update on some features currently being/now included in RVE for 0.25 alpha:

    Yes! Very nice! I really like how you're making improvements with the previously not so good looking 20-120 km range. Makes me wanna build U2's and X-15's again. :)

    Edit: Man that new smooth horizon and the last pic of the moon, holy cow that's pretty.

  3. Thought I'd chime in with some praise. I got RVE 2.2 working on my RO/RSS install with the correct RSS version now. My jaw dropped as I launced a tiny suborbital rocket just to take a look. This looks so much better than in the pictures, the fantastic cloud textures, the distant haze, the blue tint in the atmosphere etc. I see why this is still a WIP though, but it has improved so much since the early releases. Maybe I'll post some pictures too.

    Btw. Had to get rid of the night/day city textures. I'm running on 80-85% RAM (out of 8 gigs) on my current install, so I'm in favour of staying on 24.2 for a while.

  4. Statistically speaking it's unstable. You have just gotten lucky. I did for a while too, but eventually it started crashing more often than not. The bottom line is that it's impossible for mod developers to support x64 - if it works for you, great, if not then Squad is the one to blame.

    As for the SP+ wing, I haven't looked specifically, but it appears to function the same way as all the other wings so I doubt there's any reason it wouldn't work with the previous version.

    Thanks. I'll do some tests later and report here. And just to clarify, I don't blame modders for x64 instability - in fact I feel nothing but gratitude and respect towards them. My first post was written in the context of "do-these-new-parts-work-with-the-previous-release-of-THIS-mod". Now let's go build a winged contraption of fire and awsome.

  5. Oh thanks. I remembered it being reported way earlier. No need to be sorry. You and the RO team are friggin' superheroes of the community imo. Good to know that this particular bug is being looked upon nevertheless.

    Edit: But yes, reading the last few pages before making a comment etc....:)

  6. Well it's nice to see the constant flow of updates recently. Good job devs. But, is the new ultra deadly heating really supposed to be this brutal?

    I made a test an hour ago. My two part craft with 1800 degrees maxtemp exploded at 95 km going 7800m/s. I've never seen that happen before above 70 km at those "low" speeds.

    Edit: I should mention I've also experienced a lot higher temps during ascents now. "Deadly" is fun, but it's a bit to much atm imho. But hey if it's realistic as it is I'm not gonna complain.

  7. I was wondering what parameters can be changed under the CONFIG node in ModuleEngineConfigs?

    I know max/min thrust, PROPELLANT and ratios, Isp etc can be changed. But what else? Things like mass, FX, attach nodes etc?

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