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Everything posted by Odinz

  1. u need to redo it for the 64k.exe .... and for the ''disable the int. graph. card'' english is not my first language so in don't know how to explain the proccess in detail
  2. u need to go in your graphic card control pannel and disable your integraded graphic card cause 64bit ksp use integrated by default
  3. that was my face when I hit the external Iva view with all the module attach together thx for this mod and continue your good work o/
  4. the link for Custom barn kit in the post doesnt work but i manage to work around and find this link insted https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/CustomBarnKit/ or https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/CustomBarnKit/17/
  5. Custom Barn Kit is not update to 1.1 ..... did he still a dependencie or i can install this mod without it ???? thx for all your great mod
  6. Hey ROVER thx for all the great mod you put out there And I have a question : Do the phase 2 is out or is a Wip and there is a way to get it ?
  7. thx but i wonder if i add a mod who use the hidden node do the node will come back ?
  8. Got to The CTT.Cfg and change all line like that @PART[KA_Tank_125_04]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree,TechManager] to that @PART[KA_Tank_125_04]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] just remove the ,TechManager should fix it
  9. I have test it out and it,s work on the VAB/SPH but wen i grab them (the container and the holder ) im unable to place them right...... but the good new is all the other part work fine
  10. I don't understand why you've not been committed by SQUAD your mod is an essential to a immersive gameplay in KSP... personally I think this mod should be in the core game . Thx for the great mod
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