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Everything posted by silverdragon41

  1. This actually came from tweaking another mod. tweakscale I had deleted the cfgs because only needed the plugin to make the infernal robotic mod to work. But that seem to have then broken this mod as soon as the cfgs were back in it works fine. I am using the .90 32 bit version of ksp. But found the problem was with tweakscale. I had deleted the cfgs in that mod because only needed the plugin to have the infernal robotic mod to work properly. But doing that apparently broke this mod. Once the cfgs were replace back in tweakscale the mod works fine. So its fine now.
  2. Hello there. Love the mod but seem to got a problem with it. Has anyone else got the problem that when you take the core thing that you attach the wedges to to put it on the ship the top node would all of a sudden disappear after you click to attach it to the other peice but yet the core still attach to the mouse and moves around till you click again then is set at that spot and can't be moved again? Is there anyway to fix that? Because as soon as it does that the other parts start acting like it with their attachment points disappearing after you click to attach it and the only way to reset it in game is to trash the entire ship. but the problem persist if you try putting that core stack in again. Pics: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dragonhome/screenshots/
  3. Yeah the clouds are there at first load but on second they are gone again. Win 7 64 bit KSP x32 atm aggressive.
  4. You not the only one with it. Have the same problem. Using ksp 32 bit because plan on using some mods that do not like the 64 bit and turn themselves off if use in 64 bit. Game gets to the loading screen where its loading the stuff but never gets farther then the boulder items. Task manager shows ram usage climbing fast and this is with the aggressive active texture manager. So maybe something looping or a memory leak or something. No idea why this one has this problem when I can use the edge of oblivion with tons of other mods and the ram barely breaks 2.4 gigs. So any ideas whats up?
  5. Or you can go to tracking station view head to the airless planets and hit ctrl-alt-n to bring up the tool bar to edit the planets and either tell it to switch back to the default look or go through the layers and turn down the glow which is the A slider. Use it and make it look the way you want it too.
  6. Yeah I fix it. Turns out there was a older version of Kw in my game folders I didn't see.
  7. Ok just wondering. So best to have kerbal run and focus on the satillite and do something else for a while.
  8. The Kethane scanners do they continue to scan for Kethane when the spacecraft is unfocused?
  9. Have to wait for the mod to update to be compatible with the .23 release of KSP.
  10. Hmm then it must be Kw mod then. As the parts from it in career mode do not stay research so I can never use them in career mode. Works fine in sandbox.
  11. My problem is that even after researching the parts in career mode I go to the vehicle assembly building and everything of the Kw I research goes back to not being research so can't use it. The mod works fine in sandbox mode.
  12. I am having a problem with this mod in career mode. Does it not work in career mode yet?
  13. Just a question. Does this mod have any conflicting issues with the Kw rocketry mod?
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