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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. Nicely Done! Images load well. I've got a few kerbals stranded on Eve - might need to borrow some of the design ideas you show here.
  2. After 120 years of exploration, rocket testing, science and what not, the boys at mission control found out where all the missing paperwork was. Turns out there are a few Kerbals missing in action. 36 of them. 36! How did this happen? No one seems to want to step forward and take the responsibility. So... The decision has been made to shut down all further exploration until every Kerbal is back on Kerbin's soil (or water - close enough) A full inventory was taken and a basic strategy established for each Kerbal crew situation. The plan is to get this underway and gradually update the album and this OP regarding progress. Thoughts? Cheers, W. ================ MISSION ONE Thanks to Mission Control not paying attention to the Physics warp setting, our proud heroes Dean, Ludgas and Wilbald will now be memorialised on the astronaut complex wall of remembrance. (Next... Mission 2 - same procedure for Bill, Bob and Jeb - only Mission Control knows that can't screw up again!)
  3. ^That. In practice all science which consist of "data" should be transmitted at 100%. Science which is materials based needs to be brought back to a base or lab. The idea of a smaller lab is great. Agree it might need constraints which make it slightly less usable than the full blown lab unit. Good idea.
  4. Cannot switch vessels while moving over the surface... when i am a piece of debris sinking toward the centre of a planet... AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!
  5. Considering its a game and not real life, then people can do what they want - regardless of the game situation. Frankly, feel free to use PF to create the Kerbol system you want and go have fun. THAT is the beauty of this game system!
  6. Exit the game from anywhere save staging changes made during flight let me move my kerbals inside a ship without eva ^ should not need mods
  7. An interesting approach. I like it. I usually steer away from clipping, but you've made something look rather cool. Nice one.
  8. Same here. Only its now creeping into work-life... yesterday running a powerpoint presentation and realising I was trying to use the middle mouse button to rotate a 3d text object in front of everyone - OMG - I just said, "ignore that, not sure what I was doing there..." Also, I finally removed the KSP shortcut from my task bar/dock because someone asked about the cartoon character. Small problems make for huge laughs.
  9. it's that dude who has played 9,999 hours and 59 minutes and during that last 59 seconds decides to chuck it in... I want his/her opinion.
  10. Yes I'm going to give it a go using my Apollo style hardware. With a few enhancements. Might be a multi launch mission. Sending a separate Skylab-like unit along as well. Using the SVIb in an extended configuration so it can remain in orbit at Duna as a fuel reserve. More importantly I did delete all the Duna and Ike references in my save file. I now show no science listed in the R&D centre and my tech tree is intact. Everything work. Haven't checked the remaining science totals with my backup save but will do that later tonight. So far so good.
  11. Update: Answered due to self experimentation (whoa that sounds wrong). Deleting the sections does the trick! Thanks for listening... ----------------------------------- Ok sounds crazy - I want to delete all science earned from Duna exploration. I have a surplus of science points. Enough that I believe I can delete the Duna portion of it and still have a bit extra to ensure that I don't screw up my fully exploited tech tree. Question - is this possible? I can see in the save file what appears to be the registers for the science earned and the max science possible for each science experiment conducted in Duna biomes. Is it fair to assume that by setting these variables to Zero that I can delete all Duna Science? OR, should I delete the entire entry sections relating to Duna for each experiment package? I suppose I could backup my save, just hack away and see what happens till i get it correct - but seems polite to ask and involve any interested parties ;-) Additional info: A snip from my save file. Obviously there are many entries like this for all the biomes visited by experiment package. ---snip--- Science { id = mobileMaterialsLab@DunaFlyingLow title = Materials Study while flying at Duna dsc = 1 scv = 0.21875 sbv = 5 sci = 125 cap = 160 } ---end skip--- Question is then specifically, do I delete the entire section or do I set "sci" to zero? BTW - The idea here is to design a Duna "Science Extravaganza/Jamboree" mission to attempt to grab ALL possible science in one go (Duna and Ike ideally) - probably send the heroes to do it. So executing a Duna "Science reset" is a critical success factor. If this works out, then it might be fun to try it on other planets/Moons over time. There's probably a challenge like this out there somewhere but I'm just doing this because... KSP! Perhaps doing a "science reset" on Kerbin and designing a mission to extract all science in one go - could be fun... Thanks in advance! Cheers, W.
  12. Hello All, Posted an update in the OP - Thanks again for the help! Cheers, W
  13. Ah... So to be more specific I'm inquiring about powered non-space-plane landings sans parachutes. Sorry, thought my OP was not specific I guess. Hopefully I shall also one day get to the concept of wings...
  14. UPDATE: Made my first attempt at this tonight. Re-read all the suggestions below. Selected Minmus as my beginner zone due to low gravity and close proximity to Kerbin (!) 1) put my ship in a low 5k orbit. 2) adjusted inclination to assure I was passing directly over target vessel (which was previously landed for this purpose) 3) I waited until the target was well past the horizon during approach (no sense in burning such that I would pass through the ground) 4) I force switched to target mode 5) During the descent I burned in various degrees around my retrograde indicator to keep it centred on the target indicator 6) Simultaneously, I monitored my descent rate to assure I was within my lander deceleration envelope 7) By gently pulsing my burns as needed, and keeping the vectors aligned, I was able to get within 100m surface distance on my first try. I'm pretty sure that with just a little more practice I can crash my landers on top of one another (not that I would try that). Thanks a lot to all for the really great help! Cheers, W ----------------------------------- Thanks Guys - I appreciate all the input so far. I consider this answered for now. I'll repost my experience and what techniques which you have all recommend seem to work for me. More later... -------------------------------- Hey Guys, Not taken the time to try this, as I have not yet had the need to "precision land" anything (that is, other than precisely on the "proper end" softly on the target planet). So... the question/scenario... You have selected a piece of equipment you have previously landed on the surface as you're target. While in descent toward your target (let this be a base in this example, not that it matters) and with your navball in surface mode, is it correct to assume that if you keep your retrograde marker positioned on the target marker you will land on/very near the target? Obviously paying attention to your descent rate as you want to arrive in one piece ;-) I'll give this a go tonight - just checking up front. Also, if there are any other techniques I'm unaware of, then that would be great. Thanks in advance! W.
  15. In my first save, Bill landed all alone on eve - stayed there for 72 Kerbin years - I imagined him getting on just like "Robinson Crusoe on Mars/Eve". Then I ended the save when .23 came out. I expect he's still there - hanging with some alien dude named Friday.
  16. Yup... Eurovision... crazy... BUT at the same time I'm monitoring my mission to Eeloo.
  17. I can say now from a personal perspective that the current Eurovision Songfest results show is NOT inspiring my KSP. Ok, unless that entails designing a booster which will take Graham Norton to the next level... Hee Hee... I fully accept any Mod reprimand for this comment and promise to never do it again.
  18. I guess there is a fine line between "polite suggestion" and "pet peeve" (notice the quotes so I can sneak past the speeeeelllllling police) so I take your point. Well done sir! Respect to you. another "peeve"... transferring kerbals between docked vessels. Sorry, but this is basic. It is a real PITA during flight. Just my opinion. So many other cool things to draw my attention during a mission... getting a crew member into the proper command space should not be such a labour. I'm also keenly aware this has probably been raised too many times before so thanks for listening... and feel free to ignore my comment if it strikes a nerve. That said, I LOVE this game. I gratefully accept all the issues that come with a pre-release and am happy to find work-arounds, alternative play strategies, and various methods of extensions to my patience... KSP is the finest game concept and delivery that I have seen in decades. Nuf said. (oops... forgot the "" around nuf)
  19. peeepole hoo complane a bhout someall shpelling butt dhont kontribuoot cents able eyedeeahhhs sorry - please ignore that. old man curmudgeon syndrome cropping up again... on topic now... Why can't I transmit changes I make (ok, corrections!) to my staging sequence back to the boys at KSP and have that saved to my current vessel design? That would be nice.
  20. Well spotted! I like the safety protocols in place though. clearly, they have a fully operational ground crew. I retrospect I should have titled the tread more in line with "What has KSP inspired you to do lately?"
  21. Hi guys, great thread. Here's my submission - Not sure it's rep worthy but I really enjoyed building it over a couple of days messing around stock. This was fun to build. Launching it was a pain (Where are all the mile long launch rail components? ha!) so it was boosted it vertically (Sacrilege!!!) Descriptions are below in the mouse overs. This was stock v23. I'll try working on another version with the 23.5 stock parts when I get the time. Then perhaps a proper mission with adventure! Now... to build a rotating space centre control complex... Hmmm... Tricky... Cheers, W
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