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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. With ATM (texture reduction) now installed, I can see on the activity monitor that KSP is chewing on 1.29GB of RAM while I'm in the VAB editor. Is this a "normal" reading? Also, I notice that the KSP task memory usage as shown in the activity monitor gradually increases over time. After about 1h45m of play my memory usage is up to 1.76GB If I were a betting man (and I'm not) I would probably suggest a low grade memory stack issue of some type. If I get the chance, I'll try this same experiment with higher graphics settings and also without texture reduction. - KSP is now at 1.77GB just while typing this update - and after wandering downstairs, making lunch, loading the dishwasher and supplying myself with a "fortified" breakfast drink, KSP (hadn't touched it!) is now at 1.80GB Thoughts anyone? Please discuss.
  2. All of the above. Unpredictable. When its just a game freeze then yes I can force quit. UPDATE: I was unable to revert to Mavericks (some arcane issue with Time Machine ARGH!) so instead I did a refresh/reinstall of my Yosemite OS (without rewriting the entire drive - that's a last resort). Following the OS reinstall, the iMac appears stable while not running KSP. I started a KSP session this morning (No mods and no Texture reduction) ran well for about 45 min, then suddenly stopped and the OS X crash dialogue pops up. So same basic behaviour. I concur with Tao that this is probably a memory issue. If the iMac was overheating then the issue would probably present itself as the OS shutting down or the crazy "Space Disco" graphics aberration. I will now reinstall texture reduction and see if that helps.
  3. ANd to be very clear: In real life the Moon can fully or partially eclipse the Sun ,When Full, this is a total Solar Eclipse. When a planet or other celestial object passes between the observer and the sun (or any star for that matter) its referred to as a transit. Since the Mun can never fully eclipse Kerbol, then I would think that there is no Munar eclipsing in KSP from the vantage point of Kerbin, but rather transits or partial eclipses. All that said, I am not an astronomer and have never played one on TV - so I now receed into the background and yield to the astronomers in the audience for an education iin the correct terminology as applied in the KSP instance.
  4. Very nice. Although I think it's not a munar but rather a solar eclipse - or is it called a "kerboler" eclipse in game terms?
  5. YES^^^^^^ I was just about to post a complaint. Since it was I "Wallygator" who posted the original thread. So what next? Moderator, clean up in Isle 3..." ;-) EDIT: Nice one, I see he/she/it was banned.
  6. Yes^^^ I've mentioned in another thread the book "Digital Apollo" by David Mindell - this book (for me that is) really put all the elements of skill, training, pilot vs passenger and the actual manner in which spacecraft are operated into a clear perspective. I highly recommend it. EDIT: I should add that I HOPE the Devs read it also ;-)
  7. My opinion is that unless the devs introduce some type of flight control system whereby kerbals can be trained to operate it (some good and some poor) then the stats probably will not align with any useful activity. Still, I set here and retain hope...
  8. ^^^ this rofl. However, I'm interested to see the results of further adjustments to the textures. Would also be nice if they can make the boulders actually solid.
  9. Yes! Steve and Venus Kerman need this now! Would be a nice way to get my XL5 into orbit. Don't think it needs to so tall though.
  10. It now is apparent that OS X is restarting on my iMac regardless of ksp running or not. So... Perhaps 2 separate problems here. Restoring OS X first to address platform issue. Then refocus on ksp after that. Takes a few days to restore via time machine (wtf) so back at it after that. Stay tuned.
  11. "Give VGER The Information!" err... coordinates. I have a lander in Duna Orbit, happy to reorient my mission...
  12. Quick update: It appears that OS X (on my IMac) wants to automatically crash and reboot if I have KSP running for any length of time. Difficult to diagnose. The MacBook now seems to be running fine. I'll try a complete new KSP install on the IMac on Wednesday, add in Texture Management as suggested by Master Tao, set all graphics setting to half, and then try again. Stay tuned...
  13. AH, had to think about that one for a second. Nice one. To be clear, Im not concerned about 16G ram. Only to get the regular version of KSP with no mods working reliably within its normal 4gb confinement on my OS X.
  14. OK, Loaded texture replacer (basic). Same basic behaviour, this crash here occurred when pressing the Z for throttle up on an Ion Probe near Lathe. http://www./folder/i6l4ddm3aijvf Take a look. I will try again with reduced texture settings... (Seems crazy, I have 16G Ram installed, KSP needs and can only use 4. Is it then true that a high end IMac can't run KSP in high mode? Thanks! W.
  15. I find it interesting and entertaining how this thread has moved beyond the simplistic "Experience should not affect ISP" into a "KSP should/should not mimic reality" discussion. This is philosophical discussion now rather than a game play dynamic discussion. A primary and foundational tenet of the game is (from the website) "Fully-fledged, Physics-based Flight Simulation ensures everything will fly (and crash) as it should." IF it is in the interests of gameplay and user experience, there are various approximations made (size of planets, density of atmo, etc.) and there are also placeholders for yet to be implemented computational systems (drag and aero for example) but there are NOT any gravely "Anti-physics" features. KSP was not and is not intended to mimic the vast majority of arcane space fantasy games already flooding the market. It is a very unique platform with a unique selling point (fully fledged simulation). If a consumer looking for a space game where interstellar dog fights can occur or magic pills can be taken to change the laws of physics, then I suggest (sarcasm coming... wait for it...) they should go out and get a copy of the original wing commander and a vintage DOS computer.
  16. Actually, Crews do liaise quite closely with mission planners and are intimately knowledgable if the various burns and trajectories required as part of the mission profile. And during each lunar landing it was the commander who adjusted the flight path / landing target in the final minutes of the landing sequence. And... Mars probes (and all other probes for that matter) also conduct adhoc (albeit well planned) course correction mid flight. Such corrections are planned for years in advance yes, but the specific vectors are not know until the actual time of the correction.
  17. Someone needs to define the link between experience, stupidity and bravery. I'm not sure its clear at the moment.
  18. ^^^ and then I awoke from the dream... its both a simulator AND a game therefore it cannot ignore the common denominator. Its needs to be both in balance.
  19. I unticked that on my forum difficulty settings.
  20. not sure they "gutted" the feature, but they did take a back step on the physics influencing aspects.
  21. I'm sure there is a more advanced view of the experience/training/qualification gameplay dynamic that actually adds even deeper emersion for role-play without denigrating the physics foundation. Now is the opportunity to contribute further ideas. The devs now realise this - the community can help on the requirements definition.
  22. When we get to beta, can we please have an embedded error reporting system which gathers all necessary files and forwards to the devs upon approval of the player? This would create full consistency and reliability regarding error reporting data (still will require the player to recap the issue). Also included would be a automatic screen cap in the background every so often (not to be saved but overwritten so disk space is not wasted. Players should be provided the option to opt in to the scheme. default is opt out. no personal identifiable info would be transferred thoughts?
  23. nice one. well done devs. My faith in community collaboration is restored!!! Virtual rep to all.
  24. perhaps the "cumulative" experience of ALL kerbals could be applied to enabling the small insignificant increases to thrust and ISP the devs suggest. However, once those improvements are made, they are available to all kerbals AND even of you kill all your kernels in a single mass explosion you would still retain all engineering/performance improvements. Again, this then translates to overall space program experience and improvements rather then the hero syndrome we are arguing about.
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