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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. I'm with you on the hinge. Totally agree. I would like to see triangular structural panels. And perhaps curved structural panels if stock fairings are not provided. In lieu of increased part types perhaps adding a tweakable capability to adjust sizes, etc.
  2. Not sure if this has already been suggested. Can't seem to find a reference in my rudimentary search... Can we please have a key press toggle in map mode to dynamically hide/reveal maneuver node info. When burning for an inclination change or encounter it would be nice to be able to see the progress without planned trajectory clutter. Thanks for listening ;-)
  3. Sounds good I'll do that! Edit: that's a nice change to the forum, however I was expecting it to be added to the bug tracker as well.
  4. This adventure is one of the few mission reports which sparks my interest. Please keep going regardless of the changes required to mission parameters. We all find the need to adapt to game bugs from time to time. Don't let it get you down. We all understand. Keep going!!!
  5. Some (many) of the bugs have existed for a long time. Regardless of the core issues of these bugs, they need to be addressed. Addressing these bugs can be as simple as squad revealing that they are in fact unity issues or not. If they are unity issues then fine. Get me in the waiting queue for unity 5. If not, then... Hello... Time to reinvigorate the quality management methodology. Fix the bugs!
  6. Yes please. It's a pita to try and follow all social links for KSP. The forum or the KSP home site should have links or redirects to cover these. Great idea!!!
  7. If someone gets injured then the debate as to whether its its ksp or not will go to the lawyers. Don't wish to drash on the party, but seriously, people need to keep there heads on straight when they make claims and use copyright materials to promote stunts in real life. That said, I support individual efforts to achieve orbit.
  8. Completely agree. My experience---> Stepping off a ladder and going proof is ridiculous... And auto save is your enemy if it happens exactly at the same time.
  9. I'd rather have all the existing bugs fixed... Then a move to unity 5. Keep a Structured Development Methodology in play. Don't fast track anything! (Assuming a structured development method is currently in place that is...)
  10. All good ideas. Appreciate your Thinking and suggestions. The Devs should consider this. Some elements might be difficult to implement but still they are good ideas.
  11. Good luck. Not sure it will work out for you. But best wishes. Stranger things have happened. I expect this entry is the last non op post on this thread. :-)
  12. Today Bill died on the south pole of Minmus. Landing was fine. EVA ok. climb down ladder to surface... fine. Touched ground... Poof. WFT!?!?!? He reincarnated later but back at level 1. Bummer.
  13. Same here. MacBook pro 15". Fans run at max with ksp regardless of graphics settings. So I set the graphics at slightly below max and just play untill the regular OSX crash to desktop occurs. I then don't restart till the fans shutdown completely. Some people have suggested that running graphics intensive programs like ksp reduces the life of the GPU but I rather think it's more likely the fan life which will be affected.
  14. I finished upgrading my Hard Mode save buildings except for the Admin building (who needs overpowered strategies). Then set off to design a standard, simple and low cost crew launch and re-entry system which can get a 3 keb crew into a 130km orbit with manoeuvre capability. This as a result of getting tired of constructing each one from scratch every time. Making it slightly "Orion-like" with stock parts. Also finished my 1st gen "Multi-module Operational National Multi-purpose Space Station" (A 1960's vision of what a space station could look like...) Launched as one unit with minor orbital assembly. Housing up to 37 Kerbals. Need these in orbit around everything :-) Maybe some pics later on... EDIT: Here they are only 2... The station... Someone didn't turn off the lights...
  15. I think it is because the poll asks what is the most "bothersome" unrealistic feature. I agree Kerbals are unreal, but they do not bother me. I did not vote for them. I wonder what the Kerbals would vote for...
  16. Aero. But I hope KSP will never become "totally realistic", but rather "less unrealistic". Better aero and hydro dynamics would probably go a very long way. Oh... And revamp kerbal experience :-)
  17. Assuming engineer would be available in full in sandbox, then it really doesn't matter how it's carved up in chunks for career since and parsing of data calculation availability would be a false reality to the player. Everything is already being calculated in the background. An external spreadsheet could be built for inputting reference data... External grinding... breaking emersion... No... Change of mind. Just make it all available from the beginning.
  18. Next thing and some one will suggest this be some kind of unlockable capability. Arrggghhhh!!!!!
  19. It's a game so I guess if I was forced to accept biome I could do it - but I tend to agree with OP. But regardless of what it's named, it still seems to be kludgey way of defining areas of supposed scientific interest. I would love to see specific named regions with unique items to find and assess. Anomalies, alien crash sites, ancient structures, strange geologic formations etc all with specific game play elements or wrappered in various story lines. Having specific "things" eliminates the need to come up with synthetic naming conventions.
  20. I wonder if the biome mapping had anything to do with all this. IF so I doubt it will come back.
  21. I agree that limiting action group availability is contrived. There should be no limit to the number of groups or availability to them regardless of progression level. The part count and mass limitations could be easily balanced more effectively to change difficulty in a more sensible manner. Limiting access to action groups is like arbitrarily locking out the W key at the start of the game. Senseless. I think it was the Devs taking a lazy shortcut without properly thinking it through. Easily fixed I suppose.
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