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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. For me it was my first Duna Landing. The aerocapture, areobraking, deorbiting and the really scary low altitude decent profile. After finally making a soft landing I was in a cold sweat. Loved it!
  2. Hmmm... I'm 54, and I can attest that understanding orbital dynamics and interplanetary flight is NOT that difficult. KSP actually makes it quite a bit simpler to simulate and visualize. Now, if anyone (young or old) really wants to deeply understand it all, then perhaps KSP may be a "gateway activity" to help inspire pursuit of advanced mathematics and physics as part of a core education. Kerbal edu anyone?
  3. Joh FX - Your are insane! And I love it! ;-) Good luck... Seriously! I'll be watching this thread.
  4. Nice. Great Narrative. I like the spartan rescue unit!
  5. Well said V. I've not used mechjeb at all in any of my missions - so far... I've played around with it in sandbox and think that as my vehicles get larger and more cumbersome I will likely start using it to do some of the tedious work. But I think I'll keep the landings as they really are a good part of the KSP thrill. From a pure game (my own) play perspective I would characterize mechjeb as a potential efficiency improvement relative to my available time. I think it will allow me to focus my attention to the elements of my mission that are most interesting to me at the moment and allow me to choose specific mission events for automation when I see fit.
  6. Hello all! This thread is a great idea. Probably a much better place for my recent Apollo-ish attempt(s). I previously posted it in mission reports... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73134-First-Mission-Post-Apollo-Inspired-Munar-Excursion-Adventure-with-Craft-file It was never intended to be a look-alike but rather close as I could get with stock and no clipping. Wanted to include a laterally deployed rover for two and a prototype escape system (Highly Optional Top-heavy Munar Escape Support System) Toughest part for me was getting the equipment bays to deploy correctly. The Imgur album has most of the specifics embedded. I really enjoyed this project. Brought back the passion I felt as child when watching the Gemini/Apollo launches. Hope you enjoy the pics! And thanks in advance for any commentary. Cheers, W
  7. Hello All, First Mission Report post here. Completed Career Mode a few times in the past 4 months. This game rocks! So... to do what many others seem to have done as part of their KSP initiation I too have designed, tested and successfully completed an Apollo inspired mission. This was not intended to compete in any challenge and definitely NOT an attempt to build out a stock-alike or a look-alike Apollo-Saturn mockup. It was intended to keep the flavour, launch sequence highlights, and key mission elements in a easy enough format that they could be enjoyed and hopefully expanded so as to press on to Duna with the same basic architecture. Through this process I have come to greatly appreciate the efforts of all the other KSP players before me who have done much more complex attempts! I've posted the craft file here... http://www./view/9x791bchquw6zxq you can examine it to see the action groups, etc. Feel free to make changes to match up with your play style as you see fit. It includes the main launch stack the CM, MEM, LES, Rover and a Munar escape system. I've attempted to build a Munar equipment bay deployment system which better mimics a side panel stowage and deployment architecture. Be forewarned, it only works effectively when you target a level landing site! Pressing 7 blows the decouplers and drops the two equipment bays to the Munar surface (most of time!) I hope I've edited the imgur album and inserted it correctly with mission comments embedded... ...if there is problem I apologise and greatly appreciate any guidance. And finally, I would like to dedicate this to all the hundreds of thousands of everyday folks who in real life greatly contributed to Neil's first step. Enjoy! Wallygator
  8. nice. entertaining video ;-) FYI - I think your reference to Einstein and relativity is incorrect - rather Newton and laws of motion? Keep up the great work!
  9. So to summarise briefly, it sounds like this could be a good idea / feature targeted for more advanced players - perhaps being unlocked later down the tech tree. My original thought was this would be a in-game tool to completely customise the thrust curve for any SRB. But... I suppose another (more easily achievable) option would be to create an extended series of SRBs (each with a thrust curve designed to mimic a single grain geometry) which could be tweaked using the existing SRB tweaks (max thrust / burn time). I presume that this approach would probably be better implemented via a mod or part pack rather than an in-game change. Well, thanks for listening and the constructive feedback. Cheers!
  10. "Grain Geometry" - Yes, exactly - Many thanks for jogging my memory Vexx! There are way more than 4 - some can get quite complex. Sorry for the reference to Mandrel - as that is the device or "form" which the fuel core is moulded around, and is then removed once the core is stabile. in my youth i recall using a large nail or a pencil as a makeshift mandrel. Anyway... I think the suggestion is clear enough at this point. The real question is - is it a worthy suggestion as an option in game?
  11. Hello all! First time poster after playing for a couple of months. Fab Simulation - makes me depressed thinking about all the calculus I forgot long ago... Suggestion: Would it make sense to allow an SRB to be tweaked by selecting the mandrel profile for the fuel core? -So as an example, a round void in the core would provide a gentle increase in thrust throughout the burn while a star void would provide higher thrust initial with a gradual taper (other void shapes are also possible). Thanks for listening! Cheers, WG
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