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Everything posted by Uberlyuber

  1. You take your rock to ballet class How to make Jebediah come to Earth?(not Kerbin, Earth)
  2. DENIED Lol jk, granted, but then a lot of conspiracy theorists say that the US never won and it was all a hoax, despite the fact that there's no evidence to prove it I wish that I could meet Jebediah Kerman in real life.
  3. Right in the title. I was trying to upload my SLS craft when it got rejected because it said "Invalid archive." Is it that I'm making a mistake, or did Curseforge just derp?
  4. Ok, it is working. Thanks! Oh, and this is my 100th post. YEEEEEEEEAHHHHH!!!
  5. Huh. Well, there was a folder named "saves_backup" that I don't remember putting there. Well, either way, halle hugging lujah whatever did that put that there.
  6. I hadn't even tried then. Thankfully, my saves did appear to backed up(DMP backs up your saves?) and as such, nothing was damaged. Thank god :D To prevent any further hickups, I've uninstalled the mod. When Friday the 13th comes around and the update (hopefully) comes out, I'll back up my saves, try again, and hopefully it won't screw me over again. Friday the 13th? We're all doomed
  7. Well, this should be self explanatory. How long can you marathon my(and probably your) favorite game in carer mode? This shouldn't be that hard to explain. It's good to note this is a how LONG can you marathon KSP, not how SHORT you can do it. It doesn't have to take like 9999999 hours, but PLEASE don't feel pressured to make it incredibly short READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU PLAY. Rules 1.) This must be done in carer mode. 2.) You must complete carer mode 3.) You may livestream this, if you wish. 4.) You must provide some evidence that you did it. (i.e a whole video) 5.) You are granted 3 breaks. (excluding bathroom breaks) No sleeping on the job! 6.) Try not to get bored, and have fun! Acheivments Well, you hugging did it. Congrats: 9999999 points Complete the challenge successfully. Non-stop player: 5000 points Don't take a single break at all(excluding bathroom breaks) Almost non-stop player: 3000 points Take only 1 breaks(excluding bathroom breaks) The angelic(or something) space program manager: 2050 points Don't kill a single Kerbal on your adventure The satanic space program manger: -1000 points: Kill 30 or more Kerbals(include the reusable ones) Lots of popularity: 1500 points Get 10,000 views on your YouTube video or 50 watchers on Twitch. Hall of GREAAAAAT Fame And Ultimate Glory: No one. Best of luck
  8. I was trying to replicate the Falcon 9R By using a propulsive landing. So I tested it, and it was a success. However, the craft seems to want to tip over randomly. It may be that the landing gear is on advanced canards that are turned backwards, but i don't know. It looks like this. Thanks!
  9. This plugin has managed to corrupt all of my saves. You clearly did something wrong. Also good to note that was A TON OF IMPORTANT SAVES that I can't access now. Just great.
  10. Interwebs Strong! Haterz we war you! And so they all died, the end. Everybody likes ___, Nobody Likes ___, Some people like ____
  11. Banned for crashing on Eeloo and using weird font.
  12. Yeah, I agree. I once asked my friends parent(and my friend as well) what project Gemini is, and they just said "You know way too much about space." I can't believe that people, ESPECIALLY American congress(I am an American FYI) just don't like space. NASA's budget is the lowest it has ever, ever been. But I don't think space is totally a thrown away idea; that's where private businesses come in. I hate to say it, but, unless SLS is not canceled (which would require a miracle), NASA'S time has come and gone. Hell, I asked my friend who the first man on the Moon was, and he said "I forgot." And he says he knows more about space than me. I could bet a million dollars I'm the only one out of my whole school who knows QUACK about space.
  13. I kinda suck at interplanetary maneuvers I suck at airplanes, and I never really tend to finish challenges I start
  14. Wow. This really is an AMAZING mod. Thank you. EDIT: Houston, we have a problem: https://imgur.com/6aATG4E
  15. Serious points you can get there. Note, however you need to finish carer mode for those points. In other news, you'll get your points now.
  16. I just mean having them being able to be recovered, and you also need to follow them down. However, this only applies to kerbal transports, after all, it may just be an airplane. Everything else can be expendable. However, both can be reusable for bonus points :3
  17. The flight in progress is a little beacon that I sent in order to test drops from orbit and to make targeting the place and landing the other modules of the base easier (I don't know if my sentence is correct) http://i.imgur.com/g5lEILv.pngEdit1: Some progress! Just sent the solar module, prior to anything else (Who wants to live in a house without electricity?). http://i.imgur.com/VoHneOF.pngI launched and brought it in one piece using this *little* thing: http://i.imgur.com/4rx2LMh.png And it flies! Look at this beauty: http://i.imgur.com/37CXryJ.png All right, you will get your point right now; you're go for the challenge I did say it had to be reusable, but at this point, im just going to make that bonus points. Dont forget, however, that kerbal transports still have to be reusable.
  18. All right, as soon as you show me a new save you'll be clear to go for the challenge, and you'll get your complementary point!
  19. Ill fix that. Thanks. And to all: I will be trying this for myself, I wont score myself but i will put mine in under a spoiler box as soon as I get them to youtube.
  20. how the heck? And I just finished this!!! (facepalm) all right, im closing this thread.
  21. Sorry, I swear i had finished everything else. I'm currently in the process of putting the rest of the stuff in
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