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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. banido pq kabum é careira... tem lugar muito mais barato...
  2. banido por achar q minha alma pode ser consumida dessa forma...
  3. banido por me forçar a pegar a arma do ponto de vista do fundo do armário... ಠ__ಠ
  4. Ainda não fiz nada mais louco do q isso: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obfhJNB8hfo
  5. Banido por querer abandonas o tópico... The Zueira never ends...
  6. o jogo salva uns backups do seu save... tem q ver os arquivos la pra substituir oq vc quebrou...
  7. Banido por não especificar se é novela nacional ou mexicana...
  8. Banido pq apenas um noveleiro pra defender outro noveleiro...
  9. Banido pq se WoW, Lineage 2 e Ragnarok não prestassem, Ja teriam caido no esquecimento a anos...
  10. Refueled Kosmo's Station to fulfill the contract... https://imgur.com/a/GMBL2 And as a bonus, Mun now have a comms relay...
  11. banido por querer assar na brasa igual um frango de padaria... com farofa e td...
  12. MK2 parts are more heat resistant, have wing Lift, less drag, but are heavier...
  13. Banido... pq foi erro de digitação... era pra ser NFSW ( Need For Speed World )...
  14. banido pq a causa de tds os problemas é algo classificado como NSFW... e portanto podem ocorrer bans reais caso causem problemas... relacionados a esse problema... q é a causa de tds os problemas...
  15. I do refueling missions using a general purpose SSTO I have... Depending of the craft I takes like 5 travels to fully refuel it... But the SSTO is so practical, it can be done without much effort...
  16. banido pq sinto puro tédio vindo de suas palavras tediosas...
  17. é pq ja foi atualizado, só baixar o novo...
  18. não sei os atualizados, mas sei de alguns q estão funcionando normalmente: Raster Prop Monitor Module Manager Chatterer NavBall Docking Aligniment Indicator CE Maneuver Node Evolved Distant Object Kerbal Alarm Clock Collide-o-Scope Kerbal Engineer Reduct
  19. To design spaceplane SSTOs you have to focus on 3 things: Aerodynamics, TWR and Balance... Less drag is the best... put all radially attached parts inside a fairing or cargobay... radiators have to be outside, but it won't create much drag depending of placement... The only problem is when it comes to landing... the thing will not loose enough speed for a safe landing... TWR to achieve speeds above 1200m/s at 12.000m altitude... But it have to be the right ammount of engines... too much and you will lose Δv due to dead wight in space... Air breath engines like Rapiers (best for SSTOs) and TurboJets gains more power at supersonic speeds, but you need sufficient power to reach such speeds... Balance is crucial... weight distribution is a key thing to make a craft fly right at any situation... the craft must retain it's attitude w/o control surfaces help... because any deflection created by control surfaces, adds drag... and when it comes to de-orbit, the angle of attack needed to do it safely (usually 30°) will not be possible to sustain if the craft is not balanced properly... CoM and CoL relation is the basic variables... but they change because Drag and Bodylift changes this relation depending of the angle of attack... and the editor don't show you this info. The best base concept I've found for SSTOs is the "Skylon" design... because CoM, CoL, Drag and Bodylift relation remains the same at any situation...
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