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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. HeyYa Guzz \ / this plane looks good... but you can improve it a bit more doing 1 thing... place the main landing gears close to the CoM... so you can rotate the plane more easily at takeoff...
  2. Here... a big one I use to transport crew to my LKO stations... And yes... It have some stages.. but they are used to eject crew modules if something goes wrong... I'll never let 15 kerbals die at once...
  3. If you exchange turbojets by basicjets, this plane will have more range and better performance at low altitudes...
  4. This plane is so big, and so well balanced, that I can put payload anywhere inside the cargo bay and it will not get unstable, just need a bit of trimming to fly level depending of the weight. Only If the payload is fuel, then I need to put it centralized inside the bay. this plane took me 3 weeks to be finished back there at version .22, from concept, to design, balance, test... The main role of this plane was transportation of equipments and suplies to and from the polar bases. With full payload it have an effective range of 750Km (1500km in total). All with stock parts...
  5. well... If I go too low, the payload will explode... and the trip there takes 2hrs...
  6. Polar Bear was not designed to land in quick sand, and also, archeological site don't have enought space to operate a cargo plane in safe conditions. So, we have only one solution... L.A.P.E.S
  7. Antartikania - Geleira Sul - Icarus One MK-II (Airliner) Teste de extração de baixa altitude - Polar Bear (Avião de Carga) Base aérea da KAF em Death Island Piramides de Kaklia
  8. simple way... set Ap near geosync orbit altitude, and pe arround 74~90.000m wait for the Ap point stay above or near the place you want... and circularize orbit to a geosync configuration at this point...
  9. I did this way... used a tug with a main engine to push the rover to the moon... and 4 smal radial engines to pull it while landing... once it got close to the ground, detached the rover and flew the tug back to kerbin...
  10. no need to go to the mun... just burn to Normal+ - at the down and Up nodes... if you don't have a mod that shows it, they are half way between Ap and Pe... normal + and - are the direction parallel to the ground but perpendicullar to you orbit. enhanced navball draws it at the Navball...
  11. Sr.Clampotrons needs a lot of precision to dock properly... if you'll redesign the lander, use normal clampotrons and add some medium sized legs to the rover... Adjust position of the legs, and raise the rover to the port, instead of moving the lander. and test it on kerbin before sending it to space.
  12. Death Island Resort requested a new science lab to study sea life...
  13. If you really want to try this hud... https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=435E0A32E7A138BE!289&authkey=!ACc4D6nr-n4PlA8&ithint=file%2c.zip I use Hyomoto's add-on. So, I created it to work with Hyomoto's panels... It needs at last one JSI camera installed to the ship, with Id1, to work properly.
  14. I modified that HUD a bit to look more like a Jet's HUD... download link: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=435E0A32E7A138BE!289&authkey=!ACc4D6nr-n4PlA8&ithint=file%2c.zip It needs Hyomoto's add-on, and at last one JSI camera with Id1 installed at your ship.
  15. I really want an ILS system for KSP... one more thing... I'v found a small error with Hyomoto RPM add-on... once you load KSP for the first time, RPM works without problems. But if you go to the Debug menu and reload the database, RPM stops working. looking to the logs I'v found this message right after the game loads Hyomoto's MFD40x20.cfg: [error] Invalid boolean value. looking to it I'v found at line 19 the problem... it tries to set needsElectricCharge to '1', changing it to 'true' instead resolve the problem... also that small ahd1601 add-on have this same issue...
  16. for ILS to works I think the plugin only needs to know the runway coordinates, altitude and hdg... and the ship coordinates, altitude, hdg... it's not actually a real target... you can set some constants for the runways positions...
  17. I have a sugestion... is it possible to add on the target menu a Runway tab, where you can select between 4 targets, KSC 09, KSC 27, Island 09, Island 27... and then, when you approach the selected runway, the navball/apfd show some ILS indicators? and using that arrows change the approach angle?
  18. Hmmm... l was looking arround to find why the glass panels was not working with the Cupola pod... the cupola-patch.cfg file have an error on the first line... it is @PART[*]:HAS[@INTERNAL[cupola]]{ but was supposed to be it is @PART[*]:HAS[@INTERNAL[cupolaInternal]]{... made the change and it works now...
  19. I tried to use my old Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 with ksp... do not works properly... Xbox controler works partially... the trigger wont work properlly... after some researching I found the issue... Unity do not support any kind of joystick properlly since it dropped directinput support... but it's possible to add it separately... The most hard thing dev team did... 3D mouse support... but... I think we can count with fingers who plays ksp and have one of these mouses... The most common... and I think... the most important to a simulator game is... Joystick support... flightsticks, yokes, rudder pedals... simulators have to support all this things...
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