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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. for firespitter will be better if we use another circuit, with gates more close to each other... you can create it using this save file... all the rovers are there on the SPH...
  2. Here is the challenge, fly throug the gates with the fastest time. same rules of the Redbull airrace: you have to fly between the pylons. Grey pylons for horizontal position, Orange for vertical ( Knife Edge ) position. If you touch a pylon, probably the plane will loose a wing or 2, but in case not, the trial will not count... Time starts when you pass the first gate, take note of the mission time at this moment, fly the circuit and pass trought it again, take note of mission time again, subtract the start and you will have the result. This is my demo flight: start at 00:24, ends at 01:34... 01:10 flight time. You can use the AirRacer plane with the save file, or you can build your own, but it must use only stock parts, no FAR, and use only one basic jet as propulsion system. and have to use the MK1 or MK2 cockpit. No Vtol, no rocket engines allowed... Save File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7oa9v9gxlduq98f/redbull_airrace.zip
  3. eu postei com a tag to youtube... mas so apareceu o link deixei...
  4. This is the big deal... savefile, if you want to try it... https://www.dropbox.com/s/7oa9v9gxlduq98f/redbull_airrace.zip
  5. I'm not a spy... I'm a Field Agent...
  6. o meu é um classe E de 2.500Tn.... e ta a 120km de altitude com 1.5° de inclinação... tive q resolver varios problemas pra trazer ele... um era o bug de travar a orbita... depois do SAS e do RCS fazerem a coisa balançar sem controle... ai fiz uma nave q tem 4 aerospikes pra manobrar sem SAS nem RCS... deu certo... mas gasta muito combustivel...peguei essa bicho pq foi o primeiro q apareceu no meu save... não sei se foi sorte ou azar...
  7. então... se não tiver nada pra ver na tv... entediado... e tiver 50min de tempo livre... assiste aê... eu pilotando o mini shuttle pra estação espacial... de dentro da cabine...
  8. eu ja fiz duas... uma toda stock... e a outra usando as partes do KOS shuttle... Prometheus station - pra reabastercer as naves interplanetárias, e tb pra resgatar os perdidos em orbita... Korlov Station... serve pra nada... so pra brincar com o Onibus espacial...
  9. teste do sistema de pouso do meu Dragoon... album de fotos do Dragoon levando um lander pra Gilly versão atualizada
  10. me deu uma mão de obra danada colocar esse bicho na orbita certa pra construir uma estacão nele... precisei de 23 dessas naves... haja combustível
  11. how can we see your video if it's set to private?...
  12. no... I use rasterpropmonitor, enhanced navball, navball docking, and the mods that comes with KSO shuttle...
  13. The entire mission footage by Jeb's perspective...
  14. Korlov Station... built using exclusivelly the mini shuttle... 14 launches...
  15. I don't know if someone noticed this already, but the icons on orbital display and scansat map are messed up. Ships displays as stations and stations displays as bases... on this particular image, I was piloting a ship to dock with a station... if you look to the icons, ship is showed as a station and the station as a base. Maybe the new asteroid and unknow object classes changed the old icons ids
  16. Sending first module of the new Korlov Station to LKO. using KSO shuttle and station parts...
  17. do a campaing to get donations for it... if the demo isn't enought...
  18. there's an educational version of the game... with additional functions especific for it... http://www.kerbaledu.com
  19. acho q essa é a minha melhor screenshot até o momento...
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