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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. Ja fotografei alguns eclipses tb... bem bonito...
  2. this one needs taller landing gears and a big nosecone to fit on the inline parts... and also a tailcone...
  3. you need ScanSat for this... and you have to scan the planet first...
  4. try this one... @PART[*]:HAS[@INTERNAL[cupolaInternalRPM]]{ @PROP { name = RasterPropMonitorBasicHUD position = 0,-0.036,-0.45 rotation = 0.2,0,0,1 scale = 0.54,0.56,0.54 } }
  5. Abin ta q nem NSA... falou mal do PT eles vão analisar ate seu papel higiênico usado...
  6. texture's Alpha channel is ok... im designing a Hud, with a NavBall page. On the Hud, HeadingBar shows nicelly, but on Navball page it gets the same opacity as the background color property... witch is 10. Same as set in Hud page... "backgroundColor = 0,102,0,10" If I set background opacity to 255, or whatever more opaque , heading bar gets pretty visible.. like in the Hud page. If set to lower values it becames barelly visible. Even the overlay part that is outside the navball gets transparent/translucid. I also tested it with default textures, same thing happens.http://i.imgur.com/s7XC0tk.png http://i.imgur.com/dMmmzln.png
  7. Hey HellDiver... take a look at my new WIP hud feature...
  8. hey Mihara, there is no way to make the HeadingBar alpha channel of the JSIPrimaryFlightDisplay behave like in JSIHeadsUpDisplay? If I set background to be transparent, headingbar disapears...
  9. I updated my custom hud to work propperlly with rpm 0.17, and converted the textures to tga... and I created my own font texture, using a tool I wrote in C#, and that white lines has gone... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603-0-23-5-RasterPropMonitor-putting-the-A-in-your-IVA-%28v0-17%29-27-Jun?p=1241078&viewfull=1#post1241078
  10. I'v made a new hud for rpm0.17... I also made a tool to create font textures to use with rpm...
  11. You're using 4 boosters right? I use only 2... when I use 4 it gets hypersonic...
  12. on IVA, at the top panel... theres a cabin lights switch you click...
  13. I delivered a lot of stuff to my asteroid station at 180km, and landed the shuttle with half the fuel left. I don't use mechjeb also. It's not right... you're doing something wrong. Maybe the gravity turn. as the shuttle have wings, I start to turn arround 4k to 25°, 45° at 10k, and that follow the orbit marker at 30k+... I go to a initial orbit of 75k with the fuel tank on the shuttle almost full...
  14. hey helldiver... what about using that selector under the hud control to toggle the nav panel between ADI and PFD? and also fix the pfd option on the FMS screen... it shows an incomplete orbital panel...
  15. but it flies in space... will be much more usefull if we can change it to navball too... so we can change the side screen to orbital/target mode and use the navball for orientation... and also we can use the navball docking plugin for alignment (RPM aldready supports it) with the camera at the side screen... like I do with KSO... I like this mod not because of the look, looks nice yes, but to fly IVA... KSO is perfect for this...
  16. I'v found some minor problems on the IVA... the FMS screen, near the throtle levers, the PFD option shows an incomplete orbital screen instead of a navball... and the the big ADI screen can't be changed to PFD mode... >____<
  17. I have a design standard, to make modules compatible with each other. so if I build a new ship, I open a control module already done and attach the needed subassemblies... sometimes needs minnor changes to increase/reduce fuel capacity, or reduce unneded weight... even the action groups are standard. planes have a standard, rockets, rovers... so the binds will be always the same depending of the ship class...
  18. é... ja fiz uma missão pra lua toda pelo IVA usando isso...
  19. mod bom mesmo é o RasterPropMonitor... ainda mais se vc gosta de construir aviões...
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