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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. essa é a nave q eu uso pra viagens interplanetárias...
  2. nas viagens pra Mun por ex. o estágio de transferencia eu desacoplo em rota de colisão com Mun mesmo... Já nas viagens interplatenárias... eu uso naves modulares construidas em órbita... tb não deixam nada para traz... e podem ser reutilizadas sempre q necessário...
  3. recuperar debris da mais despesa q calcular a coisa toda pra não deixar nada em órbita... meus foguetes por ex. os estágios de lançamento são separados antes do Pe ficar positivo...
  4. permission to change my Hud textures? I can even give you the FireWorks template of the navball if you need...
  5. Hey Kujuman... with this new patch, something in your mod is causing a NullRef in module Manager. locking the game from loading. and also causes a bug in texturereplacer.
  6. found the culprits... NavUtilities HSI is causing a nullref in ModuleManager.
  7. yes... that was a problem with another mod... but now, with the new patch game don't even load... I think Module Manager is the cause... not sure... it gives a [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object once I remove module manager and all mods that uses it, game loads normally.
  8. with the today patch, module manager is locking the game from loading. [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  9. Only air bend masters knows the secrets involved in plane crafting...
  10. ok... don't worry... everything is ok now... was just a folder I forgot to delete...
  11. parei com 0.24.... voltei pro 0.23.5... cada hora aparece um novo bug bizarro... xD~
  12. I resolved All 0.24 bugs and mod incompatibilities... how? reverted back to 0.23.5...will not update untill all bugs from 0.22, till 0.24 get sorted... ¬¬"
  13. That's the problem here... I instaled ScanSat 6.1, removed modStatistics from it's folder before running KSP... ScanSat didn't worked...
  14. I installed ScanSatw/o modStatistics files... ScantSat don't works... If it's opitional, why this happens?
  15. não tem multiplayer ainda... e eu espero q os doido la da Squad resolvam esse monte de bugs antes d começar com multiplayer... pq se deixar acumular da forma q está... vai explodir...
  16. 0.24 came with a lot of bugs... and still have ones introduced with 0.23.5... KSP is turning into a giant bugball.. devs should launch a 0.25 without any new feature, and without bugs too... stop doing meaningless "carrer" things and start squishing the bugs... pls... I beg... I can't even imagine multiplayer... if it comes with cumulative bugs from 0.22, 0.23, 0.23.5, 0.24...
  17. It's a problem with the game itself... no mods involved... when you are flying low and change biomes the throtle and sas turns off... gg squad...
  18. It's the same as using duct tape to fix hole in your radiator... you still needs a new one...
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