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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. Do not mess with the Kraken man... never... O_____o"
  2. I use decouplers on rockets... and separators for emergency eject systems on planes...
  3. I think, and some other ppl think the same thing, carrer mode is not what it is supposed to be. Imagine if carrer mode works like an adventure game... with a quest... a mission... the player is Bob, and fly together with Jeb and Bill... At start you don't need to build the ship, but will later on game... You have a mission to do, a storyline, with dialogs, cutscenes and things like this... And at the endgame you will be abble to build your own ships and fly anywhere like in sandbox. with some bonuses... Imagine this...
  4. I should build a space pirate ship... with 20 space fighters at the hangar... solar sail... torpeedos... decoys... everything... and call it Nautilus...
  5. yes... put an asteroid arround one.. so it will have a moon... but real ones, orbits can deteriorate very fast if the gravity fields are not strong and stable enought...
  6. HX01 - MockingBird It uses an Ion engine to transfer orbits...
  7. assembled DSS01 - Borealis at LKO for future missions...
  8. Pronto... terminei de montar a primeira DSS da frota... DSS01 - Borealis essas naves tem capacidade de transportar suprimentos pra qualquer parte do sistema Kerbol.
  9. I generally design the Station or modular ship on the Vab... then I send each module up at the given sequence...
  10. the Ice caps are very big and flat...
  11. I use kerbal engineer... because I can fly the ship myself...
  12. lembram do trackmania kerbin? agora é tony kerman pro rover...
  13. Ksp rovers can do Varials and Tail Grinds...
  14. let me see... till now, the best time is: samiamthelaw:11 hours, 9 minutes, 16 seconds now we have Aphobius with 2 hours, 12 minutes and 15 seconds... who can ever do it faster?
  15. I only use the translatron feature of MJ... to build VOR towers arround kerbin... using my skycrane...
  16. why three... 2 pilots, witch one is the captain, one for the orbital module, one for the lander... and the engineer... - - - Updated - - - depending of the mission, one pilot, one engineer and one medic...
  17. pra mim parece ou um bug... ou uma trollagem...
  18. Enhanced Navball, Navball Docking, Rasterpropmonitor, Kerbal Engineer...
  19. Eve-X Mission... Only stock parts was used in this mission...
  20. Como o teste do lander foi bem sucedido, dados foram adiquiridos e algumas melhorias foram feitas. E então deu-se inicio a "Eve-X Mission"
  21. The first lander model had a design flaw... Rescue mission with a new and improved lander was sent to bring our kosmonauts back home...
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