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Posts posted by luizopiloto

  1. Really? ModStatistics a malware? Wow, I don't know what happens if a virus enters your system ...

    Seriously, ModStatistics collects Anonymously basic statistics, and paranoid users can always check out the source code so that they know exactly what gets sent.

    You don't like the mod? Fine. Don't install it. Literally, look at the zip file of the mod that contains it, and don't install the DLL. There's no need for a plugin.

    Also, ModStatistics sends your log file whenever there's a crash with a mod that supports it so the developers can find the bug faster.

    That's the problem here... I instaled ScanSat 6.1, removed modStatistics from it's folder before running KSP... ScanSat didn't worked...

  2. 0.24 came with a lot of bugs... and still have ones introduced with 0.23.5... KSP is turning into a giant bugball.. devs should launch a 0.25 without any new feature, and without bugs too... stop doing meaningless "carrer" things and start squishing the bugs... pls... I beg... I can't even imagine multiplayer... if it comes with cumulative bugs from 0.22, 0.23, 0.23.5, 0.24... :P

  3. rapais... essa Squad ta me deixando cada vez mais mad com esse jogo... reportei um bug la quando saiu o 0.23 em q as escadas não funcionavam no editor quando vc abre alguma nave... e não resolveram... e agora quando vc da um rasante perto das cabeceiras da pista, perto do helipad e entre o hangar eo astronaut center, o sas desliga e corta a potencia ou pra 0% ou pra 50%... ¬¬"

  4. Only XBox 360 controller works well.. and even this one needs some cfg tweaks to properlly use the triggers correctly...

    I have an old Sidewinder Forcefeedback 2... it works pretty well with every other game I have... even Battlefield 3/4.... Planetside 2...

    but in KSP it's bugged as hell... since Unity droped directinput support... in 2012... 2 years... and nothing... when they added 3D Mouse support, but no joystick support... I got really mad... ¬¬"

  5. and you think more than half of the people that play ksp will use joystick?

    more than ppl that plays with 3d mouses... chansub-global-emoticon-ddc6e3a8732cb50f-25x28.png

    There should be lots of ppl playing using flight sticks and other things if the game had better support for it... it's basically a flight simulator, come on...

    Unity don't give good support for this kind of peripherals. another Unity based space game had the same issues and the developers did a plugin to add complete support for joysticks.

    also an old bug that cause ladders to not deploy retract inside editor when you load a vessel, introduced in 0.23, remained in 0.24... and Squad, instead of resolving the many bugs KSP have, preffer to add more stuff to cause more bugs... It's a great game... but they are ruining it little by little the way they are managing it... I also found another annoying bug that changes your throtle and turns SaS off when you do a low flyby above certain points arround KSC... ¬¬"

  6. Talvez seja a exentricidade da nossa lua, por algum motivo eclipses fascinam nossa espécie!

    Já a Mün que tem eixo 0 faz com que seja muito mais fácil de eles ocorrerem em Kerbin, sempre na linha do eqüador.

    Mas eu não ejoo deles! KSP é tão lido, vasto e imersivo que é mais fácil ejoar de ter imaginação!

    Alias, KSP é a unica área fora da literatura em que um bloquei criativo te faz empacar, hehe.

    tb da pra empacar com desenvolvimento de software... acha q criar codigo é fácil? :P

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