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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. Winch cable not included: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/Hue-64b-SkyKrane
  2. Banido por não ter a autoridade necessária para promover nesse fórum... seu badernista :P
  3. Banido por desperdiçar F's... Não está sabendo do racionamento devido a recente escassez de F's? ಠ__ಠ
  4. banido por ter fugido do manicômio... se te encontrarem aqui vão me encontar tb... ಠ__ಠ
  5. @Azimech is the best Krakentechnician around... Today I made a bearing that can improve Krakentech™ contraptions a lot... because it can be abused beyond normal operation and it will not fail... The trick there is, 4 ticks space from absolute grid gives the exact diameter to match the rcs ports... The rcs ports axle must be assembled attaching the first one to the root part and all the subsequent ones to the preview rcs port... To hold it in place you have to use the atmospheric analyzer in 6x radial symmetry. It must be perfectly aligned, because if you leave it too loose, the bearing will vibrate, too tight and it will also vibrate... It's very compact, very resistant/reliable, and can be scaled up to any desired length you need. I have some pics of crafts using this bearing and a craft file you can get to try it first hand: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/XF-31-Canary
  6. Banido... pq vc saiu pra comprar cigarros e nunca mais voltou...
  7. Banido por ser um peão usado para criar "Destração"
  8. 3 days later... and I finished my new heavy cargoplane...
  9. I usually place another shield at the back to balance the drag... You have to strut everything really well to resist the high Gs when hitting the more dense layers of Eve's atmosphere... The back shield must point towards the direction you want the craft to fly or it will get unstable... You do this by attaching the back shield on it's back node, and use the gizmo tool to rotate it 180°, because it only opens if it's front node is free.
  10. MM patch to remove attachment nodes from the corners of the MH structural panels: WARNING: Any craft that have any part attached to the nodes removed by this patch will not load correctly or not load at all, edit those crafts before applying this patch. @PART[Triangle*]:HAS[#author[RoverDude]]:FINAL { !node_stack_topleft = 0 !node_stack_lefttop = 0 !node_stack_topright = 0 !node_stack_righttop = 0 !node_stack_bottomleft = 0 !node_stack_leftbottom = 0 } @PART[Panel*]:HAS[#author[RoverDude]]:FINAL { !node_stack_topleft = 0 !node_stack_lefttop = 0 !node_stack_topright = 0 !node_stack_righttop = 0 !node_stack_bottomleft = 0 !node_stack_leftbottom = 0 !node_stack_bottomright = 0 !node_stack_rightbottom = 0 }
  11. banido por só reclamar e não fazer nada a respeito... nem parece brasileiro... não... pera... ಠ__ಠ
  12. banido pq não to nem um pouco afim de ajuizar uma batalha galática durante o feriado... seu badernista...
  13. Banido pq eu não estava falando desse escolhido...Seu badernista...
  14. Start: 4:28 Finish: 33:12 Time: 28:44 I landed with only 2.42 units of fuel left...
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